Like why can't I have a sprint button?
This is frustrating in the beginning, but like other parts of the game it gets better later as you get upgrades. There are glove upgrades that increase walk speed and it's not really an issue at that point.
Why is everything so got damn bright?
Some areas are really bright but some are extremely dark. I've rarely had any issues with it but this might vary by platform (I'm on XSX)
How do they expect me to handle this many enemies this early in the game (telelkinesis is your friend, i found out)?
The opening hours are brutal whenever you get into combat encounters, but it only makes it that much more rewarding when you upgrade enough to make the encounters easy. I recommend prioritizing maxing out Shok and your health. If you're in the open world segments, don't be afraid to just run away from enemies. They'll overwhelm you until you're powered up enough.
Why do you give me laser protection to go through laser barriers and when I come to another laser barrier, I can't simply walk through it and take the damage?
Yeah this is kinda weird, they really only make you do the laser thing once and then never again (at least as far as I am ~20hrs in).
Why is there no description of the items in my inventory I gotta go to a whole other part of the menu to see what something does?
Yeah this is kinda bad design, not sure what they were thinking there.
Why does my character have full on philosophical conversations with his hand while fighting hordes of enemies...I can't pay attention to this shit.
Everyone talks too much in this game. At the beginning it was kind of annoying but I've gotten used to it. The story so far has been fairly predictable so I wouldn't put too much concern in missing conversations here and there.
You implement stealth mechanics in the game that are unusable because the crouch walking speed is too slow? Srsly?
Yeah this sucks. I rarely use stealth because of how damn slow you are crouching. Sometimes you can get lucky and still pull of stealth kills when running up on someone, but usually they'll turn around first. In the opening hours this can really save you though, especially in the open world where you are constantly swarmed with enemies.
Can I breathe while swimming in the polymer? And is someone gonna explain why I can hear voices while I'm swimming in it? Is that weed in the polymer? Am I high?
I think you can breathe, I've never seen any warning/indication about needing to come up for air or losing health. The Polymer is used for the hivemind Kollective network that's pretty core to the plot, so I kinda figured that the Polymer water just has little bits of other people's memories floating around in there, but they haven't outright explained it from where I'm at. Or maybe it is weed and we're high, idk.
How come if I'm driving in a car that's on fire, it kills me before my health runs out? I mean did it explode and I just missed the show?
Yeah it exploded, but sometimes the game over screen will pull up before thale actual explosion animation. Generally it's a good idea to just ditch the car if it's on fire, you'll only have a few seconds before it kills you at that point.
Are the employees mentioned in the computers just pictures of the developers mixed in with some random Russian looking dudes and some cats?
Not sure on this but one of the pictures I saw looked more like an in-game NPC than a real person like the rest of them were and I wasn't sure if that was intentional or if I'm losing my mind. I stopped reading the computers after that.
Not sure why I felt compelled to respond to all of this but here I am.