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August Wrasslin’ |OT| When Russo Shoots, He Shoots To Kill

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Honestly, I like him since he's turned heel - hate the lethal injection though, fuck that move and any handspring based offence that isn't the classic Muta backelbow into the corner.

Low Ki's handspring kick is fucking sweet

bart jr

Neo Member
Jay Lethal's had a really good year and been involved in a handful of great matches.

Lethal vs. Styles
Lethal vs. Taven in a steel cage
Lethal vs. ACH

Good shit.

I'd personally throw his match with Kushida in there, too. I may be biased, though, since I was there.


Doesn't really take that much to write a bunch of squash matches and basic never give up im winning the WWE title next month Cena promo

They'll do the standard formula:

-Triple H or Steph intro with Network shilling
-Rollins comes out and gets put in the main event
-Cesaro vs. Ziggler just because
-Brie and Nikki stuff
-Cena SIXTEEN promo
-Hulk Hogan putting Cena over
-Creative remembers that The Usos need an opponent for NOC and put something together with...Stardust and Goldust
-Sheamus vs. Somebody...probably Miz or a member of Rybaxel
-Orton and Reigns stuff
-Jericho and Wyatt stuff


I'd personally throw his match with Kushida in there, too. I may be biased, though, since I was there.

Forgot about that one! Also a really fun match.

Shit...Jay Lethal is actually in my top 10 wrestlers of 2014. @_@

AJ Styles
Dean Ambrose
Cedric Alexander
Jay Lethal
Seth Rollins
Luke Harper
Daniel Bryan
Adam Cole


I can't believe we are actually getting a Bella vs. Bella storyline before we get a Rhodes vs. Rhodes storyline.

We're never getting that.
Question, are we supposed to actually thinks flips and rotations increase power or that the wrestler is just a showoff in character?

Either way it's inexcusable PSYCHOLOGY DAMMIT
The gif just cuts it off, but that little jump he does before launching into the handspring always looks so comical to me. Low Ki, in general, was a real goofy character until he turned heel and has always seemed like a bit of a dick.



Question, are we supposed to actually thinks flips and rotations increase power or that the wrestler is just a showoff in character?

Either way it's inexcusable PSYCHOLOGY DAMMIT

It depends - if it's something like a double moonsault, then yeah. It visibly has more impact than a standard moonsault because the guy needs to have more velocity so he doesn't end up snapping his neck.


Question, are we supposed to actually thinks flips and rotations increase power or that the wrestler is just a showoff in character?

Either way it's inexcusable PSYCHOLOGY DAMMIT

Sure. On a 450 or a spin kick, I buy the extra rotations increasing power or impact.

The gif just cuts it off, but that little jump he does before launching into the handspring always looks so comical to me. Low Ki, in general, was a real goofy character until he turned heel and has always seemed like a bit of a dick.



It depends - if it's something like a double moonsault, then yeah. It visibly has more impact than a standard moonsault because the guy needs to have more velocity so he doesn't end up snapping his neck.

I can't believe no one beat the fuck out of Low Ki. He straight up took advantage of a lot of people in the ring thinking he was some super bad ass. It's very surprising to me that some bigger guy didn't bear hug him and slap the piss out of him. Especially in Japan.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Acceptable - A flip or spin that adds to a move but doesn't take away from the impact of a move. So Muta doing a moonsault is special, but the big thing about it is still him hitting the dude with his body. It's also excusable because it means he doesn't turn around on the turnbuckle, so it's not like he's adding an extra rotation for no reason. Lita's moonsaults look like shit because she has no size, and someone of that frame shouldn't be doing splashes in the first place. And her flip is awful.

What is also acceptable is if the flip or rotation doesn't make the move take longer than it would normally require.

Unacceptable - Adding so many spins or rotations to your move that the move is more about the spins, jumps, or rotations than the impact itself. Like if Macho Man did a 360 degree elbow drop, it wouldn't add anything to the elbow, and it would look like he went out of his way to spin. Or a springboard cutter because the springboard didn't give you any extra height since you're still grabbing a standing opponents neck regardless of the setup.

Again, it's about not putting so much emphasis on the setup for a move. Because the setup has no impact on the move itself, and considering wrestling is supposed to be, lots of young indie wrestlers should read this part, supposed to be about making a believable 'fight' and not about a display of acrobatics, the convoluted setup has no place and just screams HEY THIS IS FAKE BY THE WAY THIS IS REALLY FAKE. We all know it's fake, but we want you to make us believe for a second that it isn't.

Overly convoluted setups are the over acting of wrestling.
I can't believe no one beat the fuck out of Low Ki. He straight up took advantage of a lot of people in the ring thinking he was some super bad ass. It's very surprising to me that some bigger guy didn't bear hug him and slap the piss out of him. Especially in Japan.

Oh, I'm sure Low Ki was very respectful when in the ring with actual tough guys he faced in Japan, Misawa, Kobashi, Tanaka, Akiyama, Kawada, etc - it always seemed that the incidents where he took advantage of a wrestler were against someone much smaller or greener than him.

Incidentally, he got fired from All Japan last year for trying to start some shit with Hikaru Sato. Apparently he was pissed at how hard Sato (a former Pancrase student of Minoru Suzuki) was striking him, but luckily for him Sato showed some restraint and didn't kick his ass.

Neville's Red Arrow...acceptable or unacceptable?

Acceptable - for the most part Neville lands it well and it looks like it has more impact than a standard SSP. I don't think he should always finish matches with it, though - save it for big occasions and use a more standard flip for his main finisher.


Tonight's main event will be a Bella Slapfest. Lesnar comes out to calm them. Gets slapped unconscious. Mr. MITB will come out and use it. Pin Lesnar. New champion.
They just replayed the Cena/Punk match from Feb 2013. Awesome. WrestleMania 29 really should have been Rock vs. Cena vs. Punk triple threat. God damn.
Dick Murdoch vs Bruiser Brody - (NJPW 1985/11/22)

So, this match is pretty awesome. A good twelve minutes of it is worked, surprisingly, in the ring - Brody tries to go hold for hold with Murdoch, but Dick controls the pace of the match and keeps Bruiser grounded. Brody's great here, selling his surprise when Murdoch won't go down like all the other chumps and his frustration when Murdoch won't be goaded outside of the ring. Inevitably, it does spill out to the floor and both guys are quickly rendered a bloody mess. The finish, while screwy, is awesome as both guys fight off the officials before returning to beating the crap out of each other. Snuka & Masked Superstar get involved and the whole thing breaks down even further. Sakaguchi & Inoki come out for their tag match, while Murdoch & Brody brawl all around the arena and Inoki stands on the ring apron with a "fucking gaijins" look on his face. So great.
I like Alex Riley. He gives it his all on the pre-show and gets better and better as a broadcaster every week. Hope WWE does more with him.


"So, we've got 15 minutes to show time and still need 30 minutes of show in the middle."

"Who's still available to wrestle?"

"Miz and Kali."

"Book it."
I don't think WWE realizes that if they want people to want the Network, the product as a whole needs to be good all the time. It can't just be "great PPV, subpar TV" over and over again. You need good TV so that people give a shit about the PPV in the first place. You'd think they would go all out at least right now to make Raw a good week-to-week show if only for the sake of the Network subs.
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