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Assassin's Creed Syndicate |OT| Once more unto the glitch


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Getting mid air Helix Glitches is really annoying because it looks like you can some of them with a normal jump but the game won't let you because it's too rigid. The LB icon for the launcher seems random to me as well. Sometimes it doesn't come up even though it should and half the time I attach onto something directly above me rather than the ledge ahead.

Speaking of annoying Helix glitches...


It took me a good half-a-dozen attempts or so to nab this one. At one point I was touching it and still nothing, which had me resort to Google as I thought that perhaps a bug had rendered it unobtainable.
So uh, anybody else have a glitch in the PC version, where after completing the WW1 sequence and seeing that cutscene, attempting to fast travel out of it simply restarts the whole sequence? I got the achievements for finishing it, but after trying to leave all my progress in it was reset and it was as if I hadn't done any of the missions there (or gotten any of the rewards).

Relaunching the game let me leave, but all my progress is still gone. It's rather annoying. I guess this is what I get for trying to knock out everything there in one go, lol. :(


Neo Member
This be the sleeper hit of the year. Such a great game. Might be my favourite Assassins Creed right next to II.


I've been enjoying the missions so far. nothing hard, but it's still fun to assassinate the dumb AI guys in quick succession.
Man the traversal in AC games just never clicks to me. Constantly getting stuck and trying to jump when the game won't let me.
I feel like it can never be perfect/precise. I've just kind of learned to live with it.


Love the Grapple. Seems a bit iffy on where it wants to anchor too though. Few time's i've grappeled and fell right off the line from 20 stories up too. Ow.
Evie is awesome, actually really like both mains more than I thought I would. However, the game seems a lot more dumbed down in some aspects compared to others. As much as I end up supporting this series every time, it needs a LONG break and a fucking reboot bad. New designers, new writers.

But London may be my favorite setting so far, and I really hope the DLC is fucking stellar, because it has potential to be.


I seriously wish the narrative would have been better and not as poor and insignificant. It feels like I'm just doing things for the sake of doing things. The importance of the narrative makes it seem like the cinematic team just didn't care that much and just had to check the boxes. It's pretty soulless.

I like the setting, the music is good, and the production values are through the roof. It just seems like a wasted opportunity.
I recommend playing with the the HUD off feels more fun that way, plus there's too much annoying stuff on screen like the alert ring around the player.

leng jai

I recommend playing with the the HUD off feels more fun that way, plus there's too much annoying stuff on screen like the alert ring around the player.

Yep, the default UI is a travesty and ruins the gorgeous artwork. The only thing I leave on is the quest tracker so I know what to actually do.


I recommend playing with the the HUD off feels more fun that way, plus there's too much annoying stuff on screen like the alert ring around the player.

I tried and game is not designed to play it without HUD. Alert ring is actually useful if you are going full stealth and without it game is really annoying. I was noticed dozen of times without HUD just because there is one enemy in the corner of the room and you can't see that corner until it is too late. Ring is not best solution but it works and it is way more enjoyable to play game with it then without it (at least for me).


First time ever I might 100% an AC game. I just don't even know how to explain how big of a deal that is lol

Same boat here, which is even weirder because I never 100% an AC game (most times I don't really bother to re-do the sequences) and also because Unity was the first AC where I actually skipped opening chests because there were way too many and didn't really feel worth going after them.


its slated for next month, and i dont think they delay dlc release for specific platforms, so im thinking the week before christmas like freedom cry. yay


Unconfirmed Member
I seriously wish the narrative would have been better and not as poor and insignificant. It feels like I'm just doing things for the sake of doing things. The importance of the narrative makes it seem like the cinematic team just didn't care that much and just had to check the boxes. It's pretty soulless.

I like the setting, the music is good, and the production values are through the roof. It just seems like a wasted opportunity.

Yeah I agree. The story and mission design is the blandest it's ever been, and new mechanics like kidnapping and carriages are overused and frankly bad. There aren't many tailing missions but when they do pop up I've found them worse than they've ever been.

But when I'm walking around London, it just takes my breath away every few minutes. Playing it on the PC now and the game just looks stunning. It really looks like an army made this, the sheer volume of art in the game, and the quality of the work, is amazing. The lighting is fantastic. And the scale of it! So many games fudge scale to an extreme degree (just look at Fallout 4), but the wide open streets, the huge Thames, the actual size of the Big Ben and Buckingham, it's just awesome in the literal sense of the word. I wish the game set inside of this city was better. It's almost good enough to be some kind of virtual tourism thing and it bums me out a bit that my "verbs" for interacting with this world are so damn limited (climb and kill).

Frustrating game. Could've been so much more than it is.

leng jai

Yeah I agree. The story and mission design is the blandest it's ever been, and new mechanics like kidnapping and carriages are overused and frankly bad. There aren't many tailing missions but when they do pop up I've found them worse than they've ever been.

But when I'm walking around London, it just takes my breath away every few minutes. Playing it on the PC now and the game just looks stunning. It really looks like an army made this, the sheer volume of art in the game, and the quality of the work, is amazing. The lighting is fantastic. And the scale of it! So many games fudge scale to an extreme degree (just look at Fallout 4), but the wide open streets, the huge Thames, the actual size of the Big Ben and Buckingham, it's just awesome in the literal sense of the word. I wish the game set inside of this city was better. It's almost good enough to be some kind of virtual tourism thing and it bums me out a bit that my "verbs" for interacting with this world are so damn limited (climb and kill).

Frustrating game. Could've been so much more than it is.

That's been the same story for practically every AC game. The setting and art direction is usually incredible. If you're into historical settings and just like exploring a huge world then you'll always have a good time. The actual gameplay and controls have always been average to bad, and Syndicate is no different. The combat is particular has been simplified even further and gets boring quickly.

Victoria London is simply amazing though and worth the price of admission alone.


just bought the PC version of Syndicate...do they allow full keyboard remapping?...can I use the arrow keys for movement?...with some recent AC titles there were a ton of keys that you couldn't use for remapping


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
The Steam version has a couple of updated beta branches titled "ww_d1_patch" and "rus_d1_patch", so it seems there was supposed to be launch day update for the PC version but it was postponed for additional work (bodes well for a cloth physics fix). Speaking of the Steam version, Ubi (or perhaps Valve) finally removed the section_type = ownersonly flag from the app, so the game will now display on your Steam Community profile and related posts will now appear in your activity feed.


finished it and I thought this was the best AC I ever played.
however, I only played 1 and 2 and was disappointed by them because they were boring, shallow and super repetitive, so I skipped everything until Syndicate.

Mission design was a lot better, especially some Story missions were legit good. Tower would have been my favourite.
I liked the characters a lot, especially Evie, the city was beautiful and I even liked some of the sidequests, the murder solving was a fun idea.
the game played very good, generally, the hook is obviously a fantastic Addition to the gameplay, but sometimes the controls felt overloaded, like when I want to tackle a fleeing suspect but I enter a carriage instead, yeah.

anyway, I had fun with this and it took a very long time until I got bored by the sidequests, almost up until I finished the mainquest.
oh, and another big plus of the game that there was next to no modern story stuff in it, well done.


Unconfirmed Member
finished it and I thought this was the best AC I ever played.
however, I only played 1 and 2 and was disappointed by them because they were boring, shallow and super repetitive, so I skipped everything until Syndicate.

You should play Black Flag, quite easily the best in the series imo.
I really enjoy my time with this game... too bad it seems to be underperforming, it's great fun to play through. The design of the game is glorious: the outfits, the painterly look of Victorian London, the character faces, the weather and lighting.

If I had Ubisoft's ear, I'd really like to make these suggestions:

The grappling hook is a wonderful addition. It really improves the flow of moving through the city. But for the love of god, don't make every parkour and grapple move dependent on being right up to the edge of something. Just let me jump and grapple wherever I want...

It's especially annoying when you combine it with the 'teetering on the brink'-animation that triggers whenever your at an edge... completely messes up the sense of flow: you're required to walk right up to an edge for context-sensitive grappling or jumping but if you sprint into it, you lose character control for 2 seconds while they teeter. Holy hell, that gets old fast.

Also, when I'm holding the 'go down' button, actually let my character descend no matter which way the camera is pointed... the game keeps second-guessing my direction of travel - in what situation would a player ever go down the side of a building for two seconds holding the 'go down'-button and then reverse direction back up without pushing any other button? Yet this happens all the time when your character descends past the 'camera angle' and you're looking up at the building while descending.

Thirdly, let grapple in the direction I'm looking at. Always. When I'm staring at a roof in the distance and press grapple, I don't expect the hook to shoot behind me and yank me up a chimney I wasn't even looking at.

Damn it, Ubisoft: you almost nailed it. Almost.

Looting / Crafting:

Okay, this has been bugging me since Black Flag: just give us a full-blown loot and treasure system already. Opening chests and finding collectibles is so incredibly tedious and unexciting - it's always money + crafting material 1 + crafting material 2. The crafting is so meaningless, I never once kept track of how much leather, metal and whatever I had. I just mindlessly pressed the craft button whenever an anvil turned black. That's not crafting, that's like playing Farmville.

Save the crafting for upgrades. Make opening chests exciting and rewarding: let us find gear, weapons and flair-items, maybe even at random. Staring at lists and tables is not exciting: climbing into an attic and finding a hidden chest with a unique hood is.

Stop reducing every bit of open-world exploration to 'filling a meter' for a reward.
Some first impressions:

- The general feel of the movement and controls is a lot more pleasant than Unity, which was a big, slow, unwieldy game. It's fun to control my character again.

- Having said that, is it just me, or is the character first bashing into the wall before he or she starts to run up it?

- I should probably hate the Batman rope launcher but it's honestly nice to have the option

- I'm in London. Why is the sun shining all the time? It's made even more of a strange decision by the fact that the game looks a lot better when the sun isn't shining.

- Holy pandering, Batman. They've changed their mission statement to say something about gender indentities. There's someone named Ned that has a girl's voice. Suddenly I'm killing women and chasing thieves wearing big Victorian dresses (how do they run away in those anyway). I guess some people love this but it's so transparent that it's honestly kind of annoying. It's also kind of ironic that social progress means I'm now slicing and dicing women regularly as well.

- In one sense the comedic tone is quite well done, but it still feels like a missed opportunity to create something really dark and brooding and sinister and foggy with the Templars in London setting. Instead we have an action comedy mostly in bright sunlight. So far anyway. It's an odd choice for the setting, but still pretty well executed.

- A lot of complaints, but there are actually a lot of improvements from Unity. The new missions and side content are a massive step in the right direction for the franchise - as are the speedier movement and controls. Almost everything I've done so far has been pretty fun - and that's a good sign.


it would be pandering if they hit you over the head with ned's sexuality in the game, or heavily marketed it as a selling point for some quick PR, of which they did neither.

as for the opening statement being changed, we don't know the internal discussions they had or the dynamics of the teams/studios, to dismiss it as just pandering is silly.
it would be pandering if they hit you over the head with ned's sexuality in the game, or heavily marketed it as a selling point for some quick PR, of which they did neither.

as for the opening statement being changed, we don't know the internal discussions they had or the dynamics of the teams/studios, to dismiss it as just pandering is silly.

Some of the additions just feel awkwardly implemented. Makes me doubt the authenticity of it all. Female thieves on the streets of London dressed like upper class ladies?

And it is interesting that once you start killing female enemies, you realise just how much women have traditionally been protected from being gun and knife fodder in videogames.

Also, the transgender character reminded me of Barbara Streisand in Yentl, which I'm not sure is a good thing. You kind of want to say 'don't worry, your secret's safe with me'.


Some of the additions just feel awkwardly implemented. Makes me doubt the authenticity of it all. Female thieves on the streets of London dressed like upper class ladies?

And it is interesting that once you start killing female enemies, you realise just how much women have traditionally been protected from being gun and knife fodder in videogames.

Also, the transgender character reminded me of Barbara Streisand in Yentl, which I'm not sure is a good thing. You kind of want to say 'don't worry, your secret's safe with me'.

yeah i think as we get more and more playable female characters, the enemies will follow suit and be implemented better which is a good thing, because at the base level, it just adds to the immersion.

haha yentl comparison seems apt, heres hoping ned doesn't break out into a song
Dumb question but how do I continue the main story? Lmao
There are no more icons on my map and every time I go to the train it says a letter arrived but I don't know where it is. Also I'm still on Sequence 4.


As one that has many times stated the framerate issues associated with Syndicate, I cant even believe the following statement i am going to make especially considering this is an Ubisoft game.

So here it goes: with the latest 1.20 patch released today, the game has been rock solid 30 fps for me on PS4. Even heavily populated areas run like a dream now. I am pleasantly surprised with Ubisoft for this one. I hope they keep the good work going.

Would love to know if XB1 version saw similar improvements.


Dumb question but how do I continue the main story? Lmao
There are no more icons on my map and every time I go to the train it says a letter arrived but I don't know where it is. Also I'm still on Sequence 4.
The train thing is for the last sequence, it's not required for the main story. There should either be an icon of a little Top Hat person or Assassin Hood, those are story missions. Do they not appear at all? What about other icons?
The train thing is for the last sequence, it's not required for the main story. There should either be an icon of a little Top Hat person or Assassin Hood, those are story missions. Do they not appear at all? What about other icons?
It was weird I had to trigger the story through the train, not sure why. Thanks though :)
Hey guys I have a question. I haven't invested in an Assassin's Creed game since the second one. My question is, do they still have those dungeon/tomb type things? I really enjoyed solving the puzzles and completing them all. With Black Friday coming up I would like to pull the trigger on this.
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