What if the ratings are up from last week?
What are you talking about? If anything they have been selling the match. Even Cena came out and said that there was no way to spin it.
Maybe next week Cena can run through Rusev. Because that's all that's left, really.
You can say that about every heel in the company except for Brock. That's pretty much why people are complaining.
From tonight it looks like Reigns is fueding with Rollins. And even if Orton was gonna fued with Cena again, there's no reason he couldn't have had a match with Cena tonight. It didn't have to be 3 people. Just one heel would've gotten the job done....kinda like how the match started out.Who are three heels who aren't complete jobbers you wouldn't have complained about? And you can't choose Randy Orton because has to put over Reigns again.
We're already getting set for Vince's "protect Cena" revisionist history. Just like how they swept Bryan beating Cena under the rug
Who gives a shit?
You people always overreact. They needed to do that to build Cena back up so Cena/Lesnar II will look like an actually interesting match and not just a BS repeat of the SummerSlam match.
What if he's Willow? Cena's never beaten Willow, you guys.
Did you notice that during every video package leading up to WM 30 they never showed Bryan pinning Cena? They literally start with Bryan getting pedigreed by HHH and gloss over who Bryan beat for the title in the first place.They called Bryan's knee "The knee that beat Cena" for months. I think they did a solid job at reminding people that Bryan beat Cena at Summerslam.
Unless that was sarcasm.
Just watched the opening and closing of Raw. LOL.
Cena just obliterated Bray Wyatt. On free TV. Decimated the WWE's #2 or #3 heel.
Just watched the opening and closing of Raw. LOL.
Cena just obliterated Bray Wyatt. On free TV. Decimated the WWE's #2 or #3 heel.
Did you notice that during every video package leading up to WM 30 they never showed Bryan pinning Cena? They literally start with Bryan getting pedigreed by HHH and gloss over who Bryan beat for the title in the first place.
Cesaro would have been fine had he not been jobbing to KofiThis heel discussion really is part of the problem.
The only major active wrestling heels right now besides Brock are Orton, Rollins, Kane and the Wyatt's. And Orton, Rollins and Kane are all with the Authority.
Besides them you've got Rusev who is feuding with Jack Swagger, The Miz (lol) and Cesaro (lol).
There's nobody for Cena to squash, that will matter, but the Wyatt's.
What if the ratings are up from last week?
Did you notice that during every video package leading up to WM 30 they never showed Bryan pinning Cena? They literally start with Bryan getting pedigreed by HHH and gloss over who Bryan beat for the title in the first place.
Honestly, Wyatt's like #5 or 6.
#1: Brock/Paul Heyman
#2: HHH/Stephanie
#3: Orton
#4: Rollins
#5: Rusev
#6: Wyatt
I just don't see Rollins as that over. He's in a decent position, but I think his promos have made people less interested in him. He gets pops in the ring in actual matches, but that rarely translates well to heel heat since he's not a monster or booked like that. Especially because he's mostly looked like a goof other than the Ambrose thing(which he needed Kane's help to do) And Roman is gonna run him over completely if his booking stays the same.
I guess Rusev, but I still think Bray's a lot more over than Rusev, and Bray has survived for bad feuds, more established than the new hotness. And I REALLY don't think Orton's over as a heel. In fact, I'd put him below HHH/Steph, Bray, Rollins AND Rusev.
He said Hornswoggle is a bully, I'm interested now.
Did you notice that during every video package leading up to WM 30 they never showed Bryan pinning Cena? They literally start with Bryan getting pedigreed by HHH and gloss over who Bryan beat for the title in the first place.
He's at least fourth right now. Brock. Orton. HHH. I'd say Rollins is ahead of him too.
Cena is number one face right now so he should bury someone that low in a fight he takes seriously.
Honestly, Wyatt's like #5 or 6.
#1: Brock/Paul Heyman
#2: HHH/Stephanie
#3: Orton
#4: Rollins
#5: Rusev
#6: Wyatt
Brodus should have been more than just a funky dinosaur. Dude seems like he's oozing with personality.
And Bray was one of the few new characters they came up with that I really enjoyed that had glimpses of greatness but was fed to the Cena machine. I'm sure I can dig up posts where I even said that Bray was the only reason I was watching Raw.
So it sucks to see this happen just to put over a rematch that shouldn't even happen. A rematch that makes Cena seem like a delusional loser who can't accept that he got beat clean and bad.
Tonight was rough, guys.
We need That Motherfucker when times are rough.
It makes perfect sense when you consider that Cena is really the heel.
RBH reached "That Motherfucker" status. He can post whatever he wants.
That's for dern sure.