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Assholes at work. Who do you hate the most ?

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For me it's our slag of a receptionist.

God can she go 5 minutes without telling people about her ugly sex life ? Ugh. I refuse to speak to her about non work matters, but this one guy here just eggs her on and it's sick. Hearing about a 37 year old ladys sex life ain't pretty. Never mind she's pretty gross looking, and permanently 6 months pregnant. I feel like washing my brains with soapy water.

She's also a chatty bitch. Ask a simple fucking question and you get a 20 minute monologue about the subject. She once said "Yeah, but you know, I'm a social butterfly". I burst out laughing and had to leave the room. No, you are a slut.


Lil' Dice

That doesn't make her an asshole, just annoying.
An asshole is someone who as soon as you start asking them about their day, they abruptly respond with a: "Fuck off!"

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
It's my workmate. sometimes he stops working on his machine to turn around on his swivel chair and star directly at me. He's 43ish and still eats the boogers he picks out of his nose. Also he believes that if he starts by scratching his nose, I won't notice if he rams his whole finger up there to the second knuckle while talking right at me.

some crap jokes I have to endure repeatedly

me: Yawn
him: "We keeping you awake there!?"

me: *getting frustrated at something that wont work right
him: "Are you having fun there!?" *walks over stands behind me like he has something clever to say, fails to fix problem and saunters off hands behind back like hes the man*

Being that we are tech support if I ever have to hear him crack the gag 'I fixed the problem, do you know where it was? It was between the keyboard and the chair!'

I don't know what I'll do.


Lil' Dice said:
That doesn't make her an asshole, just annoying.
An asshole is someone who as soon as you start asking them about their day, they abruptly respond with a: "Fuck off!"

Whatever. "People whom you work with whose guts you hate" then.

Escape Goat

This was when I was just a regular CSR at Blockbuster.

Me: *walks in and clocks in, notices the girl on morning shift didn't put a damn tape away all morning*

Lazy bitch: Oh, I was so busy! *repeat every shift where mine follows hers*


Well, I guess it would be my boss. A carbon-copy of The Office boss......

Bad jokes, always wanting to hang out and stuff, random off-color comments about women, WAY TOO MUCH JOY IN FARTING. Not to mention he will promise the moon and give you shit. But c'est la vie, he's not long for the company.


Honorary Canadian.
God, this just happened to me last night. I do overnight stock right now at Kohl's, and I hurried up to get my shit done so I could go help this dumb skank. I didn't have to do this, but I consider myself a good worker and a team player, so I figured "Hell, instead of dragging out my job for the last 2 hours, I'll hurry up and go help someone else."

So I start helping her with her job, which she wouldn't have gotten done at ALL last night if she didn't have my help. So we get it done, and then backstock everything. Then the boss sends both of us out to go put some luggage on the floor with like 15 minutes left of work. We get it done and have to go backstock, and as I start to send shit upstairs and carry it all over, piece by piece, putting it back on the shelf. The clock strikes 6am, and I'm up there working past when I'm supposed to leave. Then the stupid bitch takes off. It pissed me off beyond belief. It's like, if you're gonna go so far as to accept help from someone else for your own job, you should stay and finish whatever you were told to do instead of piling it on them. Man did that piss me off. I only was there til like 20 after, so it wasn't horrible, but it's the fact that she wanted my help then fucked me over afterwards. what a selfish cunt. GAH!

And you know what else I'm starting to get angry with in terms of jobs? What's with people getting moved up to manager status with absolutely ZERO reason for it? These people with nothing more than a high school degree get made manager by the time they're 20. What the fuck? I'm not saying a college degree is THAT important, and I know that experience is very important, but I'm seeing a rising trend in companies making unqualified people manager so they can get away with paying people like shit cuz they dont belong there in the first place. I mean, c'mon... my 19 year old sister is close to being made a manager of a Wet Seal she's worked at for about a year, PART TIME. And she's still got the drop on others, cuz most of these people don't even have any good relationships with customers. Ugh. All assholes. every one of them.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm working at a cell cancer research facility and the people there are pretty cool, but there are these two women who chat all day long. Yap yap yap yap about the most random things. Luckily I can wear headphones at work so I just listen to music :)


Don't know yet, I'm a noob at my job. But my my boss is one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

At school though, damn I hate Mr programmer/linux dude's attitude, he is so condescending.


That's annoying, but as far as hating someone at work only the backstabbing fuckers deserve to be actually hated. One dude I used to work with (vaguely, same project but he did something totally seperate from us) would constantly claim credit for shit he didn't do, try to make everyone else look bad (again for NO REASON other than his insecurity) and treat us with an infuriating mixture of condescension, snooty bossiness even though he wasn't our supervisor in any way and totally fake politeness. Fuck that prick.

If mainline reads this thread he might just have a guess about who I'm talking about. :lol


I have this FAT ASS MOTHER FUCKING BITCH at work named Shonda. This piece of shit Jabba the hutt looking fucker just lays on her ass all day and does nothing, she steps on peoples feet to get what she wants or because her fucking love pouch is so huge she cant see where the fuck she is walking. AND ON TOP OF THIS she is pregnant.. HOW. THE. FUCK. I am completely disgusted and she keeps telling us how she has tried for 7 years and she never got pregnent. WELL ITS A SIGN BITCH! GOD DOESNT WANT YOU TO INFECT THE WORLD WITH YOUR SHITTY BREED YOU DUMB FUCKASS. She consistantly throws shit fits when stuff doesnt go her way she doesnt help anyone. Im running my ass across the store with a ripped under muscle helping guests left and right. I want to kick the bitch in the stomach, yes... that is how I live while Im at work. I imagine myself just flying dragon kicking this bitch in the stomach and I giggle my mother fucking ass off.

sorry I just got off of work and I hate this big bitch. (she is white if anyone is confused by the name)


I work at Target.
I am what you call a Second level employee I am an electronics specialist but Im getting bumped real soon to the same level as this bitch, I think she is jealous because I climbed the ladder from Seasonal Employment to almost her rank in... what 7 months? and she has been there for 15 years, and she still cant offer guest service even if it bit her in her love pouch.


Oh shit, Im applying at Target next week. If I get hired, I hope I dont have any of these people like you guys have mentioned


Unconfirmed Member
I work with this one bitch who I really can't stand. She's one of those annoying MTV-girls. "I PARTY HARD EVERY NIGHT AND I'M REAL VAPID AND SHALLOW." She's essentially my antithesis. And like, whatever, I'm a good employee, I work my ass off, and have for the last 3 years. I've never done anything but be cordial to this girl, and I guess she talks a ton of shit about me behind my back, calling me "obnoxious" and "disgusting." My nickname from her is "Fatty 2 Chatty," or "F2C" for short. Apparently I'm also the only person in the world she hates! And the fucking irony is she doesn't even really know me. I'm a pretty private person and whatever, and I've pretty much offered up nothing except what I normally do, but she hates me.

Part of me is really upset, but part of my finds it mobidly amusing. She got a second job now, so hopefully she leaves soon. I'll be so glad to be done with that bitch.


I worked at a car dealership.. everyone was an asshole deep down inside. I stuck with it for the summer, but by the end I was getting pretty sick of it, and it was entirely because of the people I encountered, both employee and customer.

- The manager. He was one of those football-coach types, all about being loud and in your face and aggressive. He would print up flyers of fifth-grade level English with all caps and exclamation points and pass them out to us. I didn't think people like this existed.

- A young salesman who was a smooth talker, incredibly soft voice, cute and baby-faced, but he wouldn't hesitate to gouge you for every penny you're worth. I had a customer come in who had bought an '03 Element from our dealership, a base model with no radio and no A/C, in May of 2004, and wanted to trade it in because, well, it didn't have any air conditioning, and on top of that, it was black so it was getting pretty damn hot. I started to run the numbers, and I realized he had paid full price - a $2000 markup - on a leftover that had sat on the lot for more than a year! I asked him who had sold it to him, and it was this guy...

- A horrendous woman who drove up with her mother in a 4Runner. The mother parked and left the engine running, and the woman quickly asked me if she could drive a Civic. I thought she was being extremely rude, but I obliged, and then when we got back, I invited her inside so I could give her our price, the monthly payments she could expect, etc. The usual business. She said she had to tell her mother it would be a few more minutes, and stupid me, I believed her. I dropped off the dealer plate inside, and when I came out she had bolted. After that I never gave a test drive to anyone who asked for one. I had to ask them.


I love my co-workers. I feel blessed.

But one guy kinda rubs me the wrong way. One of my bosses. We were hanging around one day and he turned to me, flatly saying:

Him: "I don't know what to make of you. Are you some tree-hugging granola?"

Me: "....what? You mean politically?"

Him: "No, just in life..."

Me: "Huh."

He's American, so that might explain a bit. But I found out later that it had more to do with my sort-of long hair and facial hair. I showed up one day after a haircut and shave. He said "You look normal!" -- normal? What a cunt


I have made a picture of this piece of shit I work with...



This business analyst lady at my job, she has no fucking clue how technology works nor how it can help the customers. We just got done doing design and scope work on our new middle layer and she started calling it her middle layer, a bunch of us want her to leave but our boss, who will probably be axed because his developement team sucks and can't turn out a line of working code to save their ass, well he loves her.


Hollywood Square
Haha, I work at Target as well. And - boy, oh boy! - do I have some stories for you all sometime.


Hollywood Square
hXc_thugg said:
Now is that time.

Nah, I'll write a book. A movie. Something.

You guys heard my second best story of all-time, anyway. Which was the kid during Christmas who freaked out and starting screaming and peeing all over the Xbox kiosk.


one exchange with a manager at the theater where i used to work:

(i was selling tickets and he was in the booth collecting a cash drop, and i didn't check a girl's student id)

him: you're supposed to be checking to make sure they've got student ids?

me: she was pretty obviously a student (she looked about 14 or so, with a crowd of other kids her age who had id)

him: how do you know? she could be in college!!

me: wouldn't that make her a student?

granted it's policy to check every id but some policies are pretty stupid


We had 2 ladies during Christmas fist fight over a Vtech Smile piece of shit during toy season.. it was amazing... what a fucking fight.. lol
whytemyke said:
And you know what else I'm starting to get angry with in terms of jobs? What's with people getting moved up to manager status with absolutely ZERO reason for it? These people with nothing more than a high school degree get made manager by the time they're 20. What the fuck? I'm not saying a college degree is THAT important, and I know that experience is very important, but I'm seeing a rising trend in companies making unqualified people manager so they can get away with paying people like shit cuz they dont belong there in the first place. I mean, c'mon... my 19 year old sister is close to being made a manager of a Wet Seal she's worked at for about a year, PART TIME. And she's still got the drop on others, cuz most of these people don't even have any good relationships with customers. Ugh. All assholes. every one of them.

I have trouble with managers that, (cue Dilbert here), are made managers because they "act and/or look" managerial. Boss/underling relationships inevitably devolve into them barking out orders that are little more than tests of fealty and submissiveness for the hourly rather than them, oh, I dunno, LEADING PEOPLE.


Hollywood Square
Jewbacca said:
We had 2 ladies during Christmas fist fight over a Vtech Smile piece of shit during toy season.. it was amazing... what a fucking fight.. lol

Yeah, we get an altercation every Black Friday it seems. Last year some super cheap home theatre systems were on sale. We left the boxes in stacks on the palettes. Some woman apparently wanted one and the guy wouldn't give it to her, so he he hit her in the head with the box and another guy clotheslined him as he was running away.

It was awesome.


I work on nightshift mostly, everyone else that works on it is way older than me and they're bitter that they're working in a dead end job at their age. Thank fuck I don't have to talk to them much, I just put in my headphones and they've learned not to disturb me.


Suerte said:
I work on nightshift mostly, everyone else that works on it is way older than me and they're bitter that they're working in a dead end job at their age. Thank fuck I don't have to talk to them much, I just put in my headphones and they've learned not to disturb me.

Do you do this much ?


That might be why they don't talk to you :)


Willco said:
Yeah, we get an altercation every Black Friday it seems. Last year some super cheap home theatre systems were on sale. We left the boxes in stacks on the palettes. Some woman apparently wanted one and the guy wouldn't give it to her, so he he hit her in the head with the box and another guy clotheslined him as he was running away.

It was awesome.

Shit do you remember when we had that piece of shit Samsung Camera on sale for 97 bucks last Black Friday. I had people screaming there lungs out because we sold out of the 60 we had shipped to us by the afternoon...

The best one was when Nintendo DS came out some geek pushes his way threw the door and like almost knocks over this one old lady so he could get a DS. Oh my I love it... I cant wait till the Xbox 360 comes out...

Also we had the flook that was the fucking PSP launch... I had to come in real early and get shit set up... I didnt sell my first psp till 10am .... douchebags.. I still have the waiting number stack in my room lol.


Hollywood Square
Jewbacca said:
Also we had the flook that was the fucking PSP launch... I had to come in real early and get shit set up... I didnt sell my first psp till 10am .... douchebags.. I still have the waiting number stack in my room lol.


We had the same problem.
My bitch ass of a manager kellie. God damn, nothing we do is good enough for this bitch, and she always always is comlaining about something.


I work on a Digital TV, Telephone and Broadband support line at weekends and we have one mother of a fucking asshole on our team. After every single call, whether it was with the nicest person on the planet or satan himself she will turn around, take off he head set and stare at you until you acknowledge her, then launch into a 20 minute diatribe pointing out every flaw and insecurity of the so called "c&nt" we are employed to help. This wouldnt be *that* bad if her voice didnt sound like a fucking space shuttle re-entering the earths atmosphere. Seriously, when she opens her fat mouth everything around me goes black and all I can hear is a loud gushing noise as everything positive in the surrounding area is consumed by her insatiable apettite for all things negative.

Anyway, during our shift last Saturday i was on my lunch and, seeing as the weather was gloroius decided to sit outside and bask for an hour. When i return, my friend advised me that the shit had hit the fan and i might be asked into the office of the office Manager (I shit my pants). It turns out this troglodyte had been taking holidays without leave, had been cutting customers off and people had finally noticed her terrible attitude, and had been fired. Twenty mins after this she returns all pissed off and glaring, picks up the phone to her piss-ant boy friend who works in the building and begins a rant about how WE are all scum, "disgusting" pricks blah blah then walks round the entire team saying goodbye until she gets to me. She just stares right through me and says Goodbye 'friends name' and fucks off.

It turns out she blames me for grassing her up despite the fact i was outside the building. Now i have to look forward to a confrontation with her bitch (bf). Awesome.

My Point is: Shes a god damn muther fucking evil Tw@t.

Jim Bowie

I used to work with a gentleman by the name of Scott. He was quite a short lad, but nevertheless feisty. He constantly tried to pick fights with me, perhaps covincing the disinterested cooks and/or other members of the wait staff of his masculinity. I tried my best to keep cool, but one time it just got a bit too rough. A table had unfairly tipped me (a measly 10%!) and I was trying my best to get some more food to run, when he once more challenged me to a duel of fisticuffs.

Now, perhaps I should explain my abilities. Since the age of nine, I was trained in the Okinawan fighting style of Shorei Goju Ryuu karate. I had since that time been a black belt for over a year, and was learning some aikido to help bolster my overall fighting prowess. I had never been in a fight, but if I was in one, I would kick ass Street Fighter II: Turbo style.

However, being in a hurry, I threw no sonic booms nor initiated dragon punch sequences. Instead, I spun him around like a top and put him into a chokehold. I then proceeded to walk about the entire restaurant (family side, bar side, kitchen, break room), twirling him about at my leisure. When I got back to the kitchen, I released him. He was quite angry, issued a string of curses, and went to go smoke in the break room. I plated the rest of my food and went about serving tables.

He didn't put up much aggressive behavior afterwards. Other than that fighting stuff, he was a pretty cool guy. He quit a month or so later.


yoshifumi said:
one exchange with a manager at the theater where i used to work:

(i was selling tickets and he was in the booth collecting a cash drop, and i didn't check a girl's student id)

him: you're supposed to be checking to make sure they've got student ids?

me: she was pretty obviously a student (she looked about 14 or so, with a crowd of other kids her age who had id)

him: how do you know? she could be in college!!

me: wouldn't that make her a student?

granted it's policy to check every id but some policies are pretty stupid

Yeah, I hate that goddamn policy.


Matt_09 said:
Seriously, when she opens her fat mouth everything around me goes black and all I can hear is a loud gushing noise as everything positive in the surrounding area is consumed by her insatiable apettite for all things negative.

That's fucking poetry. And don't worry about the boyfriend. He had his soul sapped from years of exposure a long time ago.

Mine is an older lady doing a shit job who thinks she's Queen of The World. She's technically in the systems are, but all she does is categorize and distribute reports to the supervisors. Every fucking word out of her mouth is a cliche or catchphrase, and I'm lucky if they're less than five years old. She complains about everything, including the fact that nobody else complains about everything. She thinks she's earned seniority by being older than dirt, so she's hopping mad about me getting an office while she has a cublicle. This is despite the fact that my job is about seven levels over hers, I'm technically her boss, and I didn't even have a cubicle when I first took this job. I didn't get one until we moved to our current location eight months later.
If there's a scrap of food on the floor from some other team's private party, she's there. If a group is ordering out for lunch, she's there. If I and the other analyst have to go to a vendor luncheon, she tries to get invited despite not knowing a goddamm thing about anything other than opening boxes of reports. She happened to be going on vacation to the same state at the same time as our boss last year, and fucking visited him on his vacation while mooching a free breakfast out of him.
And the cherry to my sundae of dismay? Her desk is in a throughway in the office, so a lot of people pass it on the way to their workspaces. She's thinks its extremely cute to reply the opposite of whatever greeting people hit her with. If you say good morning, she'll say good night.

I hear this at least fifty times a day.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Matt_09 said:
This wouldnt be *that* bad if her voice didnt sound like a fucking space shuttle re-entering the earths atmosphere. Seriously, when she opens her fat mouth everything around me goes black and all I can hear is a loud gushing noise as everything positive in the surrounding area is consumed by her insatiable apettite for all things negative.

That sounds like one of those Harry Potter monsters. I can't remember its name at the top of my head...

Speaking of which, the book's due in a couple weeks. I'm expecting a sticky thread soon :)


A radio station should do something like "THE INFORMANT" where they have people from the station go up to someone at a workplace and tell them that they are annoying as fuck and tell them to shut the FUCK UP because the people around them dont want to hear their SHIT.

This would be pure gold.

Of course the radio station should do their research first, but damn, there should be a service in the government that does this and just goes up and tells them, no one want to fucking hear that, or possibly give them a punch in the face. This would be after showing them their License to PUNCH badge of course.
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