It's not a stretch, it merely underlines the blatant inconsistencies and contradictions in these videos.
If the first couple of minutes and the shoddy documentary it is based on are already full of factual errors, there's really no need to keep watching that crap.
Even if Atlantis is a man-made structure built upon a natural landscape, the amount of construction work required to create such a civilization would leave abundant artifacts that could still be found today. So far, there is zero evidence for that. Also there has been zero evidence of landscaping or constructional remains. Geologists and archaeologists are very good at detecting civilizational remains.
This is Göbekli Teke in Turkey, it is a UNESCO world heritage site and 12.000 years old.
This is Skara Brae in Scotland, it is 7-8.000 years old.
Uhm yes, yes it does. It's snake-oil pure and simple, but feel free to believe that pseudo-scientific eyewash.
Don't be silly. Science requires a lot of theorizing, but even speculation requires a modicum of serious empirical evidence if it wants to be taken seriously. No scientist would deride a theory that is rigorously based on the scientific method.
His unawareness of even the simplest facts merely underlines his shoddy research method and severe lack of expertise and knowledge.
Please provide evidence for that claim because so far I could not find any academic sources on that (by academic I mean experts in the field of archaeology, not some random youtuber or some silly economist on a tourist tour to Mauritania).
If such artifacts of the fabled Atlantis would have been found, you could be sure they would be worth quite a lot and be rigorously studied and stashed away in a serious museum, not rotting away in some random "hut".
You accuse me of a lack of expertise concerning this matter, yet you lack even the most basic knowledge about archaeology. 12.000 years is nothing, considering that we found tools that even predate the human species. The tools found at the shores of lake Turkana
are 3.3 million years old.
You'd think that an advanced civilization such as Atlantis would leave at least some tools lying around.
I am against this "theory" because it is shoddy research and pseudo-scientific snake-oil presented as fact, not because I'm inherently against the idea of Atlantis being real. The stuff you're trying to defend here is actually hurting the work of real scientists and researchers while lining the pockets of the self-serving bullsh*t peddlers that you're dredging up in this thread.
I know very well what I'm debating against for the simple fact that I'm familiar with the scientific method. I really don't need to waste my time watching these videos, when it is quite evident from the beginning that everything is based on shoddy "research", discredited sources and strenuous pseudo-evidence.
I don't care about that youtuber and his clickbait videos, I'm only here so that other people reading this forum don't fall for that crap and take it for granted. I think to have sufficiently demonstrated that the "sources" are not to be taken seriously and that the assertions in these videos are factually wrong simply because they convey no understanding of the geological and archaeological expertise required to make such claims.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence far, I've seen none of that.