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Arts & Farts

Winterfang That might not fall under parody laws though. Ill spend more time this weekend looking this up since it feels a bit cruel to be talking about this right now and not getting foxys opinion on it. But you guys should be informed as well since it is a group effort.

DM_uselink Yeah! With your art, this book is really going to be amazing :D
I have no problem with talking about it. Id rather have everyone in the know. I will try contacting a few people who deal with this as well to see the best way to go about doing video game art. Im not opposed to everyone creating original art either. But I think the video game subject is worth investigating.
Oh btw, Dreweyes needs to be on the list, I mean, he made this freaking thread (and hes great)
Yes! I thought about that when I was PMígn people but forgot to send him one!
Definitely! What about Doc Holiday? has anyone contacted him? or Shogmaster? That is of course if they agree.
Will do!


I have no problem with talking about it. Id rather have everyone in the know. I will try contacting a few people who deal with this as well to see the best way to go about doing video game art. Im not opposed to everyone creating original art either. But I think the video game subject is worth investigating.

Perhaps make it more centered around taking an IP in a new direction or a new content expansion that isn't covered by the devs, to keep all the work beyond the characters original but still being in the universe of whatever game


I have no problem with talking about it. Id rather have everyone in the know. I will try contacting a few people who deal with this as well to see the best way to go about doing video game art. Im not opposed to everyone creating original art either. But I think the video game subject is worth investigating.
Will do!

Yeah I agree too, popular games is the best theme. And I know I said I won't worry about it but then I did... We'll find a printer! It'll all be good (sorry for starting drama if I did) ;O; So many other artists sell fan art why can't we.
This may not be the place for this, but I've been accepted to Massart's graduate program for sculpture! Still waiting on a few schools (SMFA, VCU, and Syracuse) and have also been accepted to BU and UMass:Dartouth, but I'm probably going to go with Massart. Does anyone happen to know much about their program? I toured the facilities and they seemed amazing, but I'd love to have a little more insight if possible.
Congrats Arsenic! Wish I could help you with that!

Anyway I wanted to come here because I figured you guys might be able to answer this. I have a guy building me a website but I kind of need one right now (a temporary one) that can showcase my work. Preferably some free portfolio website that is simple but cool.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Congrats Arsenic! Wish I could help you with that!

Anyway I wanted to come here because I figured you guys might be able to answer this. I have a guy building me a website but I kind of need one right now (a temporary one) that can showcase my work. Preferably some free portfolio website that is simple but cool.

I just use blogger now, it looks nice enough and its really easy to manage




My very first work with the amazing Hexels, an insanely awesome art tool by Hex Ray Studios.
Do not miss it guys, it's really really rad!


My gesture drawings are really sad. :(
Don't be sad they aren't bad at all! I've started sketching traditionally 30 mins a day because I hear it helps a lot and yesterday I was thinking what's the point since I'm not learning the basic shapes I'm just copying others sketches... BUT three days later after I started practicing I drew two hands in class and they didn't look bad! So keep with it you are learning something even if you can't see it right now. And this guys has AMAZING sketches (mostly where I'm drawing from atm): http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=59317 If you don't have a pixiv login I can give you mine since his stuff is really worth seeing.

These too: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=26181763



This is my first time in this thread, I started art a year or so ago, and then dropped it completely due to some other factors.
I started it back recently on and off since around summer last year, but not much of my work is actually "showmanship" worthy.
I did a few pieces recently however by requests of a few friends:



None of them are any good, so please don't be so harsh on how much I suck. I'm aware, haha.


Don't be sad they aren't bad at all! I've started sketching traditionally 30 mins a day because I hear it helps a lot and yesterday I was thinking what's the point since I'm not learning the basic shapes I'm just copying others sketches... BUT three days later after I started practicing I drew two hands in class and they didn't look bad! So keep with it you are learning something even if you can't see it right now. And this guys has AMAZING sketches (mostly where I'm drawing from atm): http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=59317 If you don't have a pixiv login I can give you mine since his stuff is really worth seeing.

These too: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=26181763

Thanks! Those pixiv links look pretty helpful. Will look into them.

This is my first time in this thread, I started art a year or so ago, and then dropped it completely due to some other factors.
I started it back recently on and off since around summer last year, but not much of my work is actually "showmanship" worthy.
I did a few pieces recently however by requests of a few friends:

I like the crocky; it's cute and simple.


I see your one bird and raise you a 100 birds.

I love this. It's so lovelyyy and cute.. waaaaghh..
I wish I had the patience for pixel art because it always looks so cool.

Yeah I agree too, popular games is the best theme. And I know I said I won't worry about it but then I did... We'll find a printer! It'll all be good (sorry for starting drama if I did) ;O; So many other artists sell fan art why can't we.
omg when is this thread being made. I am dying of anticipation. xD

Why not get Ka-blam.com to print? I always thought their prices seemed the most reasonable out of allprinters I've come across.
Oh nooooo.. I just realized they can no longer print hardcovers right now.. Q____Q
Can we still get a paperback made, I suppose, but that's totally not the same as a BOOK book..
(I am going to softly cry now because I though maybe in some vague future time, I would make an artbook for myself and get it printed from Ka-blam. xD)

Welp, I hope you guys can figure this out. As for the copyrights thing being an issue.. Yes, that is always a sticky one.

I think maybe if we had a very strong theme going, it could help. Something like:
"artists' commentary on how videogames transformed their world" or something like that.
I think if for example, we depicted ourselves in the role of the main characters we play as, or some kind of self-insert work, that would count more towards fair use and transformative work. Penny Arcade and other gaming webcomics sure as heck profit from their works despite the 3rd party intellectual property involved, but because it has some kind of message, critique, or deconstruction of the game or industry, it gets a pass under fair use. A small blurb explaining the image / as an artists statement could add to that.

Even sections of:
- My introduction to videogames
- Why I love games
- Those tired limitations and tropes
- The glitches that grew on me
- My vision of a perfect game / the future

Can really tie the book together thematically? Plus engage the reader as well to expand on that. I'd love to see some kind of artbook epilogue or something where others can contribute to each "section"with their own art (maybe in website/blog form?).

And it kind of goes with the theme that while GAF is not only a site that celebrates videogames and the videogame industry, it also criticizes and deconstructs it, and does it as a community.

I think we become a bigger target for trouble if it's just a book full of "pretty/cool fan artwork".

(I think that's how it works anyway. Someone else may correct me if I'm wrong!
My musings are partially based on what I read from here: http://jomosthompson.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/does-fan-art-violate-copyright/ )

This is my first time in this thread, I started art a year or so ago, and then dropped it completely due to some other factors.
I started it back recently on and off since around summer last year, but not much of my work is actually "showmanship" worthy.
I did a few pieces recently however by requests of a few friends:



None of them are any good, so please don't be so harsh on how much I suck. I'm aware, haha.
Yessss~~! You are posting~! <3
That croc is even cuter than I remember!

Is that any particular character? I feel like it might be from an anime I have never watched, but all them school girl uniform designs all kind of blur together for me anyway. xD

Like I said, I think you are pretty good for someone that's only really picked up drawing since a year ago! And it doesn't really matter if they are showmanship quality or not. Just the process of creating and having something concrete even if it's a scribble is awesome.


Hey guys, since I already do gaming tribute comics at Blow The Cartridge I'd like to pitch in on this gaming book you're putting together, if you'll have me.

In the meantime I've been posting new comics four times a week, here's some of the latest ones. I think the bits I've vowed to improve on lately have turned out better, as always there's a lot of work to go.



I like the crocky; it's cute and simple.

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment!

Yessss~~! You are posting~! <3
That croc is even cuter than I remember!

Is that any particular character? I feel like it might be from an anime I have never watched, but all them school girl uniform designs all kind of blur together for me anyway. xD

Like I said, I think you are pretty good for someone that's only really picked up drawing since a year ago! And it doesn't really matter if they are showmanship quality or not. Just the process of creating and having something concrete even if it's a scribble is awesome.

Well I told you I would post here, Prax, so trying to keep to my word :p

It's Yukko from Nichijou. A friend was bugging me for weeks to draw her and I was drawing her in paint.net but it looked like she was stoned. I recently bought Artrage 4.0 and that was my first drawing on Artrage and first time drawing an anime character at that.

I kind of have a question for you all. As a new artist, I usually look at existing photos or images and kind of use the basic shape and outlines to draw my pictures. When people draw fantasy pieces like dragons and faeries and what not, chances there are not going to be real life photos just only fan art from other sources. How do people draw originally from an image/idea from their mind transferred onto the paper/canvas/etc? I have a really hard time trying to do this...
(I really hope my question makes sense.)


omg when is this thread being made. I am dying of anticipation. xD

Why not get Ka-blam.com to print? I always thought their prices seemed the most reasonable out of allprinters I've come across.
Oh nooooo.. I just realized they can no longer print hardcovers right now.. Q____Q
Can we still get a paperback made, I suppose, but that's totally not the same as a BOOK book..
(I am going to softly cry now because I though maybe in some vague future time, I would make an artbook for myself and get it printed from Ka-blam. xD)

Welp, I hope you guys can figure this out. As for the copyrights thing being an issue.. Yes, that is always a sticky one......

Haha, soon my precious soon.

Ohh! I totally forgot about Kablam thank you (I'll add them to the list of possible printers)! LOL all my artbooks have perfect binding so I didn't even think about the possibility of hardcover. Since hardcover seems like it's $100+ more we should do a like tier thing if we hit $xxxx then hardcovers for everyone!

Ahh! You got me thinking this should probably be covered in the OT. I was thinking just the specific information but probably templates and set up should be figured out right now too.

"I think we become a bigger target for trouble if it's just a book full of "pretty/cool fan artwork"."
Ahh you think people are expecting more?? OTL I have MANGA Masters of Art- Timothy R. Lehmann and it is more like a narration of the mangakas community and information about it with a little bit of imagery. How many pages will this be?? This is a great thing to be discussing though. I'll be thinking about this and add several possibilities to my rough OT. I was thinking just a pretty artbook should be fine but some intelligent commentary seems like it would really add to the value of the book as a whole.

I haven't read this copyright post yet, I will tonight! Thank you for all this great information ;O; If you have anymore ideas please don't be afraid to speak! : D


I hope in 6 months I can draw like Alfons Mucha but a little more realistic lol


Did some more gesture drawings. A lot of times I can't finish the pose in 30 seconds so there are some missing arms and legs.

Really big images since I forgot to resize them. D:



Oh, I posted them as links since I didn't want to fill the thread with gesture drawings people would have to scroll through.


Oh, I posted them as links since I didn't want to fill the thread with gesture drawings people would have to scroll through.

Woah only 30 seconds each those look so pro! Great job :D
And I like how you got the basic shapes for the body parts I need to do that.

on another note. heey you guys my school is having a sign up asking if any professional hobbyists would like to teach classes on their craft. Someone is having 4 lessons of rock painting for $25 and I was thinking I would do an 8 lesson class on polymer clay and how to make stuff mold it paint it and sell it. Ahh I hope I get picked, have any of you thought about having craft demonstrations to make a quick buck? I hope I get chosen.


Man this thread moves too fast for me sometimes! Lovely work posted by many of you, and especially like those gesture drawings Ken.

Woah only 30 seconds each those look so pro! Great job :D
And I like how you got the basic shapes for the body parts I need to do that.

on another note. heey you guys my school is having a sign up asking if any professional hobbyists would like to teach classes on their craft. Someone is having 4 lessons of rock painting for $25 and I was thinking I would do an 8 lesson class on polymer clay and how to make stuff mold it paint it and sell it. Ahh I hope I get picked, have any of you thought about having craft demonstrations to make a quick buck? I hope I get chosen.

nah I haven't though about doing anything like that. Always have that feeling that I'm not good enough to actually teach. Good luck all the same!

Also, I've spent the last day and a half colour calibrating my monitor and learning about proofs and profiles for printing. I'm pretty new at all of the technicalities of printing, but just realising how essential for any digital artist (photographer or painter) to have colour accurate monitors. I had someone else ask on my tumblr to write a sort of easy to read guide on what I know. It'll basically explain how to calibrate your monitor, what profiles are exactly, and how to assign them to your pictures for when you send them off to print anywhere.

I was wondering if anyone here had a good source of some extra information, know a bit themselves, or was interested in seeing it at all?

Will be posting some more soon I hope :C So slow compared to all you guys.


Man this thread moves too fast for me sometimes! Lovely work posted by many of you, and especially like those gesture drawings Ken.

nah I haven't though about doing anything like that. Always have that feeling that I'm not good enough to actually teach. Good luck all the same!

Also, I've spent the last day and a half colour calibrating my monitor and learning about proofs and profiles for printing. I'm pretty new at all of the technicalities of printing, but just realising how essential for any digital artist (photographer or painter) to have colour accurate monitors. I had someone else ask on my tumblr to write a sort of easy to read guide on what I know. It'll basically explain how to calibrate your monitor, what profiles are exactly, and how to assign them to your pictures for when you send them off to print anywhere.

I was wondering if anyone here had a good source of some extra information, know a bit themselves, or was interested in seeing it at all?

Will be posting some more soon I hope :C So slow compared to all you guys.

Thanks and after that class I hope to make semi-bjd dolls by then and make a class for that too. Haha yeah you have to be careful with digital art classes because it might just become a class on using basic photoshop (well if you live in the country lol).

Ahh I got into that pretty seriously (calibration) and was freaking out when I got my business cards printed but the color seemed pretty spot on (for my 6 year old computer screen). I don't think I could ever shell out a couple hundred for a pantone color guide? It seems like all those snazzzy calibration contraptions you add to your screen don't really do anything (unless new models are better?). When does it really become a problem? You can always ask for a proof from the printer or ask them to adjust the colors since they have experience with their printers. But I would really like to read your essay since I'll probably be freaking out when the book gets printed xD
Pylon, your work is amazing. I'm really curious as to what software you use for those images... i'm totally an analog artist and i'm struggling to get things moving with a tablet.

Cheers mate. You know, it's really basic with me. Like, neolithic. All the linework is done on basic copy paper - I do swear by Staedtler Pigment Liners and any grubby old 2B pencil - and then scanned in a crappy old Canon Pixus scanner at 300dpi. Then, it's a case of Photoshop CS3. Here's the really crappy and unprofessional aspect...instead of setting the linework to multiply for colouring, I just select the white with the wand, select similar and BOOM delete. Then just scrub in the colours in lower layers. No professional here.

I can hear the hackles rising!


Cheers mate. You know, it's really basic with me. Like, neolithic. All the linework is done on basic copy paper - I do swear by Staedtler Pigment Liners and any grubby old 2B pencil - and then scanned in a crappy old Canon Pixus scanner at 300dpi. Then, it's a case of Photoshop CS3. Here's the really crappy and unprofessional aspect...instead of setting the linework to multiply for colouring, I just select the white with the wand, select similar and BOOM delete. Then just scrub in the colours in lower layers. No professional here.

I can hear the hackles rising!

WOW seriously?? I really thought your work was done with a tablet especially the lineart! You're amazing! Woooow. Hackles? More like ugly sobbing. Now I have to go find all your artwork and analyze it. That's simply amazing I would never have expected.
WOW seriously?? I really thought your work was done with a tablet especially the lineart! You're amazing! Woooow. Hackles? More like ugly sobbing. Now I have to go find all your artwork and analyze it. That's simply amazing I would never have expected.

Yeah, I hate doing linework on a tablet. A stubborn old dog. Nothing beats a good pen.

Such a position means I'm far less flexible than the magnificent beasts of art in here, but then, that's why they're getting paid in the industry and I'm just long-time hobbyist.

Also, I've only got an old Wacom Graphire4 tablet the size of your fingernail, but it's my paint palette and does the job.
I'm 25 and I started playing the piano for the first time today.

I suck, but I don't care, I really enjoy doing it.

Hopefully I'll get better soon!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah, I hate doing linework on a tablet. A stubborn old dog. Nothing beats a good pen.

Such a position means I'm far less flexible than the magnificent beasts of art in here, but then, that's why they're getting paid in the industry and I'm just long-time hobbyist.

Also, I've only got an old Wacom Graphire4 tablet the size of your fingernail, but it's my paint palette and does the job.

If you lived in SF I could kind of make sure you wouldnt be a hobbyist anymore, lol

BTW, I just ordered one of these


Yiyinova MSP19U

Really excited, its gonna be what I need to go all digital and get going with my book projects :D

Speaking of which, heres a WIP on the cover for my upcoming sketchbook


And a couple of detail shots because I inked it all digitally and Im pretty happy with how it came out



Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Goddammit DM_Uselink why won't you let me hire you

Edit: Raging Spaniard you too whatever man damn

Haha, its all in the timing man! If you need a thing or two done for freelance, hit me up.


Hey guys, since I already do gaming tribute comics at Blow The Cartridge I'd like to pitch in on this gaming book you're putting together, if you'll have me.

In the meantime I've been posting new comics four times a week, here's some of the latest ones. I think the bits I've vowed to improve on lately have turned out better, as always there's a lot of work to go.

Lol. That's actually pretty hilarious. Loving that sense of humour Gaz.


If you lived in SF I could kind of make sure you wouldnt be a hobbyist anymore, lol

BTW, I just ordered one of these


Yiyinova MSP19U

Really excited, its gonna be what I need to go all digital and get going with my book projects :D

Please post your impressions on the Yiyinvoa RS. I've read a few good reviews of them and supposedly they do a lot of things better than the cintiq's, compounded by there very tasty looking price. Would love to know what you think of it.

Really need to post some stuff. I've been doing some low-poly 3d characters and animations for a small Unity project I'm making. Also learning some programming to go with it. Might post some gifs of my character running around :).
These look amazing! Are they for anything in particular? For whatever reason they kind of remind me of picross for the DS, like when you complete a level with few mistakes and the thing animates. So good.

I'm mostly making sheets of 100 sprites for background props/decoration in a comic I'm doing.

I love this. It's so lovelyyy and cute.. waaaaghh..
I wish I had the patience for pixel art because it always looks so cool.


I always find it kinda funny when people say this, cause I have more patience for pixels than other art forms. ^^


Thanks and after that class I hope to make semi-bjd dolls by then and make a class for that too. Haha yeah you have to be careful with digital art classes because it might just become a class on using basic photoshop (well if you live in the country lol).

Ahh I got into that pretty seriously (calibration) and was freaking out when I got my business cards printed but the color seemed pretty spot on (for my 6 year old computer screen). I don't think I could ever shell out a couple hundred for a pantone color guide? It seems like all those snazzzy calibration contraptions you add to your screen don't really do anything (unless new models are better?). When does it really become a problem? You can always ask for a proof from the printer or ask them to adjust the colors since they have experience with their printers. But I would really like to read your essay since I'll probably be freaking out when the book gets printed xD

Ah awesome! I have a friend who does some bjd dolls, and they always look pretty cool. I'm usually tempted to buy one but..not sure if id wan't something semi creepy staring at me in the distance of my home...

And yeah some of the calibrators can be pretty expensive, so it is kind of asking for a bit, but asking for proofs from the printers can be pretty expensive as well. My local printer (who i don't really use at all any more) wanted about £28 for a proof done per image. I'd only have to do about 5 images before It would have been cheaper to buy a calibrator anyway. And to top that off, I'd have to wait for postage time as well as paying postage for each time I had to correct it and make another. AND on top of that it's still a guessing game every time I would send it off.

I think a lot of people who do calibrate their screens are probably completely forgetting to "profile" their work as well, which is the second half of the battle. Profiling further colour corrects the image on how it will look when printing with a specific printer on particular papers.Without profiling you're still pretty much in the dark. Anyway I'll explain that all when I finish reading up a bit more about it and write it all down, and I'll send it your way!

Please post your impressions on the Yiyinvoa RS. I've read a few good reviews of them and supposedly they do a lot of things better than the cintiq's, compounded by there very tasty looking price. Would love to know what you think of it.

And I second this!


Cheers mate. You know, it's really basic with me. Like, neolithic. All the linework is done on basic copy paper - I do swear by Staedtler Pigment Liners and any grubby old 2B pencil - and then scanned in a crappy old Canon Pixus scanner at 300dpi. Then, it's a case of Photoshop CS3. Here's the really crappy and unprofessional aspect...instead of setting the linework to multiply for colouring, I just select the white with the wand, select similar and BOOM delete. Then just scrub in the colours in lower layers. No professional here.

I can hear the hackles rising!

How good it is to hear that there's still Pencil & Ink guys out there...

i'm transitioning from graphic design (heavily digital) to a more artsy, illustration style, but i need to be able to do illustration work on the computer also... just having a hard time with tablets... something i've never done before.

Anyways, here's my "transition portfolio"... the idea is to increase the analog section and gently remove any traces of my creative director days.


ps. it LOVES chrome... but i cant guarantee it will work right with 'em rest...


Ah awesome! I have a friend who does some bjd dolls, and they always look pretty cool. I'm usually tempted to buy one but..not sure if id wan't something semi creepy staring at me in the distance of my home...

And yeah some of the calibrators can be pretty expensive, so it is kind of asking for a bit, but asking for proofs from the printers can be pretty expensive as well. My local printer (who i don't really use at all any more) wanted about £28 for a proof done per image. I'd only have to do about 5 images before It would have been cheaper to buy a calibrator anyway. And to top that off, I'd have to wait for postage time as well as paying postage for each time I had to correct it and make another. AND on top of that it's still a guessing game every time I would send it off.

I think a lot of people who do calibrate their screens are probably completely forgetting to "profile" their work as well, which is the second half of the battle. Profiling further colour corrects the image on how it will look when printing with a specific printer on particular papers.Without profiling you're still pretty much in the dark. Anyway I'll explain that all when I finish reading up a bit more about it and write it all down, and I'll send it your way!

EXACTLY OMG. That's me every time I contemplate buying one. I'm so superstitious and scared I have to sleep with a nightlight on sometimes (used to be all last year and I'm 20...).

Wow, £28 per proof per image that's bs. Haha exactly. Wow, I didn't know that ahh I can't wait for your calibrating post I need to follow you thank you! : D I've seen some screens for artist that are around $1k if not more, would you ever spend that much for one?
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