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August 2008 NPD Results


AnimeTheme said:
Games that can easily make good use of motion control definitely have an advantage on Wii. Golf is a good example.

Ok I just want to keep track of which games don't count on Wii when they sell well.

1. 1st party games
2. party games
3, family games
4. games within popular series

so you are adding

5. Games that can easily make good use of motion control

ok so any game that is suited for wii controls doesnt count as good sales either. got it!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
AnimeTheme said:
Those trolls against Jag22 are ridiculous. Completely ignoring the Wii Madden sales as any kind of indication of Wii's demography is even more ridiculous. Maybe he is biased in some ways, but he does have some valid points.

What trolls? All that's happening is people pointing out the holes in his logic. There's more data against Jag22 than in his favour.

Jag22 said:
The RE games on the Wii did not sell like Hotcakes. They sold well, but hotcakes would be something like Halo 3 with it's 8 million in sells, or COD 4 with it's 8+ million in sells or GTA4 with it's 6+ million in sells.

Something selling 500k to a 1,000,000 is not "selling like hotcakes".

Downplay Capcom's success on the console then. When a niche game like Zack & Wiki can reach 400k in unproven territory I think that's enough reason to find that there's profit in a console.

Do you want games that sell like hotcakes? Super Mario Galaxy (despite Japan's indifference) and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They may not be as hardcore as it gets, but they are certainly hardcore by the skewed definition of this generation's console wars.

AnimeTheme said:
Games that can easily make good use of motion control definitely have an advantage on Wii. Golf is a good example.

So why exclude it from the discussion? If anything, it proves the point that games that take advantage of the Wii assets do well on the console. Madden 09, from what I've read, does not.


Jag22 said:
Something selling 500k to a 1,000,000 is not "selling like hotcakes".

Its at about 1.3 million now actually, after having already been playable on the Wii in the form of the GC version on its what....4th release? Under the circumstances, selling like hotcakes does indeed fit my friend.

Christ you should be banned just on the basis of you attempting to shift your position wildly to save face. You are getting massacred here.

AnimeTheme said:
Games that can easily make good use of motion control definitely have an advantage on Wii. Golf is a good example.

Wait, does this mean when a 3rd party game takes advantage of a consoles strength that the stellar sales of said game no longer "counts"? So online heavy games that utilize XBL can be tossed into the category? Games that heavily rely on online modes for replayability? Like oh....say FPS? So we are ready to remove the "stellar" sales of CoD4 and Halo from the list of successful games on the 360 right?

Of course not, just like Jag you are flip flopping all over the place to keep your weak argument alive. Its really no wonder only someone as silly as he is would actually attempt and rush to his defense here. He was getting attacked because he was being stupid, and you appear to want to join him. To each his own.


AnimeTheme said:
Games that can easily make good use of motion control definitely have an advantage on Wii. Golf is a good example.
That's my theory as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tennis games did better on the Wii as well.

For everyone saying the Wii audience has every type of gamer. Ask yourself these questions.

Would a game like Oblivion have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Mass Effect sell 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Gears of War sold almost 5 and half million on the Wii?

Would a Tom Clancy game like Rainbow Six: Vegas have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

I really think the awnsers would be no. Much like High School Musical wouldn't have sold over a million on the 360 and much like Carnival Games have sold what it has.

The two consoles have completely different audiences. That's not a bad thing, remember that. They're just different.


formerly cjelly
Speevy said:
Absolutely they should. Sink millions of dollars into quality Wii third party games, even exclusives. But which genres?
Isn't the whole point of the Wii's third party dominance that publishers don't have to sink millions in to making a game? They have to put less in to get more out.
jibblypop said:
Ok I just want to keep track of which games don't count on Wii when they sell well.

1. 1st party games
2. party games
3, family games
4. games within popular series

so you are adding

5. Games that can easily make good use of motion control

ok so any game that is suited for wii controls doesnt count as good sales either. got it!

You added it. I didn't.

Regulus Tera said:
So why exclude it from the discussion? If anything, it proves the point that games that take advantage of the Wii assets do well on the console. Madden 09, from what I've read, does not.

This is basically my point as well. You can easily imagine how Wiimotes can be used in games like golf or music games, but not madden or soccer (not to the same extent as golf at the very least).

We can't deny that there are simply some specific game types that don't suit Wii.
Jag22 said:
That's my theory as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tennis games did better on the Wii as well.

For everyone saying the Wii audience has every type of gamer. Ask yourself these questions.

Would a game like Oblivion have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Mass Effect sell 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Gears of War sold almost 5 and half million on the Wii?

Would a Tom Clancy game like Rainbow Six: Vegas have sold over 2 million on the Wii?
Yes to all of those.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
AnimeTheme said:
This is basically my point as well. You can easily imagine how Wiimotes can be used in games like golf or music games, but not madden or soccer (not to the same extent as golf at the very least).

We can't deny that there are simply some specific game types that don't suit Wii.

A bit of a derailment, but how did PES 2008 do on Wii?


AnimeTheme said:
You added it. I didn't.

I dont think you realize how STUPID you just made yourself look by agreeing to that. :lol

Regulus Tera said:
A bit of a derailment, but how did PES 2008 do on Wii?

Think it did like a half a mill worldwide or something. Did well but wasn't the highest selling SKU.
Puncture said:
I dont think you realize how STUPID you just made yourself look by agreeing to that. :lol

WTF? :lol

When the fuck did I ever say this game doesn't count or that game ain't part of the discussion?
Erm what page can i get an explanation on the main topics being covered in thread

is someone saying selling a mil copies isnt good

oh nevermind

whats that phrase bail out


Regulus Tera said:
Do you want games that sell like hotcakes? Super Mario Galaxy (despite Japan's indifference) and Super Smash Bros. Brawl
What 3rd party publisher published Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros: Brawl?


Regulus Tera said:
Didn't Microsoft publish Halo 3? Clearly, Halo 3 doesn't count cause it's first/second party!
We were talking about 3rd party sells for the Wii. I then was giving examples of what would be considered "selling like hotcakes" then out of no where for really no reason you brought up multiple 1st party Nintendo games. Halo was just an example of "Selling like hotcakes".

I really have no clue why you even brought up the other games.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Jag22 said:
We were talking about 3rd party sells for the Wii. I then was giving examples of what would be considered "selling like hotcakes" then out of no where for really no reason you brought up multiple 1st party Nintendo games. Halo was just an example of "Selling like hotcakes".

I really have no clue why you even brought up the other games.

The problem lies there. You cannot have a double standard of what's valid in one console and what's not in another. If we are going to have a truthful discussion of what makes a console succesful we have to have a set of criteria that does not skew itself to any fanbase's liking.

Never mind that you haven't even been bothered to answer previous questions formulated by other people and I.

Edit: You actually mentioned Gears of War and not Halo 3 in a previous post. My bad. The point still applies though.


Kilrogg said:
I'm not saying the marketing angle is the only explanation though, but I think it's one of the core elements of the problem.

note: I removed a bunch of text from your post, but I'm not discounting it. I thought most of it was thoughtful and well-reasoned.

The problem, as I see it, is that rather than look for a concept that can be popular and interesting, game publishers continue to latch on to concepts and ideas that were already popular and interesting. They continue to play the safe road over and over and over, further marginalizing themselves in the process. There is little room for new ideas in games, outside the indie world. I can't even count the number of games which had great concepts but managed to be focus-grouped (yes I just used "focus group" as a verb) right out of being any fun by trying to hit all the bullet points demanded by the game-buying public. Nowhere is this more evident than when looking at the post-WoW MMO landscape. Risk-aversion has completely destroyed a genre for me. A genre that I used to love.

To get this back on the subject of console sales, Nintendo struck a dramatic victory by simply aiming in the opposite direction. Rather than aiming for the niche, they took a shot at everyone else. It was a massive risk, and many here (including me) predicted at best another weak console cycle for Nintendo. Some predicted complete doom, but I thought they'd sell enough to their loyal fanbase to stay in the game for another round. Very few, however, predicted the massive hit that the Wii has become.

I almost wonder if this me-too industry will snap back completely in the opposite direction in the years to come, such that with multiple companies aiming at the Wii demographic, another comes along and thumps them by going after the neglected hardcore crowd. I suppose time will tell.
Jag22 said:
poor Madden sells vs the good Madden sells
I don't mean to pick on you specifically since this is something we see quite often, buuut we're Sales-Age, not Sells-Age.
Jag22 said:
For everyone saying the Wii audience has every type of gamer. Ask yourself these questions.

Would a game like Oblivion have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Mass Effect sell 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Gears of War sold almost 5 and half million on the Wii?

Would a Tom Clancy game like Rainbow Six: Vegas have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

I really think the awnsers would be no. Much like High School Musical wouldn't have sold over a million on the 360 and much like Carnival Games have sold what it has.
If by some wizardry the game libraries were completely exchanged, I imagine the userbases would be mostly reversed too.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm as hardcore as anyone around here and certainly more hardcore than your ass, and I've never bought a f---ing Madden game in my entire life.
Once again, Segata, I salute you. Remind me to buy you a Wiiware or VC game for your birthday this year... or should I just wait for 9/9/9 ?


Trucker Sexologist
Mr. Pointy said:
Yes to all of those.
I think you are underestimating how instrumental a well done online interface was to the success of many of those titles. Gears would not sell 5+ million if it required friend codes. I'm sure the shit hot graphics didn't hurt either.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
SapientWolf said:
I think you are underestimating how instrumental a well done online interface was to the success of many of those titles. Gears would not sell 5+ million if it required friend codes. I'm sure the shit hot graphics didn't hurt either.

EA's future online games won't use friend codes. Hell, even Mario Kart Wii doesn't require friend codes to be played online.

I will not say XBOX Live is not awesome (it is and a lot), but the online service can be simulated on Wii if the developer wants to. Probably not at the same level, but decent enough.


Games like Guitar Hero or Rockband showed that with proper marketing everything can sell

Apparently the Madden 09 marketing for the wii was not hitting the right spot..

The All Play stuff drove away the hardcore base of the Wii that never bought Madden anyway (remember the GC days when Madden would sell like 50k in the first week ..?)

And the Casual crowd did not understand why they should buy this instead of lets say wii fit

And is madden really such a hardcore franchise.. I bought one Tony Hawk game (THPS2 on GBA), one Madden Game (2005 on the GC), one NFS game (Hot Pursuit on the PC) and I always considered those games as games for casual gamers..

Looks like the term casual shifted quite a lot


provides useful feedback
Speevy said:
See, I hate these types of games, which is why I'm quoting your awesome post so these crappy games turn into frogs.

Hey screw you, Ocean Commander is actually a good fun game! Although seeing as you can download it online for about a fiver it's not really worth £20.

...which means that they must be making some pretty decent profit on those games, even if they only sell in the few hundreds.

Regarding Madden: I cannot comment on whether or not the game itself is gimped or not compared to the other versions, but the effect of a decent boxart should never be downplayed as it is the one thing the casual gamers are on the lookout for when buying games - and if one version has some cartoony Centurion monkeyman on the front it's confusing and insulting.

All the good-selling Wii third party games have been treated with as equal respect presentation wise as the others - Guitar Hero 3, Resident Evil 4, Tiger Woods, etc... None of those have cartoonified interpretations of the PS3/360/PS2/whatever versions, which means they're not trying to alienate the regular consumers of those games in order to pursue some magical larger audience that probably isn't as eager to buy that game as the others.


SovanJedi said:
Hey screw you, Ocean Commander is actually a good fun game! Although seeing as you can download it online for about a fiver it's not really worth £20.

...which means that they must be making some pretty decent profit on those games, even if they only sell in the few hundreds.
Originally you could download Alien Hominid for free as well.. There was no point to buy it on last gen consoles or 360... Yet many people did and Behemoth had enough money to make castle crashers.. Which is a good game


provides useful feedback
farnham said:
Originally you could download Alien Hominid for free as well.. There was no point to buy it on last gen consoles or 360... Yet many people did and Behemoth had enough money to make castle crashers.. Which is a good game

Wasn't the free version a one-stage demo? I remember playing it when it was first on Newgrounds and it only had one stage and two bosses.
SapientWolf said:
I think you are underestimating how instrumental a well done online interface was to the success of many of those titles. Gears would not sell 5+ million if it required friend codes. I'm sure the shit hot graphics didn't hurt either.
Gears' main claim to fame is the online co-op, which can be done without friend codes using a random player option like most Wi-Fi enabled Wii games have. Any other online modes in GeOW mean nothing because of host advantage.

And no one really gives a shit about graphics.
EDIT> Actually, what I should have said was that as long as the graphics are good enough, the frame rate is stable and the art direction holds up, most people really don't care how bleeding-edge they are.


So we are discussing this again? And people are looking at sales of the Godfather BHE and Scarface, which arrived in the stores overpriced while their PS2/Xbox/PC counterparts were a lot cheaper? Damn people.

Jag22 said:
That's my theory as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tennis games did better on the Wii as well.

For everyone saying the Wii audience has every type of gamer. Ask yourself these questions.

Would a game like Oblivion have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Mass Effect sell 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Gears of War sold almost 5 and half million on the Wii?

Would a Tom Clancy game like Rainbow Six: Vegas have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

I really think the awnsers would be no. Much like High School Musical wouldn't have sold over a million on the 360 and much like Carnival Games have sold what it has.

The two consoles have completely different audiences. That's not a bad thing, remember that. They're just different.
If you don't try, you'll never know.
Jag22 said:
That's my theory as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tennis games did better on the Wii as well.

For everyone saying the Wii audience has every type of gamer. Ask yourself these questions.

Would a game like Oblivion have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Mass Effect sell 2 million on the Wii?

Would a game like Gears of War sold almost 5 and half million on the Wii?

Would a Tom Clancy game like Rainbow Six: Vegas have sold over 2 million on the Wii?

I really think the awnsers would be no. Much like High School Musical wouldn't have sold over a million on the 360 and much like Carnival Games have sold what it has.

The two consoles have completely different audiences. That's not a bad thing, remember that. They're just different.
We've been through many generations where graphics are "shit", since when did that stop games from selling?
Wow, what an argument. There is a middle ground, and I think the truth is in it.

Madden didn't sell very well this month on the Wii. That's a fact. But I don't see how that leads to any certain conclusions about the Wii's demographic, not even the obvious one, which would be that people who buy Madden don't own a Wii. So the question is, why didn't it sell, right?

Reverse the question. Why should it sell? If you're a Madden fan who buys it every year, and now you own a Wii, why should you now buy it for the Wii instead of your old PS2 or Xbox? I can see why Madden fans who now own a 360 or PS3 would move over--the obvious upgrades there. But has EA done anything to show that the Wii version would be better than the PS2 version, for example? Madden fans might feel more comfortable sticking with the familiar PS2 controls.

Apply the same question to the Tiger Woods game--another game that sells a new version every year. I think the answer does change--there is a good reason to buy the Wii version, and it's packed in with the Wii. Golf obviously is fun to play with motion controls--or at least people who've bought the Wii think so.

Now what about all those Wii owners who are supposed to be new to gaming? Why didn't they buy Madden? Ask the same question: why should they? They've lived without videogame football their whole life. Why did they buy a Wii? I imagine they either tried it and liked it, or heard that it was fun. Neither of these would apply to Madden--yet. It could. Maybe it'll click with people who have bought it, and word will spread--but that didn't happen the last 2 years. I know they've re-tooled it, and specifically for these people, apparently (another reason why Madden fans might steer clear). But I see no reason a new Wii gamer would buy Madden on Madden Day.

Rolf NB

Madden casual? A series of games that are so arcane that magazines need specialist reviewers to even give them a fair shake? I really don't think so. Casual = low investment of time needed to succeed. And that really doesn't descirbe Madden, no sir.

Those fucken clay figures on the Madden cover are entirely orthogonal to the casual/hardcore axis, but they do make the game broadly unappealing to the point of revulsion. It's not the fault of Wii owners that EA makes stupid decisions every now and then.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If I have a bowl of fruit and it has in it apples, oranges, bananas, pears, and peaches, I can say that my bowl has all kinds of different fruit in it. That there are no grapes in my bowl doesn't mean my bowl contains only one type of fruit.
There will be those that think your bowl contains a large homogenous mass of aroneaches and will offer custom-built aroneach juicers to precisely suit your needs. Failure is what they deserve.
bcn-ron said:
Madden casual? A series of games that are so arcane that magazines need specialist reviewers to even give them a fair shake? I really don't think so. Casual = low investment of time needed to succeed.

I think you've just added another definition of "casual" to the lineup. That's one of the things that happens in sales threads all the time: trying to define "casual". The definition is all over the place.


Leondexter said:
Wow, what an argument. There is a middle ground, and I think the truth is in it.

Madden didn't sell very well this month on the Wii. That's a fact. But I don't see how that leads to any certain conclusions about the Wii's demographic, not even the obvious one, which would be that people who buy Madden don't own a Wii. So the question is, why didn't it sell, right?

Reverse the question. Why should it sell? If you're a Madden fan who buys it every year, and now you own a Wii, why should you now buy it for the Wii instead of your old PS2 or Xbox? I can see why Madden fans who now own a 360 or PS3 would move over--the obvious upgrades there. But has EA done anything to show that the Wii version would be better than the PS2 version, for example? Madden fans might feel more comfortable sticking with the familiar PS2 controls.

Apply the same question to the Tiger Woods game--another game that sells a new version every year. I think the answer does change--there is a good reason to buy the Wii version, and it's packed in with the Wii. Golf obviously is fun to play with motion controls--or at least people who've bought the Wii think so.

Now what about all those Wii owners who are supposed to be new to gaming? Why didn't they buy Madden? Ask the same question: why should they? They've lived without videogame football their whole life. Why did they buy a Wii? I imagine they either tried it and liked it, or heard that it was fun. Neither of these would apply to Madden--yet. It could. Maybe it'll click with people who have bought it, and word will spread--but that didn't happen the last 2 years. I know they've re-tooled it, and specifically for these people, apparently (another reason why Madden fans might steer clear). But I see no reason a new Wii gamer would buy Madden on Madden Day.

who cares who buys Wii and Wii games? While some people think that Wii will somehow destroy PS3/360, truth is that they will peacefully coexist, which numbers show every month.

Isnt it wonderful to have choice? All these companies trying to make better games, consoles, competing for our money? THat should be good, not bad.

So yes, some people buy Madden, some people buy Wii Fit, both are helping the industry as whole.


if it means anything to you guys, of all of the sport game demos I've tried recently, I've found none of them appealing. I don't play sport games, but I can follow them on tv, so its not like I don't understand the sports themselves. But when it comes to the videogame versions, I'll try them for anytime between 10 minutes to an hour, and remain uncompelled to find out more about the game.

The most I ever dug into the Madden demo in particular was when it had you take the VR-esque "test."

I really liked that part of the game. Then it threw me into the real game, and I didn't know left from right.

Its really not a casual game. Hell, Burnout Paradise is far more casual than any other offering I've seen come out of EA in a long time. In the end, its a question of who owns these gaming consoles, and how many of them are trully hardcore football fans.

Wii SKU not selling as well as suspected right after launch is not a surprise.


spwolf said:
who cares who buys Wii and Wii games? While some people think that Wii will somehow destroy PS3/360, truth is that they will peacefully coexist, which numbers show every month.

Isnt it wonderful to have choice? All these companies trying to make better games, consoles, competing for our money? THat should be good, not bad.

So yes, some people buy Madden, some people buy Wii Fit, both are helping the industry as whole.
Well on the one hand it is a wonderful thing that the 360 or the PS3 can coexist with the Wii

On the other hand messageboard fanboys always will argue about stuff like this that this means that one console is the ultimate winner

Rolf NB

Leondexter said:
I think you've just added another definition of "casual" to the lineup. That's one of the things that happens in sales threads all the time: trying to define "casual". The definition is all over the place.
That's because too many people perceive "casual" as an insult and "hardcore" as praise, and they twist their interpretation of the words to feel better about the games they personally play. I think my definition is a)reasonably close to traditional dictionary meaning (e.g. what makes a casual stock trader casual, what makes casually punching someone casual) and b)vastly more tangible than superficial art-based categorization that ignore everything that makes the games games to begin with ("there is color and the characters smile all the time, therefore the interaction must be designed to support casual play").


I'm going to be gone for the afternoon, but it is possible Edge-Online will post my article while I'm gone. We'll see.

When it goes up, you guys will have Tales of Vesperia numbers. :D


Why is it so hard to accept that PS360 owners might be different than Wii owners hence they own the console they own.

Also Tiger woods is not some sales juggernaut. Any one know how much the best selling version actually sold. Just looking at this month the best selling madden sold a million copies while the best selling Tiger woods sold 56K. I'd say these games hold vastly different levels of importance to EA.

And what is the huge deal about legs. If a game can sell a million copies first month at full price rather than 100k first month and a slow burn to a million with incremental price drops how is that a bad thing. And since when did games magically stop selling just because they were popular from the jump(mario kart, gta).

Finally why do we try so hard to paint everything we don't like as a failure or a wrong way of doing things. If everyone followed the same path then the industry would become more generic then it already is.

And can everyone stop blaming third parties for their Wii advertising. People do realize that MS and Sony pay for almost all of those third party commercials of big games maybe nintendo should do the same. And I could swore just a month ago everyone was praising EA for getting it right with Madden Wii as compared to NCAA Wii and how they were increasing Wii support.
I think Madden sales can work either way depending on your agenda.

At the very least, they show a flaw in the "put any game on Wii, make it accessible with motion controls, and it will sell well due to userbase" theory. Obviously this works for certain games (Lego Indy, Guitar Hero, Tiger Woods, Top Spin), and not so much for others (PES, Madden, Smackdown, and I'm willing to bet The Force Unleashed won't come near the 360 version).

Advertising is a silly cop-out. Everyone knows that Madden is out for every platform. Anyone who watches even one football game (or sportscenter broadcast) a week would even know the launch date months in advance. Also baseless is the assertion that Madden is a mediocre cash-in game that was avoided by astute Wii owners. What about Mario Party 8? You can't have "reviewers don't understand" to explain every mediocre game that sells well on the platform and "this game sucks" to explain every decent game that does poorly.

For example (from gamerankings):

Madden 09 Wii: 82%
Tiger Woods 09 Wii: 75%

Yet Tiger does much better, at least relative to the other platforms.

So what conclusion can we draw from this? The most obvious one is that some games are better suited for motion controls, and some aren't. Some games will scale with userbase size from the HD platforms to Wii, some won't. Resident Evil 5, for example, will probably sell more in its first month on PS3 than RE4's lifetime sales on Wii - at 2x the MSRP.

The blanket "X game would sell better on Wii" statement is obviously not true for a lot of the games listed by Jag22, it's silly to think otherwise.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
. Resident Evil 5, for example, will probably sell more in its first month on PS3 than RE4's lifetime sales on Wii - at 2x the MSRP.


A port of one game will be outsold by a new highly advertised sequel. Yeah Big Guess you have there


BishopLamont said:
We've been through many generations where graphics are "shit", since when did that stop games from selling?

He isn't saying they wouldn't sell because the graphics would be worse than on 360 or PS3, but because the Wii audience is different and wouldn't be as interested in those games.
Grecco said:
A port of one game will be outsold by a new highly advertised sequel. Yeah Big Guess you have there

If it's so widely accepted as fact, why do we still have people harping on Capcom for supporting the HD platforms?

RE5 is going to sell 4-5 million plus copies even if it never touches the Wii, there's little reason to constantly tout RE4's sales constantly as if they're any indication that Capcom is making a grave mistake. Look at the variety of sour grapes responses to Madden's sales in this thread, Wii owners wishing that the franchise would just go away or that EA should die because somehow it's their fault that Wii owners don't want to play American sim-football games.

An online co-op 3PS is precisely the kind of game that would seem like a more natural fit for the PS3/360/PC, that's all. And as long as there is money to be made making games for their 'limited' HD audience, some publishers, EA and Capcom included, will continue to release games specifically for these platforms.


Jag22 said:
You can't deny that Madden is one of the 5 biggest 3rd party releases of every year. And the poor Madden sells vs the good Madden sells on the PS3/360 is why more 3rd party developers don't invest more in the Wii.

I really dunno how anyone can deny this point.

GAF....Where Madden is considered a gauge for 'hardcore'.


Did you ever think it was perhaps because people who have played Madden on Wii in the past aren't digging the control system for the game and would rather stick with the tried and true gamepad method on PS3/360? The Wii edition does play a tad bit different. Not to mention the online multiplayer of the PS3/360 versions are easily superior as well. Maybe more people with 360's buy Madden on there because they know their friends are buying it as well, hence more online gameplay.

There is also the fact that football fans love their sports in HD as well (I know my wife who can't wait for football season to start does).

These IMO are the reasons for the lower sales for Madden on Wii.

For the record and from someone who has been gaming since the 70's (I'm hardly a casual) I own a 360 and a Wii and haven't played Madden since Madden 92 on the Genesis (Where the series always seemed to sell more over the SNES).

That said it WOULD be nice to see more original IP's from the likes of Capcom and Konami on Wii but I fear sales of Elebits and Zack & Wiki may have scared them off...Capcom seems happy to stick with 'enhanced' ports at the moment.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
If it's so widely accepted as fact, why do we still have people harping on Capcom for supporting the HD platforms?

RE5 is going to sell 4-5 million plus copies even if it never touches the Wii, there's little reason to constantly tout RE4's sales constantly as if they're any indication that Capcom is making a grave mistake. Look at the variety of sour grapes responses to Madden's sales in this thread, Wii owners wishing that the franchise would just go away or that EA should die because somehow it's their fault that Wii owners don't want to play American sim-football games.

An online co-op 3PS is precisely the kind of game that would seem like a more natural fit for the PS3/360/PC, that's all. And as long as there is money to be made making games for their 'limited' HD audience, some publishers, EA and Capcom included, will continue to release games specifically for these platforms.
This makes no sense

RE5 is going to sell 4 to 5 million copies even if it wont come to the wii

this i agree with

but how is it not a mistake if Capcom decides not to port RE5 on the wii

RE4 Wii edition sold 4 million copies world wide according to capcom...

This means that they can double the sales by scaling the game down and applying RE4 controls..
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