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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You can't say things like this without pics/more info.

Lawler? I have no idea.


The cause?


makeup. but still it's funny to laff and say "IT WAS POOP!"
The 6 man tag match on NXT was great. I hadn't been overly keen on any of the 3 faces work as of late but everybody pulled it together and each of them pulled off so really good looking offence, Neville and Woods in particular really popped off of their hot tags. The SHIELD pulled their weight as usually, Ambrose actually sold a leg injury from the moment Graves locked in his finisher and Rollin's made Xaiver's useally suspect handspring clothesline look fatal.

I thought it couldn't be topped, then Cesaro ends the show pulling a Khan! after Zayne attacks him from off camera.


PTP seemed like they were getting used quite a bit in promotions and events already. A lot of the backstage videos have them in them as well.

The commercial for SummerSlam is kind of weird. PTP aren't anywhere on the card, Dolph and AJ are in a match against each other, and Kane and Bryan haven't talked to each other in weeks.

I thought it couldn't be topped, then Cesaro ends the show pulling a Khan! after Zayne attacks him from off camera.

2/3 Falls match next week. So excited.
Fantasy booking time.

Ref is knocked out
Punk iis sizing up punk for an GTS
*Glass breaks*
Stone cold comes out but stuns punk closing to be the first Paul heyman guy

Punk/Austin at wrestlemania


Fantasy booking time.

Ref is knocked out
Brock lesnar is sizing up punk for an F5.
*Glass breaks*
Stone cold comes out but stuns punk closing to be the first Paul heyman guy

Punk/Austin at wrestlemania

Unless Punk/Brock is the main event, that would be stealing so much thunder from DBry/Cena.
Haha, wow, Cesaro screaming "ZAYNNNNNNNN!!!!" like some knock-off Bond villain at the end of NXT was great. Really enjoying their feud. The 6-man tag match main event was good too, well worth a watch.

ROH have posted a cryptic video on their youtube page;


Anyone recognise the blurred logo at the end there? The techno siren in the background made me think of early ROH and Low Ki, for some reason.

Also, Pro-Wrestling NOAH's Ricky Marvin has been signed for Homecoming and Death Before Dishonor XI on September 20th & 21st.
I hope WWE doesn't acknowledge Darren Young, but this is a company that ran an angle on Jerry Lawler's near death experience, makes fun of a woman for being fat when she's trying to loose weight oh and....


So yeah...I don't expect anything good from WWE out of the Darren Young announcement.

That picture is my favorite VKM pic ever.


Former WWE Superstar Sycho Sid Vicious exchanged some trash talk with WWE Diva Cameron yesterday on Twitter. things started off when Sid sent the following message to the Total Divas reality star:

"Not exactly sure why @wwecameron is in @wwe to begin with but something tells me we won't know who she is in two years anyway. #15Minutes"

Cameron responded back with several of her catchphrases, but then deleted those tweets. She then responded back, writing, “and you are..? Lol #boybye”

The former WWE Superstar then responded, "@wwecameron Of course you don't know who I am because you don't know the history of our business."

Cameron then replied to Sid, writing, “that’s where you wrong! That was your way of saying hello so that was me just giving you a hello back! ”

"S- I feel so honored that you took the time out of your day to remind me how far I have come! Started from the bottom now I'm here!!!"
If Bo Dallas ever becomes a mainstay in the WWE, I will be done with them for ever.

I'm starting to warm to Bo now that they've pulled the trigger on his gimmick being that he's an annoying, self-absorbed, idiot. He wasn't even that terrible in his last match but the crowd still utterly loathed him, it's a pretty fun sight to watch.



WCW Monday Nitro 6/1/98

The show starts out with a video retrospective of Sting's career. Will he join the Wolfpac?

TO THE BACK. A white limo has arrived. It's JJ, DDP, Booker T, and Goldberg. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?!

Recap of Lex begging Sting to join the Wolfpac on Thunder.

Jerry Flynn vs The Cat

I would expect some kicks. I saw a lot of kicks. And ARMBARS. Cat won with a Feliner that I'm pretty sure came no where close to Flynn's face.

TO THE BACK. A black limo arrives. It's the Wolfpac. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?!

The Wolfpac come to the ring. Lex talks and talks and talks. Somehow a match between Nash/Lex and Giant/Hogan is going to impress Sting enough to join the Wolfpac. I don't really understand that. So you have Nash, Hennig, and Savage in the group, but you have Lex be the guy to carry the promo?

Saturn/Raven vs Public Enemy

Bob's Wire City EXPLOOOODDDEEESSSSS!!! Saturn and Grunge start out. Raven tags in only to hit a kick and tag back out. This confuses Saturn and allows PE to get some offense. They hit a shitty Decapitation Elbow. No one has done it as well as Demolition. Rocco tires an in ring Asai moonsault and tries to land on his feet when he missed. Saturn hit a wheel kick in response. Raven accidentally hits Saturn in the back of the head in the corner (it looked like it was on purpose, though). They argue, which allows PE to bump them to the floor. Rocco hits a plancha. They hit the Quebecers' cannon ball on Saturn. Maybe it was a Johnny Polo reference for the smarks. Or maybe PE just steal everyone's moves. Rocco tries to put Raven through a table, but that shit was from Japan. He tries it again. I guess it works, but the table was almost flat to begin with. Saturn hits the DVD on Grunge. Raven rolls in the ring and steals the pin. He bitches about his safety and says he has signed Kanyon/Mortis to face Saturn at the GAB. He's also rehired The Flock.


Alex Wright vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chavo seems to have broken away from Eddie a bit. Eddie isn't out there with him, but Chavo is still wearing his Eddie shirt. Alex Wright is a big mother fucker. He's still young, too. I'd love a Cesaro/Wright team up. Chavo snaps and has to be pulled off of Alex. Alex goes to the floor to get away from this crazy dude, but Chavo dives out after him and continues the beat down. Chavo immediately taps out to an STF. Eddie comes out. He says he's talked to the family and they're all proud of Chavo now, so they don't need to fight anymore. Eddie releases Chavo from their deal, but Chavo still wants to have it.

TO THE SCHIAVONE. He announces Randy Savage, but Piper's music starts. Then it stops and the Wolfpac music starts up. Production error? Probably. Savage says that he'd think Tony wanted a date with Piper if Tony didn't have a wife and lots of kids. He shit talks Hogan, Piper, and Hart. Then Piper's music hits again and he comes out. Savage discusses his problem with Piper. He's mad that Piper reversed the result of Hart vs Savage. He's going to kick the shit out of Piper after the tag match. Piper agrees and I believe he has booked Piper vs Savage for right after the tag match at GAB. God, Piper doing double duty? And both matches in a row? Piper brings up the fact that Bret has never worn an nWo shirt. Savage doesn't give a fuck.

He speaks with JJ. He can't promise Sting staring roles in movies and TV shows, but he promises that WCW will always stay with Sting if Sting stays with WCW. Oh. You mean like when WCW turn their backs on him because they thought fake Sting was the real Sting, even though they clearly weren't the same people?

TO THE BACK. A limo arrives. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?! It was apparently nWo Hollywood. Looks like they're going to come straight to the ring.

nWo Hollywood come out. Bret is again not wearing an nWo shirt. Hulk says he gets rock hard boners for people cheering for him. Just pussy crushing hard. He talks about Nash's challenge. That also gets him rock hard. He's all about boners today. Bret proves he's on the team by revealing that he's wearing a Hogan shirt. Still not an nWo shirt. He claims it was Piper's idea to SWERVE Savage in the first place. Hulk is going to own Piper's soul. And probably fuck it, because he's very cock heavy tonight.


Konnan vs Leaky Lane

Get this shit off of my PC right now.

He brings out Rude and Hennig. Hennig was on crutches earlier, so we're hoping to get some information on that. Rude talks about Curt for a while and is about to say "PERFECT", but Curt won't let him, because he doesn't want a lawsuit. He had been working with Don Frye and injured his leg. Curt brings Konnan out and asks Konnan to take his place on the house show loop with Goldberg. Konnan has no problem with this. When Hennig's done with Goldberg, they're going to call him GoldTURD, because he's going to leave him laying like a piece of dogshi....

Eddie Guerrero vs Fit Finlay WCW TV Championship

Fuck yes. It pretty early goes to the mat with Eddie putting on a hammer lock. Finlay gets up and hits a Euro uppercut and that cool body slam. Eddie tries a super rana, back flips off, and then gets caught in a stun gun. Eddie locks on a sleeper, and Finlay again throws him into a stun gun. Chavo comes out and gets in the ring. The ref calls for the bell, even though Chavo didn't touch anyone. Eddie backs off, Finlay thinks it is bullshit, and so do I. Fuck you, Chavo.


. Mr. Jericho goes to Washington!



Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Chris Jericho calls JJ out to the ring, because he has the evidence. JJ doesn't come out. "Now I know how Bill Clinton feels." Me, too. I've also been blown by chunkier girls. Juvi tries a diving rana and ends up powerbombing himself. Jericho comes back with an underhook back breaker. Juvi hits a terrible looking DDT out of the powerbomb. Then a Juvi Driver. He goes up top, but Jericho crotches him. He recovers and hits a cross body, but Jericho catches him. An attempted to victory roll is reversed into the Liontamer, but Juvi got to the ropes. He bumps Jericho to the floor and hits a slingshot rana. Reese came out and laid Juvi out while Jericho had the ref distracted. Jericho wins.



Recap of the first 3 matches in the best of 7 series. Benoit won match 3 with a Reich suplex. Benoit now leads the series 2-1.

Booker T vs Chris Benoit Best of 7 Series Match 4.

Finlay comes out to watch. It's really hard to do play by play on the same match. I mean, it is a quality match, but there isn't a ton of variation in these things. Benoit wins with the Iron Crossface, making the series 3-1.


Another Sting retrospective video plays.

Scotty Riggs vs DDP

This was quite short. Maybe 2 minutes. Sick Boy got involved, bumped off, and DDP hits a fireman carry Kanyon Cutter for the win. BANG!


Goldberg vs La Parka WCW US Championship

YES! This was 3 moves. A chair shot, spear, and jackhammer.



Hollywood Hogan/The Giant vs Kevin Nash/Lex Luger

Hogan and Lex start it out. I wonder why it hasn't been explained why Giant wanted back in the nWo and why Hogan was cool with it after kicking him out the first time. Lex has a better body and is stronger than Hulk. And younger. Both were terrible in 1998, though. Nash comes in and Hulk hits an AXE BOMBBBAAA. Giant gets tagged in. They have some awful exchanges. Giant misses an elbow drop and Nash tags out. Then those two have a terrible exchange. Then Hulk comes in and they have a terrible exchange. Hogan uses the title belt on Nash and the match is thrown out. Charles Robinson is thrown out of the ring. They continue the beat down and STING slowly comes down from the rafters. He takes his duster off to reveal a black and white nWo shirt. But then he decks Hogan. SWERVE! He has a hell of a time ripping off the Hollywood shirt to reveal a Wolfpac shirt. Sting joining ANY version of the nWo is probably the dumbest and least logical thing that could ever happen. Everything he's done in the past 2ish years has been to fight the nWo. "Sting really pulled a SWERVE on everyone."




Crowd was super hot for La Parka, too. Not just Goldberg. La Parka was the only luchador that the fans ever popped for besides Juvi and sometimes Hypnosis.
If Bo Dallas ever becomes a mainstay in the WWE, I will be done with them for ever.

Oh, sweet innocent Liquidsnake...

A mainstay? Bo Dallas will be the new face of WWE, taking over for John Cena. Look, I like the kid but I think it's been long enough and it's time for some new blood.
La Parka is so much fucking cooler than Goldberg. That crowd can go suck on a lemon.

La Parka did all the work in that segment. He made Goldberg look awesome.

Crowd was super hot for La Parka, too. Not just Goldberg. La Parka was the only luchador that the fans ever popped for besides Juvi and sometimes Hypnosis.

La Parka is so swag he could do whatever he wanted. Dude was ALWAYS over back then.
Crowd was super hot for La Parka, too. Not just Goldberg. La Parka was the only luchador that the fans ever popped for besides Juvi and sometimes Hypnosis.

Uh, hello? Rey Mysterio JR anyone? Does that name ring a bell, Strobungo?

Jeez, get a load of this guy, fellas.


It's true. Emma figured out the secret that doing wacky dancing will get you over. I don't count Rey or Eddie in the luchador category. They transcended that.


Fantasy booking time.

Ref is knocked out
Brock lesnar is sizing up punk for an F5.
*Glass breaks*
Stone cold comes out but stuns punk closing to be the first Paul heyman guy

Punk/Austin at wrestlemania

Fantasy booking blows because it makes reality a perpetual letdown.
Now that Stro mentions it, the best of seven series between Booker T and Chris Benoit in the WWE was really samey, too. The same could be said of the Magnum TA/Nikita Koloff series that came before either the WWE or WCW versions of those series. It seems like even a one-sided victory in a series like that comes down to a matter of margins unless there's some kind of mollyfying angle or match variety to shake things up, like the Seven Levels of Hate feud.

Bo Dallas is the next Bret Hart

Got the Hitman's blessing and everything. Bo balls him Uncle Bret.

I hope you're proud of that. I honestly do.
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