
I have pre-orders with 3 different stores. My idea is well entertained.

Certainly more entertained than someone who watched SummerSlam.
At least SummerSlam isn't purposely withheld from you.

Not that WWE as a product is worth anything. Nintendo is certainly a better company than WWE, but that is obvious.
I'll wait and see if I can pick one up in-store, if not I don't care. Grew up with a Genesis, the only SNES game I really liked growing up was DKC2.

Edit: Hold up, that thing isn't even getting DKC2? Fuck that shit.


he also said it was okay to look at the sun real fast during the eclipse

Think we found the demographic WWE are after

It is boy

Boy, are yall not going to like the Correct Truths Sid just dropped

Sid on Kevin Owens said:
This is the thing … it reminds me of the time I left, when business was hot. I came back as Sycho Sid, and I was looking at people like Rex King and Steve Doll, and I’m going, ‘Hold on. I know these guys and they’re not money people. What’s going on?’ When I got there, I saw business was that bad. I hate sayin’ it, but I see people like Kevin Owens and this Yakamora guy, and these other people like this. When I see that, I’m going, ‘Business has gotta be bad, or they’re at a point where they don’t care.’ That’s all I know.

Sid on Reigns said:
I think he’s one of the better talents they’ve got. He looks credible, he looks good, [he’s] a good interview. And if we’re gonna compare him to anybody, let’s just compare him to the last guy you said, the fat guy in the T-shirt, Kevin Owens. There’s no comparison. I think he’s light years ahead of that guy.

also dying at him calling Nakamura Yakamora
Went to the GameStop that's a 5 minute walk from work. Snes classic preorders already out stock.

Nintendo marks confirmed worse than Wrestling marks.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is being truthful being a cunt?

Owens has the worst look in wrestling history and Nakamura's been flabby since 2008. And given how over Sid was despite the fact that he sucked at everything but having a good look, he probably knows a good look.


Is being truthful being a cunt?

Owens has the worst look in wrestling history and Nakamura's been flabby since 2008. And given how over Sid was despite the fact that he sucked at everything but having a good look, he probably knows a good look.
How do you function being this hyperbolic?


Is being truthful being a cunt?

Owens has the worst look in wrestling history and Nakamura's been flabby since 2008. And given how over Sid was despite the fact that he sucked at everything but having a good look, he probably knows a good look.

Body shaming is being a cunt
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