I'm sure this has been answered before, but I couldn't find a response in the pages I searched. Does the PS3 save transfer to PS4? If not, I'll just wait for the PS4 version. Too many games to play right now anyway!
A lot of people think Brotherhood is the best.
I'm aware, but personally, it wasn't all that to me.
But then again, I'm the guy who loved ACR and ACIII.
I'm aware, but personally, it wasn't all that to me.
But then again, I'm the guy who loved ACR and ACIII.
Just tried to take on a white whale
lol guess you need fully upgraded harpooning to take it on
Game is total awesome
But then again, I'm the guy who loved ACR and ACIII.
My man.
ACR is the best in the series. Had everything that Brotherhood had and such an awesome story with the Ezio and Altair finale.
Thirty seconds in and I can already tell my complaints about III are still valid here. Controls are still oversimplified.
There's no jumping. There's no looking at which ledges you may or may not make if you jump. Just hold those two buttons in the general direction and the game does it all for you.
I'd return it now if I hadn't already opened it.
You can crash in racing games.Imagine it's a racing game.
Thirty seconds in and I can already tell my complaints about III are still valid here. Controls are still oversimplified.
There's no jumping. There's no looking at which ledges you may or may not make if you jump. Just hold those two buttons in the general direction and the game does it all for you.
I'd return it now if I hadn't already opened it.
In AC 1/2 you had to do more than just hold the trigger and a direction on the thumb stick to climb. It's boring.How is this different than all AC games? It's like complaining about ADS in COD after playing MW3. Where have you been?
Connor may have been bland, but he wasn't blatantly stupid and knew what side he stood on from the get go.
How the fuck am I supposed to know if it's a spoiler?Its an early game plot device. edit your post. if you think its a spoiler, dont repost.
game is still called Assassin's Creed
My man.
ACR is the best in the series. Had everything that Brotherhood had and such an awesome story with the Ezio and Altair finale.
yeah, how about not jumping me from the rooftop and stabbing my face if you're unsure its a spoiler?
Still, it was a slip on my part. I apologize. I'm precisely like you in that I prefer to be in the dark and any slip of information breaks that illusion. Again, I apologize.
In AC 1/2 you had to do more than just hold the trigger and a direction on the thumb stick to climb. It's boring.
Can't comment on combat just yet. But in terms of moving around and whatnot, it's such an oversimplified process that takes the fun out of one of the game's most interesting aspects.
All the reasons people dislike Connor, are exactly why I find him to be such an interesting character. Video game protagonists don't have to adhere to the same "mr perfect cool guy and likeable action hero" or the "badass anti hero." He seemed like a real person caught between two sides of a conflict in which he had no hope of winning, and becomes quite a tragic character in the end. Using the backdrop of the Revolutionary war, to tell a coming of age story that parallels Americas own, I thought was a really good idea as well. He's flawed, he's naive and idealistic, he's brash at times, and makes mistakes. And that's exactly why I think he's one of the more memorable and unique protagonists we've seen in a videogame.
Edward in comparison is just too simple of a character. Whose only motivation being "lets go find the observatory and get our coin" , doesn't exactly make for a nuanced and compelling character. Especially when they finally, and lazily, decide to give him some character development in the last 30 mins of the game. It's no surprise people are taking a liking to him though. He's the typical 'devil may care' type character we see in games all the time, and who seems deliberately made to make sure to appeal to as many people as possible, and in no way offend anybody playing.
All the reasons people dislike Connor, are exactly why I find him to be such an interesting character. Video game protagonists don't have to adhere to the same "mr perfect cool guy and likeable action hero" or the "badass anti hero." He seemed like a real person caught between two sides of a conflict in which he had no hope of winning, and becomes quite a tragic character in the end. Using the backdrop of the Revolutionary war, to tell a coming of age story that parallels Americas own, I thought was a really good idea as well. He's flawed, he's naive and idealistic, he's brash at times, and makes mistakes. And that's exactly why I think he's one of the more memorable and unique protagonists we've seen in a videogame.
I personally thought that's what made him great. He had to learn eventually that there is no "black and white". Connor tries to convince himself (and others) that the one path he's on with the colonists will be the ultimate endgame and things will be great for everyone onwards once they accomplish their goal. He's a hypocrite, sure, but so is everyone else around him and he wants so badly to be above it all and save his people, hence him being incredibly self-righteous. The dude is being used and shut down by people left and right (Samuel Adams, Haytham, Achilles, etc), and while he agrees to do their dirty work, he expects them to be as good to him as he was to them. When that doesn't happen, that's when he becomes frustrated and calls people out on their bullshit like Haytham and Samuel Adams.There's a stark contrast between someone who is flawed and makes mistakes, and someone who knowingly and willingly allies himself with the murderer of his own mother. Connor wasn't flawed. A flawed hero would have acknowledged his mistakes and set about righting those wrongs. Instead, he stuck his head in the sand and continued to convince himself he was fighting on the side of good and justice. He was self-righteous, he was stupid, he was hypocritical, and easily the most awfully written protagonist in AC history.
I'll grant you that ACR had the best systems design, best city design, and best combat/stealth mechanics in the series, but story? It had almost none, and the Altair stuff was melodramatic junk.My man.
ACR is the best in the series. Had everything that Brotherhood had and such an awesome story with the Ezio and Altair finale.
There's a stark contrast between someone who is flawed and makes mistakes, and someone who knowingly and willingly allies himself with the murderer of his own mother. Connor wasn't flawed. A flawed hero would have acknowledged his mistakes and set about righting those wrongs. Instead, he stuck his head in the sand and continued to convince himself he was fighting on the side of good and justice. He was self-righteous, he was stupid, he was hypocritical, and easily the most awfully written protagonist in AC history.
I was unaware that there is a rulebook on creating flawed characters, I'll have to look into that. And Connor by the end of the game does acknowledge his mistakes and shortcomings, and knowing American history towards the treatment of Native Americans is what makes his story all the more tragic. He believed in the patriots message of "liberty" and "freedom" above all else in order to save his people, only to then find out that only applies to the white and privileged.
But did he do anything to fix it? Nope, he just sat around his homestead like an idiot.
what? The game ended, and by that point his people had been forced out . And do you know American History? The fuck could Connor ever hope to do? Again, playing as a character who for all intents and purposes "loses", is again why I find him so fascinating. Video game characters don't always need to win and come out on top, the real world doesn't work like that.
Spoiler :/Wait, it was supposed to be a surprise that Kidd was a chick? Does she ever put her hair back into its cool original way?
Yes I know American History, and yes I know that the US government committed against the Native American population a series of injustices tantamount to genocide, culminating in the Trail of Tears.
What we're talking about right now is a video game. And video games dont have to be historically accurate. In fact, the AC series has proven time and again how historically INACCURATE it is. I can count off the top of my head over a dozen historical inaccuracies from each AC game. This series is riddled with them.
And where did I say that video game characters always have to win? I never said that. I said that Connor is a stupid fucking idiot, and that's why I dont like him. Simple as that. Stop putting words in my mouth.
ACIII had issues, but Connor wasn't one of them.
Really wish this dialogue wasn't cut:
There's a stark contrast between someone who is flawed and makes mistakes, and someone who knowingly and willingly allies himself with the murderer of his own mother. Connor wasn't flawed. A flawed hero would have acknowledged his mistakes and set about righting those wrongs. Instead, he stuck his head in the sand and continued to convince himself he was fighting on the side of good and justice. He was self-righteous, he was stupid, he was hypocritical, and easily the most awfully written protagonist in AC history.
I dunno why AC3 cut out so much stuff that could have been interesting.
So what exactly are you asking for? You claim characters don't have to win, while also advocating ubisoft just decide to go with some alternate version of US history. One in which the atrocities and missteps towards Native Americans never happened. Because it's a video game? Small historical inaccuracies aside, ubisoft completely rewriting American History is sort of a stretch, even for the series. But whatever, I don't really care if you dislike Connor. This is an AC4 thread.
Jesus fucking christ, here you go again, making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.
1) I'm not asking for anything.
2) I never advocated for an alternate version of history. All I was doing was discussing why I disliked Connor, and then suddenly you bring up American history out of nowhere, so I responded accordingly by saying that this is just a video game where historical accuracy is irrelevant. Not once did I say history should be rewritten, but for some reason you decided to make that logical leap. Jesus christ, I was talking about Connor but then you decided to make it all about history. Talk about derailing.
3) Connor sucks
ACIII had issues, but Connor wasn't one of them.
Really wish this dialogue wasn't cut:
ACIII had issues, but Connor wasn't one of them.
Really wish this dialogue wasn't cut:
Oh shit. That was the best part of the game right there. Why was it cut?