Has Ric Flair ever won a shoot fight? Off the top of my head, I can recall three incidents where his toughness was challenged--by his daughter's boyfriend, his 4th wife, and by Eric Bischoff. And by all accounts, he had his ass handed to him all three times.
Stacy went from David Flair, to Test, to George Clooney. How do you even chart that progression?
I think Ric Flair once suckerpunched Mick Foley too.
The reason David Flair was booked and pushed was because of Ric Flair and not Vince Russo? That Russo did it as a favor to Flair?
Now she's happily married with some Billionaire or something and had a kid not too long ago. Stacy was always too good for the business.
Still the best Nash quoteKevin Nash said:You might be a 15 time or 18 time champion, Ric, but it's fake. You never beat anybody.
Thread got vicious all of a sudden
Still the best Nash quote
lol. See. Let's all be chill when Cena beats the record. It means nothing!
Still the best Nash quote
only time he main evented was with Cena and Rock, so.....
Exposing the business to put a True Carny in his place is a good thing.wait is this actually good? isn't it just Nash saying wrestling if fake, y'know?
Pretty sure he mainevented 2 PPVs before Rock and Cena matches took place.
that's like the realest shit I've ever read about pro-wrestling
Still the best Nash quote
Lil Naitch pushed him? this changes everything
This shit is the equivalent of CM Punk calling Triple H "Paul Levesque".
But one was a shoot and the other was a scripted promo
Exposing the business to put a True Carny in his place is a good thing.
Steiner did it better
But I thought the Dudleyz were supposed to be creepy.
Even 13 year old me knew that
Remember Trish Stratus's table fetish video for Bubba?
I've watched montages of Scott Steiner absolutely obliterating people with this move many-a-time.I forgot how brutal the Steiner Screwdriver was:
Legit Shook should do a Ric Flair expose on all these claims. Much like some other site compiled Hogan's various lies throughout the years.
This vanilla midget?
What a shame. I was pulling for her and Clooney.
I've watched montages of Scott Steiner absolutely obliterating people with this move many-a-time.
Remember how JR would actually say "orgasmic" every time the Dudleys put a woman through a table?
Sorry was driving. Me and Fe were planning a meet up at around 3 near the Legion somewhereCool. What time are you thinking of getting there?
The heat isn't even that bad. I left 115 heatHave a great time at BOLA and try to survive the heat of my jealous hate.