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Is being truthful being a cunt?

Owens has the worst look in wrestling history and Nakamura's been flabby since 2008. And given how over Sid was despite the fact that he sucked at everything but having a good look, he probably knows a good look.

Owens didn't even have the worst look in his own company





Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How do you function being this hyperbolic?
Name someone with a worse look than Kevin Owens from any era. A one -off local jobber doesn't count. Kevin Owens looks like a fan, it's not even a 'fat' thing. He looks like a fan which is the worst thing a wrestler can look like.
Body shaming is being a cunt

It's professional wrestling. It's not about how good you are at the sport. It's fake. It's all about how people perceive, how believable it looks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kevin Owens is great and sells lots of merch and can work when he needs to.

Nakamura is Nakamura. I'm not even sure I understand what Sid "I've Got Half the Brain You Do" Vicious's problem is with Nakamura because Sid wasn't good at anything.


Name someone with a worse look than Kevin Owens from any era. A one -off local jobber doesn't count. Kevin Owens looks like a fan, it's not even a 'fat' thing. He looks like a fan which is the worst thing a wrestler can look like.
I can immediately think of 3 guys on the current roster

Baron Corbin
Kassius Ohno
Mojo Rawley
always love people getting onside for auld timers yearning for the days where everyone looked the same and was 99% roids

even in those days they understood not everyone had to look like an immobile body builder



Sid "had a look" and still headlined the WM with the worst number of buys and one of the worst quality WM main events ever.

I'll take KO thanks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I can immediately think of 3 guys on the current roster

Baron Corbin
Kassius Ohno
Mojo Rawley

Enzo Amore
Big Cass is tall but looks gross
Shirtless Bo Dallas
James Ellsworth obviously

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can immediately think of 3 guys on the current roster

Baron Corbin
Kassius Ohno
Mojo Rawley

1 and 3 are tall
2 still dresses like a wrestler. Or did until NXT put him back in his entrance clothes. Owens wrestles in basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a scraggly neckbeard. He looks like a fan/backyard wrestler. Nothing about him stands out. If he was an underdog, that would make more sense. But he's not. He's not like Joe who doesn't hide his chest and is thick and wide. Owens is just physically boring. He's not big enough to be a hoss, he's not lean enough to look like a 'prize fighter', he's not burly looking. He's just there.
always love people getting onside for auld timers yearning for the days where everyone looked the same and was 99% roids

even in those days they understood not everyone had to look like an immobile body builder


When did I say everyone had to look like they were a bodybuilder?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
1 and 3 are tall
2 still dresses like a wrestler. Or did until NXT put him back in his entrance clothes. Owens wrestles in basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a scraggly neckbeard. He looks like a fan/backyard wrestler. Nothing about him stands out. If he was an underdog, that would make more sense. But he's not. He's not like Joe who doesn't hide his chest and is thick and wide. Owens is just physically boring. He's not big enough to be a hoss, he's not lean enough to look like a 'prize fighter', he's not burly looking. He's just there.

When did I say everyone had to look like they were a bodybuilder?

He looks like someone who gets in bar fights, which is what he is going for. Owens makes it work.
Guys, I've been a member of this community for a long time and even I think this is getting a bit tiresome. I can't tell if people are posting in character (ahem) or if people legitimately feel strongly about wrestler body types, but we need to tone it down a little. I read through just OT2 and found a really high number of posts just complaining about one person in particular. I think the mods that read/post in the thread have been pretty supportive of the community over the past few years and you guys largely post without people interrupting you (I can only think of one time in the past when I've stepped in, and it was due to people constantly posting NSFW images of the divas).

I am going to ask that we control ourselves when it comes to commenting on who we feel is or is not fat/out of shape. I don't think other negative commentary needs to be controlled at this point, so continue shitting on the WWE for being shitty. But I think the constant fat fat fat posts not are only unfunny at this point (unlike Scott Steiner) and a little overboard but actually might be demeaning or hurtful to some posters who actually are a part of wrestleGAF and enjoy posting here.

If anyone has any questions on whether or not they should or should not post something, feel free to send me a PM. If anyone feels any poster is posting with excessively mean spirits or is just a douche in general, please PM me and I'll deal with it. This is a good community with a strong following and it doesn't need to be corroded from the inside. Thanks.

I don't give a shit if you've some extra mass, if you carry yourself well, it works. Viper, Hero, Owens, their look in no way hinders their work.


1 and 3 are tall
2 still dresses like a wrestler. Or did until NXT put him back in his entrance clothes. Owens wrestles in basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a scraggly neckbeard. He looks like a fan/backyard wrestler. Nothing about him stands out. If he was an underdog, that would make more sense. But he's not. He's not like Joe who doesn't hide his chest and is thick and wide. Owens is just physically boring. He's not big enough to be a hoss, he's not lean enough to look like a 'prize fighter', he's not burly looking. He's just there.
He's the bully from high school who just mocks everyone and acts smarter than everyone around him, even though he's not the pick of the litter himself.

I think it definitely works. It's fine if you don't like it.


Guys, not everyone can do the low carb life style religiously like Haitch and Jinder. It takes immense dedication and will power!

Let's be more understanding.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I think Owens' look would be far worse if he was wearing a singlet. The get-up sells him as a jerkass who starts shit at a bar as opposed to tryhard at wrestling.


It's not even Owens' weight that looks bad, it's the fucking shorts.

Like, compare his wrestling attire to when he's on commentary and just wears black sweats. It looks so much better it's ridiculous.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Did Cena do something to his hair because he's been looking younger

Grew his hair out a little instead of keeping it super tight like he normally does.

Don't get me wrong -- Kevin Owens certainly looks wholly unimpressive. And that's a very bad thing in wrassle.

Unless you're Bayley and the audience boos you for basically no reason; she didn't voluntarily offer to do the job a bunch of times.


Thank god we have this guy as champ, I mean he's shit in the ring and had only been wrestling jobber matches his whole career (with him in the jobber role) until 3 months ago, but man look at that look, he looks like a true champ!



Don't get me wrong -- Kevin Owens certainly looks wholly unimpressive. And that's a very bad thing in wrassle.

Makes up for it by the in ring work and being good on the mic. Rather have a dude like that then a overly muscley dude who is boring.


It's not even Owens' weight that looks bad, it's the fucking shorts.

Like, compare his wrestling attire to when he's on commentary and just wears black sweats. It looks so much better it's ridiculous.
I think the shorts look fine.

Let's just be happy he's not wearing a singlet like Brodus Clay.
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