Rollins injuring him is basically guaranteed.Cass being so loved by the crowd can only mean 1 of 2 things...
1) he wins
2) Rollins injures him
Crack is wackKO win.
Sami chase to Mania, then main event it.
How delusional am I?
He's not a good guy, he's not a bad guy, he's Big Cass, and he's seven feet tall, and you best BELIEVE THATCass wins tonight, shows up next week with black hair and a vest
Throw him in the fucking trash
you talking about cass or seth, brah?
People who like Cass but boo Roman are the reason nobody should take the fans seriously.
I just want to remember that if Cass wins, he probably always will have Enzo with him to help with the promos
So there's no way that his title reign would be boring as another Roman Empire
(but Owens still needs to be the winner)
Man I hope Smackdown sticks the landing with this Miz/Bryan angle.
Man I hope Smackdown sticks the landing with this Miz/Bryan angle.
Seth isn't deserving of the title
dude should be suspended for being an unsafe worker. not given a title and a push.
The Universal title doesn't look bad when it's computer generated.
Cass being so loved by the crowd can only mean 1 of 2 things...
1) he wins
2) Rollins injures him
The Universal title doesn't look bad when it's computer generated.
People liked Roman when he was the hot tag in a popular team too. The reason people booed him is because they didn't buy him as the top guy. It's less about the guy and more about where he's booked. If Cass gets the push people will turn on him.
Steph knows that we don't want to hear herLol why aren't mick and steph at the commentary table?
2 wrestlers, a swat team member, and a fan are in the ring.