Thinking 'bout them ratings, boss! Maybe I could do a top 20 good gifs, and a bottom 20 bad/hilarious gifs.
20 konnan gifs? God no.
Thinking 'bout them ratings, boss! Maybe I could do a top 20 good gifs, and a bottom 20 bad/hilarious gifs.
Thinking 'bout them ratings, boss! Maybe I could do a top 20 good gifs, and a bottom 20 bad/hilarious gifs.
What she doing these days?
What she doing these days?
“I loved my career in the WWE and I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to work in that industry,” Ted DiBiase, Jr. said in the release. “Leaving a job you love is not easy, but I believe so strongly in the future of that I knew it was time to change my focus.” is an e-commerce website with users in all 50 states and more than 30 countries. Listings on the websites only cost a $1.00 and the company donates 10 cents of every listing back to the school of the seller’s choice.
“Working with Teddy over the last year on a number of projects I can say we are truly blessed to have him on our team,” BFAC CEO Brad McMullan in a released statement.
Why not do a summary of the years you have watched with just gifs. That'd be the best way to showcase the highs and the lows.
To be fair, WWE is the top dog by a mile and then some, especially if you're just looking at the US. They were never going to get behind him, so instead of silently collecting his paycheck like some jobbers, he decided to do something more productive with his life.
I can respect that, i couldn't stand being a jobber either.
You're the Ted DiBiase Jr. of this thread.
Really though, it has to get under your skin to know when you're in your prime and wasting it. But is money a waste?
Did get hacked?? Reading reports? I don't wanna check it out..
Did get hacked?? Reading reports? I don't wanna check it out..
i'd buy ambrose as scar
I think Triple H is doing an amazing job, he already was doing great backstage for ages and now he's stepping up on-stage again too. This whole story will end up in him getting the short end anyway and Bryan will be champion. I'm actually hyped to watch Raws again so it's working for me.
The official WWE website was taken offline for approximately an hour today, at approximately 1:00 p.m. A user behind a Twitter account that promotes hacking (named Anonymous Indonesia, located at AnonNewsIndo) is claiming to have gotten the website taken offline.
This individual wrote, "World Wrestling Entertainment Down Time To HELP SYRIA By #Fr0styFr0ze #OpSyria #Anonymous."
Are we seriously sad that Ted fuxking DiBiase fuxking Jr is gone from this company? He is about as charismatic as a paper bag lunch. His Kindergarden teacher couldnt even fake enthusiasm for him. Glad he is gone for good.
I'm worried about Big Ettore Ewen he has barely been on TV the last couple of weeks
Surely its time for a new push and the redebut of the 5 count
does ted need any partners for his new business venture?
cause i got some recommendations
Wade aint going anywhere brah. Future world champ.ultra fuckin jobbers right there.
we already know the best wcw gif
If they didn't already have a bunch of heel factions, I'd partner Wade with McIntyre, have Regal as their manager and have them call themselves The Union or The Commonwealth, or some such. Actually, if WWE weren't averse to heel vs heel feuds, they could feud with We The People. Or Sheamus, but that's probably too close to the mark.
Wade blows my mind. in UFC there's a lad called Michael Bisping who essentially has a job for life cause he's british and he's actually used as a draw to the british crowd,a pretty big market for them.
Wade gets dragged out for a pop and useless win when they tour the UK and then gets jobbed left and rightas soon as they're out of the queen's sight. blows my mind.
real talk, Wade is just as terrible as Miz. He's British Miz. People say he's got a 'good look' but he's got less mass than Punk does. The guy looks like he barely works out. He looks like if you stretched Orton out.and he lost all his definition.
Way to spoil the whole thing, man.
Wade blows my mind. in UFC there's a lad called Michael Bisping who essentially has a job for life cause he's british and he's actually used as a draw to the british crowd, a pretty big market for them.
Wade gets dragged out for a pop and useless win when they tour the UK and then gets jobbed left and right as soon as they're out of the queen's sight. blows my mind.
They had Edge with Christian too I thought.You're stealing storylines from WWE'12!
They do the same thing with Yoshi Tatsu. Hell, he got to main event against Cena on a WWE tour of Japan a few years back.
I went to school with Michael Bispings brother, Michael was a few years above us and I remember him being the 'cock' of the school - basically known as the hardest lad in school. The family were all a bit iffy but I certainly would mess with them
Kryptonian, I believe you brah.
Are we seriously sad that Ted fuxking DiBiase fuxking Jr is gone from this company? He is about as charismatic as a paper bag lunch. His Kindergarden teacher couldnt even fake enthusiasm for him. Glad he is gone for good.