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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|

iamcool388 said:
I died. The game started me up with every single archer in every single tower alive.

How fucking borked is the checkpoint system? There are NO checkpoints in between missions? If you dont have an easy and generous autosave function, then at least let the players have the option to save manually, because not all of are that good as to not die too much, and some of us dont have the fucking time to spend replaying the same mission again and again. This is bloody Three Leaf Clover all over again. Disgusting.

Fuck this piece of shit game. Unbelievable.

I take it you never played Demon's Souls? Can someone who is playing confirm there are checkpoints. I'm pretty sure there are. I did hear that a few of the missions will restart if you die or get caught?


iamcool388 said:
How fucking borked is the checkpoint system? There are NO checkpoints in between missions? If you dont have an easy and generous autosave function, then at least let the players have the option to save manually, because not all of are that good as to not die too much, and some of us dont have the fucking time to spend replaying the same mission again and again. This is bloody Three Leaf Clover all over again. Disgusting.
Bleh, that is kinda disappointing. I totally lose the drive to keep playing if I die near the end of a level/mission in a game and have to do the whole thing over.
I take it you never played Demon's Souls? Can someone who is playing confirm there are checkpoints. I'm pretty sure there are. I did hear that a few of the missions will restart if you die or get caught?

Oh dear God no... that game is like my antichrist. :lol

I am sure there are checkpoints or something... but someone at Ubisoft really screwed the pooch on this mission at least. Its a long ass missions, requiring TONS of platforming and quick kills of enemies. Maybe a midway checkpoint (so it starts you off from whichever tower you were on) would have been better. Now i'm just inclined to directly assault the main tower, let the archers shoot as much as they want, i'll just stock up on meds and keep popping pills.

Fuck I hate I am raging so much, cuz I was REALLY enjoying the game until now. Its a quality game, no doubt, but the little things which make a great game "HOLY SHIT AWESOME" worthy are the little niggling details. This might still qualify for that though... lets see how the story unfolds. I'm enjoying the exposition... its quite involving.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I prefer to buy my console games on PS3 if there isn't an online component. How's the performance?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
don't laugh, dude!

have you seen that scene in Ratatouille where the critic eats the meal and gets transported back to his childhood and, as a result, sees his life in a whole new way?

Yeah, NSMBW is like that. It's absurdly good.
Rez said:
don't laugh, dude!

have you seen that scene in Ratatouille where the critic eats the meal and gets transported back to his childhood and, as a result, sees his life in a whole new way?

Yeah, NSMBW is like that.

Rez come on man of the two games he is contending are goty material you think I the one I am laughing about is NSMB.

Nothing against AC2

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
BruceLeeRoy said:
Rez come on man of the two games he is contending are goty material you think I the one I am laughing about is NSMB.

Nothing against AC2
haha, oh, my bad
Rez said:
I prefer to buy my console games on PS3 if there isn't an online component. How's the performance?
If you didnt think the original's performance was game-breaking, then you'd be a happy camper. This is definitely a step up from AC1. Although the issues present in the original show up here as well, its not the same extent. But if you are sensitive to graphical shortcomings... ymmv. I will say that the art direction is top notch and so is the music.

iamcool388 said:
Its running quite well. There is tearing and framerate dips, yes, but its not too bad or noticeable for me. One time I DO notice it is when you climb a viewpoint and synchronize. The camera panning around you very makes it very easily noticeable. Other than that, I have no complaints.
BruceLeeRoy said:
What! Sad as it is I would actually consider picking this up if that is true.
Bruce you should buy this game regardless.


The Inside Track
iamcool388 said:
This game just fucking lost me.

There is a mission where some dude is cooped up in the tallest tower of the city, surrounded by 4-5 other towers where archers are stationed. You are supposed to take out the archers first so thats what I did. Took me 20 fucking minutes but I thought i'd do it the Assassin way instead of playing it in an all out brawler manner. Cleared out every tower, then had climbed on the tallest one and was fighting the 3-4 soldiers there when one of them hit me a few times and I fell off the tower. I died. The game started me up with every single archer in every single tower alive.

How fucking borked is the checkpoint system? There are NO checkpoints in between missions? If you dont have an easy and generous autosave function, then at least let the players have the option to save manually, because not all of are that good as to not die too much, and some of us dont have the fucking time to spend replaying the same mission again and again. This is bloody Three Leaf Clover all over again. Disgusting.

Fuck this piece of shit game. Unbelievable.
Funny, I simply went up the tower, if you time it right no archer will see you. There defintely are checkpoints when missions are planned to be quite long, like when you have to follow someone.


GameFan Alumnus
Domino Theory said:
I just read on N4G that you get a Splinter Cell demo with the purchase of ACII. Is this true?

Yes. My 360 version came with an insert in the case which has a code to download a Splinter Cell demo. However, it looks like the code is not randomized, so any of you should be able to download it. The URL is www.splintercell.com/ac2 The code is CONV1C71ON. If the code is random, first one to enter it gets mine (not interested in SC).


The Inside Track
Eggo said:
Yes. My 360 version came with an insert in the case which has a code to download a Splinter Cell demo. However, it looks like the code is not randomized, so any of you should be able to download it. The URL is www.splintercell.com/ac2 The code is CONV1C71ON. If the code is random, first one to enter it gets mine (not interested in SC).
Looks like it's not up yet, probably on Tuesday. Thanks for the info!


BruceLeeRoy said:
What! Sad as it is I would actually consider picking this up if that is true.
FILTH! I'll have your hands for that! Seriously though, why are you in here if you feel that way about the game? You make me sad. :(
DrBo42 said:
FILTH! I'll have your hands for that! Seriously though, why are you in here if you feel that way about the game? You make me sad. :(
I think a lot of people are hesitant after the first game. Consider me part of that crowd, as I went through both the PS3 version and then PC version. Left a bad taste in my mouth, although I did like the story and some of the characters.

Hoping this one does a better job and seeing the feedback from fellow GAF members helps me form some idea of how it may have turned out.


well not really...yet
So Gamestop is doing a midnight release for this (and lf3)

will this be Monday night or tuesday night?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I enjoyed AC1 immensely, but I won't be diving in to ACII on day 1. Gonna be patient and let it work it's way up my Goozex queue. I just can't justify spending $60 on single player games, anymore.

Still though... I'll be happily joining the party sometime in February or thereabouts :D :D


Ranger X said:
What's your game completion rating? (see the book at the villa)


Just missing one weapon and 60 of the feathers. Didn't really stop to search for them. I also noticed I'm missing one of the capes.

Game says 23 hours, but I guess it's a lot less, since i frequently left the game running to write stuff. 18 hours seems a good estimate.

Hated the first game, hate ubisoft and his habits with a passion, but the game is pretty good.

Anybody got this yet?

Show your Colors (Bronze) - Wear the Auditore cape in each city.

I'm confused about wich one's referring to: is it the plain vanilla one you get at the start?


Varth said:
Just missing one weapon and 60 of the feathers. Didn't really stop to search for them. I also noticed I'm missing one of the capes.

Game says 23 hours, but I guess it's a lot less, since i frequently left the game running to write stuff. 18 hours seems a good estimate.

Hated the first game, hate ubisoft and his habits with a passion, but the game is pretty good.

Anybody got this yet?

Show your Colors (Bronze) - Wear the Auditore cape in each city.

I'm confused about wich one's referring to: is it the plain vanilla one you get at the start?

How many weapons are in the game?
I'm crazy but I'm actually tempted to give the sequel a try. First one was horrid and my fingers were burnt but I think the fact there's crap all coming out this year I want to get in and like it...


Loudninja said:
How many weapons are in the game?

IIRC 10 swords, 5 maces, about 10 daggers, plus some more I won't spoil.

And then there are some weapons you can't buy, like spears, waraxes, zweihanders and halberds, that you have to steal from enemies and are some of the most fun in the game, thanks to the quick kills and special moves you can pull off.
So is it really an improvement over the first or is it simply a new city different characters and a couple more combat options?
Can I still hack down a half dozen men, one at a time, using counter-attacks?
Are we still eavesdropping and pickpocketing our way to a kill?
Are we still spending vast amounts of time diving from buildings into conveniently placed stacks of hay?


theignoramus said:
So is it really an improvement over the first or is it simply a new city different characters and a couple more combat options?
Can I still hack down a half dozen men, one at a time, using counter-attacks?
Are we still eavesdropping and pickpocketing our way to a kill?
Are we still spending vast amounts of time diving from buildings into conveniently placed stacks of hay?

Are you still not reading? ffs the last two pages of impressions will tell you all this.


iamcool388 said:
Its running quite well. There is tearing and framerate dips, yes, but its not too bad or noticeable for me. One time I DO notice it is when you climb a viewpoint and synchronize. The camera panning around you very makes it very easily noticeable. Other than that, I have no complaints.

This game seems much less frustrating than the first one (not that difficult a task.) I do miss the controls of inFAMOUS, thats the king of free-running games control schemes imo. Quite a few times I miss making jumps which I really shouldnt have and get penalized for it. For example, when you are climbing something and want to go right or left on the same wall, you can press right/left, but if you press 'x' along with it Ezio decides to jump off into oblivion instead of jumping in a direction along the wall. Its frustrating, but you get used to it after a while.

Also, very minor spoiler as its been in dev diaries, but still...
I just opened up Ezio's Villa's economy
... It looks VERY addicting and I am sure I will spend a lot of time just jazzing the place up. :lol

Pretty much. I'm in NYC, so... :D

Thanks dude sounds great.
Varth said:
IIRC 10 swords, 5 maces, about 10 daggers, plus some more I won't spoil.

And then there are some weapons you can't buy, like spears, waraxes, zweihanders and halberds, that you have to steal from enemies and are some of the most fun in the game, thanks to the quick kills and special moves you can pull off.

Sounds good,so is how is it running for you?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
you really can't blame people for being overly cautious. if there's any game sequel that deserves scrutiny, it's this one (unless you're one of the few who really liked AC1).

Ubisoft Montreal haven't exactly been in top-form this gen.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Varth said:
IIRC 10 swords, 5 maces, about 10 daggers, plus some more I won't spoil.



Heres a question I havetn seen addresed, for those of you whove beaten the game. Would you say there is less, more, or roughly the same amount of Desmond stuff in AC2?


Solo said:
Heres a question I havetn seen addresed, for those of you whove beaten the game. Would you say there is less, more, or roughly the same amount of Desmond stuff in AC2?
Not much. Less than 5% of the playtrough IIRC.


Solo said:
So, quite a bit less!

Imo it's quite a shame though, because I want to know more about Desmond, but I think that after a while, he himself will become an assassin and you will do missions as Desmond.

At least, that's my theory :p.
Ranger X said:
It's hard for me the tell what you are looking for but it's not a new combat system from scratch, it doesn't become God of War or Ninja Gaiden all of a sudden. It's the same kind of controls and pace but now you also have a grab+attack system, more types of ennemis with different weak points forcing you to use different strategies. The game isn't harder than AC1 so I suppose that if you find AC1 easy, you will find this one too.

For the number of guards, there can be up to 8 or 10 guards around you but you can target only one at a time. Guards that you're not currently targeted to can also attack you.


Sorry, to be more specific one of the things that irked me in the original was just how easy it was to take down hordes of guards just through countering them. This was made all the more easier simply because they would only ever attack you one at a time regardless of their numbers.

As a result there was never really any need for concern if you were caught as you could just easily counter your way out of any problem.

I was just curious to see if they had increased the difficulty in that aspect of the game but by the sounds of things it doesn't seem to be the case.

This is the part right after the second time you play as Desmond... i.e. the first time you have woken up from the animus... <Heavy spoilers start here>
He does the task of checking his skills and he has picked them up well from Ezio... then when he is going back upstairs... he is transported to Acre... as Altair.

I follow the guy I am supposed to follow till the corner tower... then I climb up the tower (he shuts the door) and get on a little platform with a door halfway up the tower. Just above that door is a ledge with a lantern hanging from it... am I supposed to climb that? I apparently cant climb on it... and dont see any other places where I can climb up.

How do I finish that part... please help!! :D


Sorry, to be more specific one of the things that irked me in the original was just how easy it was to take down hordes of guards just through countering them. This was made all the more easier simply because they would only ever attack you one at a time regardless of their numbers.

As a result there was never really any need for concern if you were caught as you could just easily counter your way out of any problem.

I was just curious to see if they had increased the difficulty in that aspect of the game but by the sounds of things it doesn't seem to be the case.

Actually, it is. If you just counter, you will eventually win, but it will take an age, as enemies often parry the counter themselves. Counter is mostly used to block without getting blown back, not much to attack. Best tactic now is to use the strafe, flank+combo or get behind+instakill.

Mind you, combat is still not very entertaining, but definitely better. Would have preferred A LOT a toned down Batman-like system, though. Would have been really perfect, given the main character and the way the combat flows.

EDIT: forgot to say that it's a damn shame you have to wait to get midway trough the game to have combat pick up a little. First part is almost AC1 level in blandness, even with the improvements I mentioned.


I'd love a proper Assassins Creed/Hitman style game. The ideas in AC are great but you are so limited so how you can kill someone.. you either use throwing stars from a short distance, a sword fight or you stab em.. just think of the Hitman style possibilites..
painey said:
I'd love a proper Assassins Creed/Hitman style game. The ideas in AC are great but you are so limited so how you can kill someone.. you either use throwing stars from a short distance, a sword fight or you stab em.. just think of the Hitman style possibilites..

I agree in part, but I think doing those set-pieces in an open world setting would be fuck-off difficult to do for even the most well resourced and talented dev team. Also, the ability to free-run negates a lot of the nuanced approach play and planning required in Hitman.

Ranger X

iamcool388 said:
Fuck this piece of shit game. Unbelievable.

Gamers nowadays... You die once and need to redo a mission and you're pissed off? How about games also being about retrying sometimes? The game saves automatically after every cut-scene and after every mission like.... 99% of games out there?

Hyper reactions under frustration for the lose :lol
And yes there are checkpoints during some missions, you know, those that ARE long. :p

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