These gifs man lol
I mean, I know you guys like to bring up some sort of cm punk beef but I'm pretty sure this is just to get Nikki over in a starved division so that she in turn can put someone else over.
This revolution was a ploy to make Stephanie look like some sort of important feminist instead of sitting by while the women in her company are underpaid and sexually objectified.did they just cut to ads right when sasha was doing push ups
fucking hell
This is a pretty good divas match. Go to commercial right in the middle of it
Kevin nash standardsSasha wins yay! Nikkie wasn't completely terrible
Sasha wins yay! Nikkie wasn't completely terrible
Non-title matches are gutless bullshit.
Cena is going to win his 16th and beat flair and have a live sex show with Charlotte on RAW the following night while trips and naitch cry and watch
it's just a matter of time man
the boss just tapped out the champ
she's fucked
Cena is going to win his 16th and beat flair and have a live sex show with Charlotte on RAW the following night while trips and naitch cry and watch
Nikkie's probably been the best one that wasn't called up.
Aren't you the guy who's said 20 other unrealistic stuff lol
What the fuck?Yeah, you guys need something realistic