Friends, how would you feel about Nakamura beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania Sun?
I have no idea why Bray didn't challenge for the WWE title over Ziggler (Bray's one of the few heels they have and Ziggler's hardly a proven draw or anything). Bray wasn't even on the show at all.
Friends, how would you feel about Nakamura beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania Sun?
I wish they'd clear Bryan for just one match against Brock or Nakamura. It feels like an insult to Bryan to have SHANE McMahon face Brock when Bryan's the wrestler between the two.
Should lead into a program where Shane brings in samoa Joe to get the rub and beat the beast
Friends, how would you feel about Nakamura beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania Sun?
The Red Dragon.Pretty bad. Old, just as banged up as Finn or Joe. Limited run left. Tendency to phone it in.
You need to make a long term guy with Brock. Someone who can fill a spot at WM for the next 5 years, at the very least.
Pretty bad. Old, just as banged up as Finn or Joe. Limited run left. Tendency to phone it in.
You need to make a long term guy with Brock. Someone who can fill a spot at WM for the next 5 years, at the very least.
I wish they'd clear Bryan for just one match against Brock or Nakamura. It feels like an insult to Bryan to have SHANE McMahon face Brock when Bryan's the wrestler between the two.
It's so funny reading comments about how dangerous Seth is when the last four weeks were people falling over each other to praise him.
Pretty much, Vince has money on that entrance.
Hardy's Obsolete theme beats them too. +1 on GangrielGangrel's entrance is easily the best of all time. Fuck Goldberg/Hogan/Baley/Ric Flair.
Yes, yes it is.brood theme is one of the best wrestling entrance songs of all time.
Brood theme is almost as good as Maryse's
Brood theme is almost as good as Maryse's
5* match.
His solo run was the best. It introduced us to BatistaI dare say I think I'm the only one here who liked D-Von Dudley's solo run as Reverend D-Von.
I refuse to believe that's even possible. The Diva's belt was bad in many ways but it was fine aesthetically, the Universal title is the worst looking belt I've ever seen, and I think the WWE Championship is great looking.Me when the SD womens title looks worse than the Raw Universal title
I've said that here myself too, not alone it was great!I dare say I think I'm the only one here who liked D-Von Dudley's solo run as Reverend D-Von.
I refuse to believe that's even possible. The Diva's belt was bad in many ways but it was fine aesthetically, the Universal title is the worst looking belt I've ever seen, and I think the WWE Championship is great looking.
So potentially all of SmackDown's titles are going to be better looking than all of RAWs.
I hope he changes his finisher every match where it's something lackluster. For one match, he uses a bodyslam.Bobby Roode has IT.
Great look, great theme ... though the finisher could use some work but I did like Road Dogg back in the day. Unfortunately.