If any of the four get pinned, they leave the match, repeat once more until the final two are left.What's the "elimination match" stip mean for the main event?
What a great 1st hour.
What are they feuding over again?
if they cancelled this Best of 7 would anybody care?
Yep, Sasha is turning heel.
If any of the four get pinned, they leave the match, repeat once more until the final two are left.
Fully embrace the stripper gimmicklol I suddenly want Cesaro to get RATT's "Round and Round" as his entrance music
But you must win by at least 2!Make it a first to 15.
I want to believe this is sarcasm. I'm hoping this is sarcasm. If it is, then my mistake.
Just the scrubs.I get it. Was she dressed as a nurse? Cause from what what I've read, Dana's been described as "Big Nurse Pump."
I get it. Was she dressed as a nurse? Cause from what what I've read, Dana's been described as "Big Nurse Pump."
I get it. Was she dressed as a nurse? Cause from what what I've read, Dana's been described as "Big Nurse Pump."
No it's sarcasm, whatever happened to the Cruiserweight division idea?
omg Big Cass video package!
This guy's pretty tall
Just the scrubs.
yeah, she was wearing scrubs
She had a nurse shirt/gloves on in a Gallows/Anderson retirement home skit and wore them out to the ring.
It got sacrificed so Finn could go all "HERE'S AN IRISH LEGEND, I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS SETH".On the plus side, Sheamus' tron isn't a powerpoint of Irish stereotypes anymore.
I dunno.On the plus side, Sheamus' tron isn't a powerpoint of Irish stereotypes anymore.