Late post, but the real problem with the "Divas Revolution" stuff is that it's being played so safe but being touted as this big bold sudden change and keeps getting pushed that way repeatedly, disingenuously. It's still the same Divas' Division that we've had for years now, just with more time to do what they do and three more talented performers. I mean fuck, they spent like a month trying to push the idea that Nikki was the one responsible for it. How the hell does that even make sense? And perhaps most importantly, they fucked up by not making the new girls all into one team taking on the "old guard." Instead they have been fighting each other alongside them and the only character traits ascribed to them outside of Charlotte being Ric Flair's Daughter and a general competitive streak that isn't attributed just to the new girls, but the entire division, has been the standard jealous/catty/crazy stuff that has been pretty much the only kind of character that any diva has been able to get forever and which is part of the problem. So the new girls just seem like any other diva to someone who hasn't been watching NXT.
Also, maybe I won't hold the performers themselves up to a higher standard than the men, but hell yes the angle deserves to be held to higher standards than a typical filler midcard feud or the "I dunno what rankings are all the teams just fight each other and don't have a focused rivalry" tag team division stuff, because it's being touted as a REVOLUTION and revolutions are big and bold and different.