The show opened with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman at a 2.97 rating, significantly higher than usual. In the segment breakdown, the six-man match with R-Truth, Kofi Kingston and Sin Cara vs. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and Cody Rhodes gained 9,000 viewers. The Ryback squash and backstage segment with Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho gained 198,000 viewers. The Alberto Del Rio segment gained 33,000 viewers while Del Rio vs. Randy Orton gained 280,000 viewers in the 9pm timeslot.
Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow lost 112,000 viewers and the satellite interview with Shawn Michaels lost 198,000 viewers. David Otunga vs. Big Show gained 86,000 viewers. Kane and Zack Ryder vs. Daniel Bryan and The Miz plus backstage stuff with John Cena and CM Punk gained 199,000 viewers for a 3.32 quarter rating at the 10pm timeslot.
The Divas Battle Royal to name a new #1 contender was the biggest loss of the show with 369,000 viewers. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho in Jericho's exit lost 30,000 viewers. The main event segment with Punk, Cena and Jerry Lawler gained 466,000 viewers for a 3.36 overrun rating.