do these lever weight belts come recommended?
looking for a new one since mine got stolen. seem to be okay, easy to get in and out, same width all the way around..
As many of you know, I'm the Worst Squatter Ever (TM) and I need all the help I can get!
Hah, why is this?
I've been training for like 26 months and I can barely squat 315lb for reps ;(
It's fucking embarrasing.
How much do you weigh?
I rarely go above 315 when squatting, usually stick to around 2.5 plates :\
If you think RDLs are bad, wait 'till you try Good Mornings.
I do them with half the weight I do RLDs with, and I'm 10x more sore :O
I think RDLs are a fantastic assistance exercise, but they didn't really help my squat which is what I was hoping they'd do. I think they are more of a Deadlift builder.
So I switched to GMs, since both Bill Starr and Wendler sing their praises as a squat booster. As many of you know, I'm the Worst Squatter Ever (TM) and I need all the help I can get!
I do both, but I'm scared to go too heavy on Good Mornings in fear of fucking up my lower back. With RDL I can go much heavier, so they do more of a number on my hams. Also, I'm currently doing high bar squats, so I don't think Good Mornings really help me with those.
220lb(ish)@6'2" ;(
I should be squatting more given how long I've been training, and how much I've squatted in that time (at least 2x per week, often more), and how central I consider squats to my training, and specially given that I can easily deadlift 450lbx5, and can probably hit 5 plates for 1RM with straps.
It feels like bashing my head against the wall. I mean, my bench is awful too, but I don't care because a) I have a bad shoulder b) It's not a squat![]()
Though my best guess is, you might just have a bad body type for squats. Long legs, short torso?
Just had two 16oz chicken breasts and looked up how much protein is in them, 180-200g. I hit my protein macros today off two meals and I'm right at around 65 grams of carbs.
Yeah, that's meBut I'm also scared shitless of squats. I do my 531 squats on Monday, and usually it ends up ruining my Sunday because I feel such anxiety. I literally can't get them out of my mind.
Don't you only absorb around 50g of protein per meal though? Think it needs to be more spread out.
Ah that's unfortunate haha, got dealt a bad hand in that regard.
This may be a silly question, but considering the mental impact it's having on you, why do you feel the need to lift so heavy on squat? I'm not quite sure what your goals are, but if you're just a recreational lifter than I'd argue that we all have weak points, we just have to learn how to work with and around them.
220lb(ish)@6'2" ;(
I should be squatting more given how long I've been training, and how much I've squatted in that time (at least 2x per week, often more), and how central I consider squats to my training, and specially given that I can easily deadlift 450lbx5, and can probably hit 5 plates for 1RM with straps.
It feels like bashing my head against the wall. I mean, my bench is awful too, but I don't care because a) I have a bad shoulder b) It's not a squat
At this point I'm sure it's more of a mental issue than anything. I need therapy. I need a shrink who's also a powerlifter.
Just had two 16oz chicken breasts and looked up how much protein is in them, 180-200g. I hit my protein macros today off two meals and I'm right at around 65 grams of carbs.
Don't you only absorb around 50g of protein per meal though? Think it needs to be more spread out.
I was shitting/farting like a human septic tank for three days straight from all the excess protein I was you will share the same fate.
My coworkers hated me, and I laughed and laughed.
Don't you only absorb around 50g of protein per meal though? Think it needs to be more spread out.
Damn! That would be so awesome seeing you there. With how much you can muscle up, I could totally see you owning the salmon ladder.
My friend is currently training for it and hell once I'm in great shape I'd love to try it. Am pretty luck that there's a nearby parkour gym run by a guy who competed on American Ninja Warior so once I'm ready I can train on the Warped Wall, salmon ladder, cliffhanger etc.
I appreciate the response, might have to look into those noodles lol
Also i'm glad to hear the bars don't mess with your glucose levels, I was just concerned about ya after reading those comments![]()
Yeah they are. Works out at £2.50 a bar. For £20 more I could get a 2.5Kg tub of protein.....but they look so tasty.
Pretty psyched for today, first day of SS routine. Decided I'm gonna do 3 sets of squats with just the bar, then on the last two I'll add 10 lbs plates to each side and see that how goes. Still not sure how deadlifts work but I convinced a buddy to come along to check my form. Then I'll do presses. Feeling anxious but positive. I'll post my impressions later.![]()
From a pure physique point of view imo:
1) Darth
2a) Cooter
2b) Imm0rt4l
Honorable mention to Petrie, Szu, blackflag, and MrToughPants.
Your Fitness life is about to get a 100 times more exciting.
After a couple of weeks you'll LOVE them and you'll feel very accomplished as you start breaking PRs left and right.
You are gonna make it.
Thought this was a cool photo my buddy took.
Can someone recommend me a good assistance exercise for Bench Press on 5/3/1 BBB. Right now I'm doing weighted dips as my assistance, but all my other lifts have skyrocketd and my bench press has stalled hard.
Can someone recommend me a good assistance exercise for Bench Press on 5/3/1 BBB. Right now I'm doing weighted dips as my assistance, but all my other lifts have skyrocketd and my bench press has stalled hard.
Looking good Boogie! Now hurry up and start that bulk and cover those abs with flab! You're making us look bad.
Let's get some Quest Bar talk up in here. I have had my first tastes, with Peanut Butter Supreme and Apple Pie. Both microwaved 10 seconds.
I need to try PB Supreme again for a full review. I think I need to up the microwave time for that one to 15 seconds, but it tasted pretty good. Apple Pie IMHO is a little on the too-sweet side. I might not microwave the next one which I think will help with that.
Let's get some Quest Bar talk up in here. I have had my first tastes, with Peanut Butter Supreme and Apple Pie. Both microwaved 10 seconds.
I need to try PB Supreme again for a full review. I think I need to up the microwave time for that one to 15 seconds, but it tasted pretty good. Apple Pie IMHO is a little on the too-sweet side. I might not microwave the next one which I think will help with that.
Ok help me out guys.
Finally got batteries for that heart rate monitor. I figured it would estimate calories burned too, but it doesn't. Is there a good calculator for estimating calories burned based on heart rate??
Does it have to be a rowing movement? I have seen that recommended, but I'm not sure. And my copy of the ebook doesn't go over the BBB template. Currently I do the following:With BBB shouldn't you be doing the 531 sets of bench press then 5x10 bench press and then a rowing movement? Where is the room for any extra assistance work
Forgot about that one. Thanks.close grip bench for dat tricep strength.
Does it have to be a rowing movement? I have seen that recommended, but I'm not sure. And my copy of the ebook doesn't go over the BBB template. Currently I do the following:
Bench Press 5/3/1
Bench Press 5x10 @ 50%
5x10 Weighted Dips
I was looking for something to replace the weighted dips since I'm stalling. But if a rowing movement is required on BP days then that may be my problem.
Forgot about that one. Thanks.
I hear ya Boogie. I can eat 6,000 calories a day and not break a sweat.
I'm ALWAYS down for quest bar talk! I may be the only one who doesn't microwave. I actually prefer them cold. All of them. Apple pie and PB Supreme are both top five. Good choices.
I do rows on my back day as asssistance and I also do random sets of widegrip pullups throughout the week. Don't know if that's optimal but in 5/3/1 Jim recommends doing a shitload of pullups throughout the week. I don't know if that's optimal with BBB though. I don't go crazy, but I'll randomly do a set during my rest time.It isn't that it is required, it is about achieving balance with your body. Doing a rowing motion is recommended because the bench is a push and rowing would be a pull. On top of that, strong lats/back can help you with your bench. Where do you tend to stall out on the bench?
I do rows on my back day as asssistance and I also do random sets of widegrip pullups throughout the week. Don't know if that's optimal but in 5/3/1 Jim recommends doing a shitload of pullups throughout the week. I don't know if that's optimal with BBB though. I don't go crazy, but I'll randomly do a set during my rest time.
When I fail on bench it's always about halfway up. I feel like my arms are the weak part of the equation. They always feel more tired than my chest. I rarely fail though since I tend to workout alone and I read Jim Wendler saying to always leave at least 1 good rep in the tank.
I've had to reset my bench weight though and I'm actually getting less reps than I did when I was at this point before I reset.