Lan Dong Mik
And why would I want them?
Any word on why Jim Sterling didn't review it regarding that tweet he sent out? That's what I'm really looking forward to reading lol
Is the low scores because of the technical issues because if so, I will buy it in a few months when these issues are patched.
PlayStation Lifestyle gave this game a 10/10
Any mention of glitches and such?
I reviewed it and it is hands down the better game.
PlayStation Lifestyle gave this game a 10/10
You know you fucked up when even Polygon goes there. Yes!!!
Wow Kotaku.
"Gamers want a game to be bad"? The fuck are you talking about? Some gamers want bad games to receive appropriately bad scores, that's what it is. And that's a good thing.
yeah...those are really terrible scores...a real bomba game.
gaf blowing everything out of portion
Gamespot : 7
Edit: DAMN YOU DATA WEST (and uh, someone else apparently. Too slow.)
The games budget is too large to score below a 7.
Wow........gonna be a some meh reactions when folks get this game with their X1 on black friday.
Alex Navarro just said the worst thing he possibly could, hahaha.
"It reminds me of AC3 but with more technical problems."
I actually enjoy reading that site from time to time. What a disappointing joke.PlayStation Lifestyle gave this game a 10/10
PlayStation Lifestyle gave this game a 10/10
A 7/10 is mediocre? Lol.
Most of the reviews sound like the actual game is pretty decent / good but that the technical issues really bring it down.
PlayStation Lifestyle gave this game a 10/10
Wow Kotaku.
Alex Navarro just said the worst thing he possibly could, hahaha.
"It reminds me of AC3 but with more technical problems."
Polygon 6.5
That's alot of 7s
Oh dear.. Then review scores...
love it!
Ha ha, OK wow.
I don't believe Rogue was sent to reviewers.
which studio made it?
Thank god. Ubisoft needed a wake up call, and here it is.
At least Conan likes it.
Crossing Eden are you okay? Post if you are okay