- Three HUGE "Bound For Glory Series" bouts are scheduled for Thursday as the road to the final four begins! Thursday's broadcast will be the final singles matches in the series - and the last chance for several superstars to break into the top standings! Who will ultimately win a shot at the World Title at October's "Bound For Glory" epic event? BFG Series matches on Thursday are:
- AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode
- Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels
- Hernandez vs. Kazarian
That was the match that restarted my puro love
Too bad K-Ness got injured and went on to do basically nothing.
Wade is a quality guy when given a chance. His matches with Orton and D-Bryne prove that to me. It's really amazing how much they fucked up with him. I think everyone had the thought of "This guy is the next WWE Champion" on the first night of NXT. Then Nexxus happened and it made even more sense. But they fucked that entire feud up in just a few weeks and really ruined everyone for a few years. Then the actual Cena burial killed him for good.
Wade never really recovered, Darren Young spent about 2 years off TV, Justin Gabriel is a Superstars/Main Event jobber, Ryback was completely repackaged after 2 years of injuries, Tarver is gone, Heath became the king of the jobbers (which is actually a good thing), Otunga made out well for a while but is also off TV, and Daniel Bryan's success had nothing to do with that angle.
Like Basically everyone said Wade was great during the Nexus angle but Cena buried him literally under chairs. Then when he was going to get pushed again Big Show injured him and he hasn't recovered since.
You guys are seeing something that isn't there. Even if Cena didn't bury him, we'd have another mediocre wrestler beating much more talented guys in the main event.
Even Sheamus, despite his TERRIBLE face run, has great matches. Ryback even had a good match with The Shield. Cena has great matches. I can't remember a single Wade match that went beyond passable.
TNA should just make up fake results for the matches they forgot to have. That's a pretty massive oversight. That probably says more about their situation than all of the money doom and gloom reports
TNA can just pretend all those matches occurred at house shows.
It's not like anyone was there.
Kind of like Chris Jericho qualifying for the 2005 Royal Rumble by beating Muhammad Hassan at a house show before Hassan debuted on TV, then Hassan still getting a match to qualify for the Rumble.
You can't fool me with your Rosetta Stone lessons!Oh...I got you and bean mixed up, didn't I? Mere words cannot abate this grievous assault upon your personage, but, for what it's worth, so sorry, old chap.
CM Punk shown at tonight's UFC event looking like nothing happened Monday
some best wrestler in the world![]()
..So Happy
..So Happy
"Punk and Heyman Segment gained over 680,000 viewers for a 3.4 rating, a tremendous gain and segment, the star segment of the night"
"Bryan Gauntlet gained over 1,090,000 viewers to a 3.7 rating, the best over run segment in a long time"
"Randy Orton and Christian Lost 140,000 viewers at 10PM, horrible gain for that segment
He was happy that they referred to him as a wrestler.some best wrestler in the world
doesn't he know about kayfabe
Raven is gay?
He was happy that they referred to him as a wrestler.
from the comments:
Oh, after reading the comments, seems they clarified on Twitter, the Sting match is non-title; that's a bummer. Awesome that he's having to face a member of A/8 in two weeks... was kind of hoping they might give AJ Styles a title shot since he's not in the top 4 (there is the Gauntlet Match I guess), since he managed to knock Devon out of the picture. Be awesome to see Hardy vs. Styles at BFG for the title... but pretty certain the chances of that happening are SLIM.
After that NXT promo, I am on the Bo train! He is making it work
Zeb is being wasted. Guy is such a great talker, he shouldn't be managing jobbers to the PTP
Summer Rae can cut a promo. She should speak more and get involved in the diva division