Work? School? Same things day in/out?
How do you change your attitude and keep a fresh perspective?
Without chemicals, what activities might you do, what reflections do you think of, or what is it that energizes you, charges you to go boldly into facing situations that do not change on their own. What I personally need is something to spice up my learning. I always have a high initial interest that wanes after a time. I need some random drama or scene changes from time to time, so I've thought of these things to do that may make school a little different and a pleasure experience:
Go to another campus not of your own school. Find the library or somewhere where you might want to quietly sit, read, study, or wi-fi to hop on for those of you laptop users.
Get to different parts of town and get some outdoor action, excercise, et al. The world begins to look rather small and booring when visiting the same four walls with no changes.
Look to positive friends to hang out with. Hang out in the engineering building if you want to be an engineer, etc.
Take different routs driving, walking, et al. Park somewhere which makes you walk a different rout to your office or class.
I find the last one pleasurable. I need to change some things since my campus experience tends to remain the same save for new classes each semester. In what ways do you add spice to your life when things seem to stay the same?