Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on.I can't stop listening to the Battle Hymn of the Republic now
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on.I can't stop listening to the Battle Hymn of the Republic now
Wait, and Summerslam is being hosted by a dick kicker?
Summerslam is literally being booked around dick kickers.
i haven't watched any tough enough
are any of these people any good
i haven't watched any tough enough
are any of these people any good
Wait, and Summerslam is being hosted by a dick kicker?
Summerslam is literally being booked around dick kickers.
Taking a page from Cabana matches?Brock going to face the Devil in a 9 stages of Hell match
Only the wwe would think of always doing the opposite of what anyone else would do.Also it's nice that even Brock can't escape the tradition of "looks like shit in hometown"
they literally turned the low blow into his setup move lol
if they're not trying to do a "traditional face/heel" they're fucking up
i haven't watched any tough enough
are any of these people any good
Only the wwe would think of always doing the opposite of what anyone else would do.
The heat that you get doesn't Carrey over to the next city like a babyface run or cheer can.
One guy is 6'7" who Vince must rub one out to every nighti haven't watched any tough enough
are any of these people any good
La Parka vs El Hijo del Santo (2001)
If you want to see a bloody brawl, this is a best in class. Santo has great offense, but once La Parka gets control he proves that he'll break every rule to keep it that way. Lots of blood and mask ripping on Santo that shows strongly against the all-white attire of both luchadores. It's just EVERYWHERE. Parka's whole chest area becomes covered in Santo's blood halfway through the match. Boootaaay in particular should definitely watch it.
I hope Big Show retires...and goes to commentary. He's great!
Nope. A couple of attractive women though
It was pretty surprising to me just how much bleeding/brawling goes on in lucha. WCW cruserwights it is not
damn roman reigns chant lol
I'm honestly surprised it took you so long to watch this. Have you watched more hijo dle santo's matches? I would honestly put him in top 5 bleeders. All his brawls end up like that
The fuck is this shit?
Yeah he was great at the desk last year. Dude doesn't give a shit and it's hilarious. Would work great as heel or face, gets worked up enough to keep you interested but seems to come across like he wouldn't be racist/sexist.
Um, how exactly is a match "Too big for Wrestlemania"? If it's too big for that, then wouldn't it also be too big for the Super Slam?
I'm down with that shit
Handicap Match at Wrestlemania
Everyone ready for 8 hours of wrestling next weekend? And then 3 hours of RAW after that?
Is that just WWE or are you including ROH?
surely they wouldn't pay brock millions just to shatter his momentum by having taker beat him...right?
He talked about potentially becoming a commentator in an interview recently. I agree that he's got a gift for it.
surely they wouldn't pay brock millions just to shatter his momentum by having taker beat him...right?
La Parka vs El Hijo del Santo (2001)
If you want to see a bloody brawl, this is a best in class. Santo has great offense, but once La Parka gets control he proves that he'll break every rule to keep it that way. Lots of blood and mask ripping on Santo that shows strongly against the all-white attire of both luchadores. It's just EVERYWHERE. Parka's whole chest area becomes covered in Santo's blood halfway through the match. Boootaaay in particular should definitely watch it.