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August Wrasslin' |OT| starring Bryan Danielson & John Cena in a worked reality show


Remember when Triple H beat CM Punk while CM Punk was getting over big? GOOD TIMES.



Did somebody say "game"?



Lol at that video. Why yes, men fucking men in the ass is indeed gay as fuck. I believe I'd like to troll the comment section.

Your homophobia has me legit shook. Why do you grow the beard, but shave the mustache?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
if HHH screws up the WWE title match, HBK will question him then get beat down. HHH/HBK at Wrestlemania!


The guy with the Ric Flair avatar is fantastic. A. Dusty Rhodes pushing Flair's hemorrhoids back in was him being a good Samaritan, and had no homosexual undertones of any kind. B. Gays are out breeding straights and humans will devolve back into neanderthals because of it.

I'm about 80% sure that guy is trolling for fun as well.



- Christian Reigns

(I hope he's not a Christian fan. PLEASE DON'T BE A CHRISTIAN FAN.)


Oh, I'm just trolling them. Just giving me something to do while shitty matches are on Thunder.

Lol, they're dislike bombing my comments so they're hidden. But did you know, Pro wrestling superstar Virgil was hired primarily due to his hefty genitals? Nothing homosexual about that at all.
Ok so odds are Prime Time Players are going to get some TV time next RAW so WWE can suck the positive buzz of this news clean like the social media vampires they are.

Where is RAW broadcasting from? Summerslam is in LA so probably another stadium in that city?
Ok so odds are Prime Time Players are going to get some TV time next RAW so WWE can suck the positive buzz of this news clean like the social media vampires they are.

Where is RAW broadcasting from? Summerslam is in LA so probably another stadium in that city?

Honda Center in Anaheim.


I wouldn't even be mad if this is what get's PTP back on my TV. Goddamn I love them together. Darren isn't super hot on the mic (He does much better in backstage fallout videos.) or in the ring but with Titus, I think they're magical.

Titus tho? Titus has it. He's funny, feels natural, and is pretty good in the ring. I enjoyed when he fought Sheamus.
Watched the Japanese broadcast of that whole WWF/NJPW/AJPW deal from 1990 and I've come to the conclusion that wrestling needs more slow-mo replays;


DiBiase gets a pretty good match out of Warrior. Also, I really like that match Hogan has with Hansen, even if Stan has to job to Hogan's inferior lariat knock-off. At least he gets to kick out of the leg drop, but that was never Hogan's finisher in Japan anyways.



I have to laugh at this being a thing.

What's next?

Oh, I'm just trolling them. Just giving me something to do while shitty matches are on Thunder.

Lol, they're dislike bombing my comments so they're hidden. But did you know, Pro wrestling superstar Virgil was hired primarily due to his hefty genitals? Nothing homosexual about that at all.


I'm going through and giving you thumbs up on your stuff.
I think the honest best thing to do is, no swerve, Bryan beats Cena clean and wins the title, and HHH stops any cash-in.

No, you're wrong, Ithil.

I read your post on my phone and thought long and hard about it as I made my way home to my computer. As you sit there in Galway*, hopefully as uncomfortable as possible, I want you to listen to me; I want you to digest this because before I leave here I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.

If you are indeed a Daniel Bryan fan, who wants to see him succeed, the best course of action would be for him to lose to Cena (clean/swervy whatever), Orton cashes in and beats Cena, and Cena goes away for surgery.

Daniel Bryan's keys to success are twofold: Play off a popular or experienced partner and/or suffer a crushing defeat that bolsters the IWC.

Bryan's MITB, WHC and Tag Team championship runs were successful because he was paired with A.J. and Kane, respectively. He is not yet ready to go it alone and win the WWE title, think Dolph Ziggler here.

Bryan getting over happened because of his loss to Sheamus at Wrestlemania coupled with the Wrestlemania crowd becoming incensed and rallying behind him. This same scenario can play out at Summerslam and bolster his support and simpy to astronomical levels. Think about Lebron James pre-championships and how all his detractors and fans wondered when he'd finally win the big one. To that point, in my mind I have this idea for a shot of a dejected Daniel Bryan walking back into the locker room like Lebron did when he was eliminated from the playoffs and ripped his Cleveland Cavs jersey off before turning heel and taking his talents to South Beach.

If Bryan wins the title now, by himself, it'll be Dolph Ziggler all over again. Dolph was mega over when he had his MITB contract, i.e. in pursuit of a title. Sure his cash in after 'Mania was nice, and he was sharing top billing with Cena in that period but then his descent started to happened. No one cared about him anymore, and now look where he is. Do you want the same for Daniel Bryan?

Give him a catastrophic loss this Sunday, bolster his support, keep him hungry, and keep fans wondering "will he finally win the big one?", and then have him finally win it in a big Wrestlemania main event title match.

Look, the truth is I hate Daniel Bryan and don't want him to ever hold the WWE title even if it's for a matter of seconds before Randy Orton takes it. But you know why I've allowed my cold black heart to even entertain this fantasy booking idea about him?

Total Divas

This is the closest thing WWE has had to boxing and HBO's 24/7. John Cena is in the Floyd Mayweather role, showing off his extravagant house, bus, plane, and gifts. While Bryan is like the scrappy competitor living a humble lifestyle, hoping to finally defeat Mayweather and get rich.

I want to see Daniel Bryan have a house like Cena now. That's the only reason I have the smallest inkling of a molecule of support for Daniel Bryan now.

* I don't really know where you live in Ireland but I watched this show on Netflix called 'Jack Taylor' because that guy from Game of Thrones is in it. It takes place in Galway and now I know of at least two cities in Ireland.​


He was over in WCW. More than most of the cruiserweights, at least.

I hope Christian wins at SS and Sandow cashes in right away. Then no one will think Orton will cash in on the same night. Then Orton does and everyone forgets that Christian or Sandow won and Sharky will be really sad.


He was over in WCW. More than most of the cruiserweights, at least.

I hope Christian wins at SS and Sandow cashes in right away. Then no one will think Orton will cash in on the same night. Then Orton does and everyone forgets that Christian or Sandow won and Sharky will be really sad.

I will legitimately cry if it goes down like that.


Neo Member
that Darren Young video, jesus H.

there was someone a few pages ago bandying around that casually homophobic 'I don't mind gay people but why do they have to tell you about it' bullshit, and there's your answer. if you're a gay man or woman, everyone you meet, almost every TV show you watch, interaction you have, it's assumed you're straight as if being gay is subnormal. if you're gay it's ten times harder to meet someone, and you're at risk of abuse, assault or even rape (yup, straight guys like to rape gay men, to show them how gay they are. smart.) if you're out at a bar or club.

we don't live in a post-racial, post-gender, post-sexuality utopia, gay people are discriminated against, bullied and marginalised. gay people are forced to 'come out' because we don't treat each other like sexuality doesn't matter, we treat each other like everyone's straight. gay people need 'come out' because they've been pretending to be straight for fear of losing friends, ostracising family, losing jobs, and being subject to physical and psychological abuse for the crime of being born a certain way - a way that is legal and doesn't affect a single person other than themselves, and the person they're fucking.

look at the knuckledragger in this video, should gay people hide their sexuality while we openly flaunt our heterosexuality? to pacify bigots like him? no. gay people should stand tall and let the world, because it's their right in a modern democracy to not be treated like that. maybe it bothers someone when gay people 'shove it down their throat', but that's a ridiculously narrow minded and selfish way to think, when you've been repressing your sexuality and torturing yourself, and when you know you're going to be wrongfully taunted and abused once it's out there, you need to stand proud and tell the world loudly who you are.

I think what he did was brave. Pat Paterson kept it on the DL until he was out of the ring, Kanyon only came out when he was desperate for angle to get back into a major promotion. Darren Young is not a superstar but he's an active wrestler in the WWE who isn't out of place on a PPV or Raw & Smackdown, and to let the world know he is gay, to open himself up for the potential problems that can cause him when it shouldn't make a lick of difference to anyone, well I applaud the guy.

I'll leave it to Louis CK I guess.

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