I think WCW Raven is my favorite midcarder of all time. His gimmick, once you kind of figure it out, is SO good. It's permanent midcard status and any thoughts that it should go further than that(and i had those when I was younger) is ridiculous, but it pretty much stamps him right below main eventers in an upper tier of mid card without ever seeming like he was some main eventer power level so that you could buy all kinds of people beating him with the right booking.
His promos were pretty solid, but they became fantastic when you realized his character wasn't the edgelord that you initially thought he was. That you kind of discover, even pre-Middle Class Raven promo, that he was a whiny manipulative asshole coward heel that played the cool heel and it threw people off. He had such a good way of getting heat with the crowds, his moveset wasn't amazing, but it was perfectly effective for this kind of character and it made his babyface opponents with more fancy movesets stand out all the more. The Flock gimmmick, the constant whining while still being an evil asshole. He was like a smart coward heel. The only real flaw was the dumb masochism gimmick they tried to get him over with initially because it didn't fit his 'actor' character. They offloaded that shit onto Vampiro later on when it didn't work.