Don't speak so harshly of yourself.
Who cares? Let the kid be baptized, if when the kid is older and they can switch religions or choose to not participate. Is it really worth it to ruin your relationship with your GF over this?
I was baptized went to church with my mom, and at around 14 I stopped going. I'm not athiest (agnostic) my wife is Catholic, and she wants to raise the kid Catholic and it does not bother me at all, when the child can make decisions for themselves they will.
For me it's not worth the conflict, and I didn't bother me my parents had me baptized and my mother made me go to sunday school and whatnot, I grew up and then made a choice not to particiapte--no biggie.
with a monster.
Yes I do like her but I no longer see her the same way. Please read the full post. (Sorry for the massive wall of txt)
Wow, GAF seems to be really piling on just because you took issue with bigotry in your family & gf. I'm wondering what they'd say if the situation was reversed and if they'd ask you to give up your beliefs just to "go with the flow".
Come on, buddy, you need to stop this line of thinking. Just because a Christian wants to baptize their kid, that doesn't make them a monster.
This is why you should carefully consider with whom you intend to mate.
You're right, but you were dumb.
As an atheist, you should recognize baptism as just a meaningless ritual, if it makes her and her family happy - why not? Sprinkling water on an infant's head doesn't magically make her religious.
Exactly, and it won't bother me one way or another.99% chance your kids end up not being Catholic or Catholic in name only
Did you read the full post? (I dont blame you if you did not)
We're piling on him because for someone who calls themselves an atheist, who tend to be more rational human beings, he is being very unrational.
NVM, clearly did not read the entire post.
Long post, but I read it all.
Pretty much this. Had you simply let it happen, you would still be in the relationship and living with your daughter. Being there as she grows up, you would be able to teach her rationalism and logical thought to the point where she could decide for herself despite whatever your GF or families push on her.
I was raised Christian, but once I got to college I began questioning, reading, learning, and now I'm squarely atheist. Twenty years of being raised Christian didn't prevent me from making my own choices. Now it will be much harder for you to help guide her. But I am proud of you for standing your ground for what you believe in. That took guts and strength, despite the outcome.
I did read your fucking post. I still think you're an idiot.
NVM, clearly did not read the entire post.
OP's GF said:Please do this for me. Please let me have this. This is for me, not Ashley.
Don't date outside your own belief system.
From reading the thread, it sounds like you caused alot of this yourself.
I'm an atheist too (more of an apatheist) and my opinion is pretty much in line with everyone else.. e.g. Why do you give a shit if she wants to baptize the baby? I was baptized and it doesn't mean shit today.
Usually you talk these sorts of things out before having children, but from the sounds of things this child was unexpected. Unfortunate situation for you. My only advice for you now is to stop being so melodramatic and to consider what's at stake here.
NVM, clearly did not read the entire post.
What a monster.
all your own decisions. all of them.He basically said once my GF and Ashley leave for church me and him where going to have a long talk I laughed and told him I was not going to be here since I am no longer welcomed. She takes the baby, I fight a bit more with her in the car but I am forced to let her drive away with our baby to a place I do not approve, to a place we should have still be talking about, to a place that I firmly believe will not be a positive influence to my child. Watching my baby girl being driven away to this church was the last time I saw her and I have never missed her more.
I call her just moments before the mass and ask her are you really going through with this? She said yes, and I said I am leaving then. I packed up my stuff, left for our place, picked up a few more things and drove off all alone.
Pretty much this and this goes for no matter what you believe, christians tell other christians this so every other group may as well do the same. In all honesty it makes things less complicated in a relationship for all parties, well unless you like that disney channel drama lol.
Yep, time to swallow your pride and apologize for blowing this out of proportion.
OP said:Her compromise) Take the baby to her 40 day introduction, baptize her Greek Orthodox at 8 months of age, and have her celebrate the holidays and teach her the religion as she grows. Also once she is of age she can choose to continue the religion, pick a new one, or simply not participate in any belief.
My issue) The 40 introduction to be feels somewhat like a recruitment tool. I do not want us to choose Ashleys religion or what she should believe in, especially at 8 months of age. Lastly, I not think that at a certain age a person should not have to think should I continue what my parents picked for me or choose a new path? I believe at the appropriate age a person should think What religion best fits my beliefs?
They seem better off without you.
tl:dr version:
Except OP lost his family as a result.
Yep, time to swallow your pride and apologize for blowing this out of proportion.
dude seriously?
If a meaningless ritual brings someone you love joy and peace why fight it? It's not like she's being brainwashed or spending all her money on this.
You've fallen into the trap of giving your disbelief as much power in your life as those people you ridicule for spending energy on their belief.
This is fucking stupid. I hate this line of thinking.
It should be don't date outside your own belief system if you're not willing to compromise and concede an argument every now an then.