The Hitman awards the victor. He also had some nice things to say about Piper.
Meek and Philly taking another L.

I just can't imagine Bret typing champagnepapi lol
The Hitman awards the victor. He also had some nice things to say about Piper.
Amanda will get a deal regardless of if she wins
Dunn and Triple H will be of like mind on that one
One day recently I got off the plane, and I thought the person was going to say Kevin Nash, but they knew me as Guard Engleheart on The Longest Yard, Nash said. I said, Yeah, thats me.
Even with one working arm Nakamura's still better than pretty much everyone.
I always wonder about the mentality of people who need to point out that wrestling's fake. Apply that to any other medium. Books, films, TV, plays. Imagine how insanely idiotic you'd sound pointing out that any of those things are fake.
damnit beanJohnnyDbol ‏@JohnnyDEEBol Jul 24
@CelesteBonin are those all natural??
I would like to add that ufc fans desperately want ufc to be real, and will oftentimes willfully deny reality in order to create that illusion for themselves.
i accidentally left the tab open when it finished and autoplayed to this by the same people
Amanda will get a deal regardless of if she wins
Dunn and Triple H will be of like mind on that one
Is the rope Supposed to be a d...Nvm.
I'd like to know if Borash was going to make that donation beforehand. He most likely was going to help that guy out but he shouldn't be doing it just to spite Dana. Also a bit rich to do that when TNA fired Jesse Sorensen after promising him a job for life when he was paralysed.
I'd like to know if Borash was going to make that donation beforehand. He most likely was going to help that guy out but he shouldn't be doing it just to spite Dana. Also a bit rich to do that when TNA fired Jesse Sorensen after promising him a job for life when he was paralysed.
People in the crowd were crying legit tears when Elizabeth and Randy Savage got back together at Wrestlemania 7.
Dana calling wrestling fake is cute. Dude is booking a squash match in the main event of a ppv
also this whole segment had way more connotations than little kid me could comprehend.