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ATI on Xbox 2 R&D: "Mostly Done"


GIR said:
Dude its simple, it’s a 50/50 choice, I'm checking the box on the BC option others have chosen the non BC option, even though:
1. Microsoft would be stupid NOT to include this feature
2. Its technically possible.
3. Not having a feature that one of you major competitors has is generally frowned upon by persnickety consumers.

It doesn’t matter what MS has said or not said or hinted at, people in this industry say and do different things, remember when Shiggy said that the next Mario game (SMS) would be "mature" everyone was saying that it would feature realistic graphics and not be like a cartoon, I tried telling them that Shiggy was probably joking and SMS would end up looking Luigi's Mansion.

Just because its technically possible doesnt mean its going to happen. MS would either have to get the rights to emulate or include Intel's CPU and nVidia's GPU or emulate XB1 without making a deal with Intel/nVidia. MS is trying to reduce the cost of production with XB2 and having to pay royalties to Intel/nVidia is not what they want, then if MS try the later they could be openning themselves up to legal attacks for using IP which doesnt belong to them.

Sony doesnt face this problem because they own all their own tech, and i think Nintendos said their going with an IBM/ATI solution again, it shouldnt have any trouble running GC stuff.

PS. Im pretty sure i remember Miyamoto saying SMS would be targeting a more adult audience eg. harder. Then later reported as 'mature' by the 'fantastic' videogame journalists out there... what the hell does that have to do with this discussion?..



ATI comments hint at progress on Xbox 2 hardware

Rob Fahey 16:31 08/09/2004
Graphics specialists "winding down" work on Xenon parts

Comments made by ATI Technologies' CFO Terry Nickerson at a conference in New York this week have suggested that the company's development work on the graphics unit for Xbox 2 is nearing completion.

Speaking at the Smith Barney Citigroup 2004 Technology Conference, Nickerson made a short comment about the firm's involvement with next-generation console development for both Nintendo and Microsoft.

"The other one that's starting to become, I think, a factor when you're looking at it from an investment point of view, are game consoles," he told the conference. "We're actually winding down development on some of the Microsoft product. Both Nintendo and Microsoft will be royalties."

While the comment is arguably open to different interpretations, the most likely meaning is that the design of the graphics part which will be used by the next Xbox console is almost complete, and is ready to pass off to the manufacturer - where, of course, a whole new set of challenges will have to be dealt with before the system actually enters production.

This would tie in with the expected schedule for the launch of Xbox 2, which is expected to hit retail well before the end of 2005 in North America at least. It also suggests that developers, who are currently developing Xbox 2 titles on prototype development kits based on PowerMac G5 systems, could start seeing more advanced Xenon development hardware around the start of next year, if not sooner.

The comment also confirms that Nintendo, like Microsoft, will be operating a system whereby it licenses technology from ATI and manufactures it itself - hardly a surprise, admittedly, since this has been the nature of most of Nintendo's previous technology deals, unlike Microsoft's Xbox deals which saw it buying bulk volumes of technology it did not own from firms such as NVIDIA and Intel.
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