If I suffer a momentary lapse of resolve and purchase GTA5 tomorrow, I will be procuring it for the Sony Personal Computer Entertainment System.
So who is getting gta5 on console in here and if so, what console are you getting it on.
Quick list so we can maybe play online when it launches.
Netflix talk:
I have recently started watching Star Trek: Next Gen from Season 1, which I finsihed on the weekend. Then started season 2.... and holy shit the upgrades all over the place.
Riker now has a beard.
Wil Wheaten has a semi-proper unifrom.
The special effects have been significantly upgraded.
Whoopi Goldberg appeared out of nowhere.
So who is getting gta5 on console in here and if so, what console are you getting it on.
Quick list so we can maybe play online when it launches.
Is her character's name Ten Forward?
It's cool, I don't think anyone in here would be inconsiderate enough to post a BB spoiler outside the BB spoiler thread.
That's worse than Hitler.Here's my idea for the final scene of BB:
Everyone is lying dead on the ground after a mass shootout. We see a lone figure hobble over to Walts body. A hand reaches down and picks up the Heisenberg hat. It's Walt Jr. He puts the hat on his head, turns to the camera and gives an evil grin. Roll credits.
GTA preordered from dse this morning. $69 was too good to pass up.
Is this in-store only or something? Their website is showing $88 (and the links are broken). Pre-order only or pickup on the day (assuming there are any in stock)?GTA preordered from dse this morning. $69 was too good to pass up.
Is this in-store only or something? Their website is showing $88 (and the links are broken). Pre-order only or pickup on the day (assuming there are any in stock)?
Usually you can't play the same game at the same time. You used to be able to play 5 at once but even then some big games (like Gran Turismo) would prevent more than once person playing it at a time and now that they've dropped the limit to two I don't think any games work at the same time. Unless you play offline maybe...
agreedYeah I know, it's just that last weeks ep ended on a huge cliffhanger and anything small could spoil the outcome.
Here's my idea for the final scene of BB:
Everyone is lying dead on the ground after a mass shootout. We see a lone figure hobble over to Walts body. A hand reaches down and picks up the Heisenberg hat. It's Walt Jr. He puts the hat on his head, turns to the camera and gives an evil grin. Roll credits.
So who is getting gta5 on console in here and if so, what console are you getting it on.
Quick list so we can maybe play online when it launches.
Bitcoins? Aren't they primarily used to purchase drugs and pay hitmen via the underweb? What the fuck are you up to?Hey does anyone know a place to buy Bitcoins in Australia? I used to use Omnicoins but they've closed down.![]()
Ah, that's less weird. Thanks, Clipper.Nope, it's Guinan. The bar she runs is called Ten Forward (due to being on Deck 10 in the Forward section of the ship).
Bitcoins? Aren't they primarily used to purchase drugs and pay hitmen via the underweb? What the fuck are you up to?
The Old Fitzroy will become the first pub in Australia that will allow customers to buy their beers in Bitcoin.
The pub in Woolloomooloo, Sydney, will start accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment on September 29, with Bitcoin Sydney on hand to help new-timers to the crypto-currency.
I just like a really complicated way of paying for beers when I go drinking!
But in all seriousness, it's for buying drugs from the underweb.
Nah around 70k, don't get much time to play games these daysYou must be on 100K by now, I stopped a few years ago at a ~paltry 36K
I assume it will be easier to set up NFC bitcoin payments on a phone than it is to set it up to bank accounts.
Hmmmmmm... that seems... strange. I can't read the full story because my work has forbidden access due to the word bitcoin, so I'm just going to assume they have a good reason to accept a fairly volatile ether-currency.I just like a really complicated way of paying for beers when I go drinking!
But in all seriousness, it's for buying drugs from the underweb.
The Old Fitzroy will become the first pub in Australia that will allow customers to buy their beers in Bitcoin.
The pub in Woolloomooloo, Sydney, will start accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment on September 29, with Bitcoin Sydney on hand to help new-timers to the crypto-currency.
The pub, which has been around since at least 1907, will use QR codes to handle transactions. With Bitcoin wallets able to be accessed via smartphones, customers simply scan the QR code and authorise the transaction in order to pay.
Beers should cost customers around 0.05 Bitcoins, around the equivalent of AU$7 at the current value of the currency.
"I am interested in Bitcoin because it is progressive," Fitzroy proprietor Garry Pasfield said in a statement.
"I know a lot of people will like the opportunity to steer away from the big banks, and [Bitcoin] will have a lot of legs if it can establish itself."
Bitcoin Sydney will also be at the event to assist customers in making transactions and provide an introduction and overview to the currency, as well as help those new to Bitcoin purchase their first coin.
Thanks for the reminder. I've been watching a couple Korean variety shows and this seems interesting, so I'll check it out sometime.Did anyone end up watching that show I posted, The Genius?
If not, you totally should. I just finished watching the whole series and it was so good. Generally, I find reality shows tacky and unappealing, but this was just on a whole other level. You're not watching to see the misery of one of the participants or to see that person you don't like get voted off, because it's not like that and it doesn't work that way. Intelligence, tactics and strategy are the main components that comprise this show.
Markot dropping truth bombs.Bitcoins are bad and you should feel bad for using them.
I don't know enough about them to comment on that advice.
Did anyone end up watching that show I posted, The Genius?
If not, you totally should. I just finished watching the whole series and it was so good. Generally, I find reality shows tacky and unappealing, but this was just on a whole other level. You're not watching to see the misery of one of the participants or to see that person you don't like get voted off, because it's not like that and it doesn't work that way. Intelligence, tactics and strategy are the main components that comprise this show.
It was also impressive that there was a somewhat strong audience participation factor too. No ringing up for your favourite, but in a way you could test your brain to find a solution or see motives and intent of the players before they're revealed. The level of enjoyment and entertainment found in this show rivals many others, and I do mean non-reality shows.
If it entices anyone to watch it, one of the participants was a competitive StarCraft pro by the name of YellOw (who had a long-standing rivalry with BoxeR). There's also a couple of kpop singers, among others, including a member of MENSA. I found all of them, bar one, very likable and incredibly interesting to watch. The level of intellect and cunning on display is a refreshing change and I'm glad that it is presented as more entertaining than plonking numb-skulls in front of a camera.
Essentially, as long as you have nothing against subtitles, check it out.
Instore only, ends today though. They match your $10 preorder, and they are selling it for $79 tomorrow so will come down to $69 total.
Wait how does this actually work? What do you mean they match your $10 preorder?
I found this article really helpful in understanding how bitcoins work.
Sounds like eventually, the plug will be pulled on them.
I was going to do that but it was a bit of of the way. Also, this way (if I understand Sony's system/policy correctly), I will be able to install it on 2 x PS3's and my gf and I can play it at the same time, so it's basically 2for1![]()
Hmmm reading conflicting information about this. Seems as long as my master account is registered on both PS3's and we don't use the same account we can both play at the same time. Not the end of the world if we can't but handy if we can.
Sutton pays $10
DSE pays $10
Sutton pays $59