When did the shield become HHH attack dogs??
They haven't been very interesting. Might as well inject them into some story arc.
When did the shield become HHH attack dogs??
The new face of the WWE, is a guy who has been here since 2002!
I think The Shield taking the rolls of corporate henchmen emphasizes that Summerslam started a main event scene reboot for WWE. It's completely against their previous philosophy to be corporate goons, even for them. But it's a reboot so we have to accept it.
When did the shield become HHH attack dogs??
So Stone Cold Daniel Bryan is smashing up this car later, huh?
it will be ruined by the end of the night.
Welp I can see Bryan is going to destroy that Cadillac somehow.
Cadillac has a cool theme
Yeah, Bryan's not wreckin that car at all
Bryan getting that Stone Cold push
Well that car is a goner.
Oh hey, another of "Randy's" cars is getting wrecked tonight.
A new car for Orton?
That won't last very long.
(Better keep Kofi away from it...)
LOL the car has HHH's music!
Also why would HHH give Orton a gift after the gift Orton gave him?
Bryan in full Cena mode!
This segment cements Bryan's need for a new theme. If he's gonna interrupt dickhead suits he needs something akin to glass shattering.