Imagine looking at the US and wanting to be more like them.
Oh, great, now we've got people arguing with a straight face that compulsory voting is the cause of the "political deadlock". All these arguments reek of "why can't we be more like the US" and "we can't disenfranchise voters".
Matt Canavan may be forced to resign being a dual Italian citizen.
Will be really interesting when it's not a Senator this happens to.
Its actually simpler with Reps. Its a by-Election either way so you don't need to involve the court of disputed returns and can just get on with it.
Though balance of power wise it'd be fun.
Ruh roh
Possibly number 4
Yeah he's probably and an Indian and British Citizen but unless he self-reports nothing much will happen unless the Senate goes after him or someone else brings it to the court. Not sure if Malcolm has the numbers to piss off the ONP.
Maybe some sort of amnesty needs to be called and the parties get together and work out a solution. Ludlum is probably a lost cause at this point but Waters should fight it and the Canavan thing is pretty weak. The Senate still has a large degree of authority in deciding eligibility.
Interesting timing on the Canavan's Italian Citizenship, also in 2007 his Father was caught and sentenced to jail for 7 years for defrauding Nestle. Not saying they were going to cut and run but...
This is getting absurd. If we had adults in government I'd suggest it may be possible to reform the law and given goodwill on both sides just return to the status quo since as far as I know there is no suggestion that any of this was done knowingly.
But we won't have that.
We'll have a shitfight that will make everyone look like fucking idiots. Because they are.
Good luck getting a constitutional amendment through even with adults in charge.
Good luck getting a constitutional amendment through even with adults in charge.
Pauline Hanson just smiled somewhere and she doesn't know why.
Section 44 said:"any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power ... shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives"
So Barnaby Joyce has been caught admitting that he either a) thinks the recent Four Corners episode involving the Murray-Darling Basin irrigation scandal is a "greenies campaign to shut down farmers and towns", and/or b) approves of the criminal water wasting performed by irrigators. It's also proof that Joyce is guilty of flagrant ideological conflict of interest and should never have been given the water ministry.
Would you trust a man that forgot he'd been to the UK just a month previously?
Would you trust a man that forgot he'd been to the UK just a month previously?
One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts denies he lied, is 'choosing to believe' he was never a UK citizen
So Roberts is claiming he sent a letter to the British High Commission renouncing his citizenship a few days before nominating but didn't receive a replay until the 5th of December, well after he was elected. But British authorities say he didn't actually renounce his citizenship until the 5th of December. Roberts refuses to show any documents until he gets an inquiry into the citizenship status of the entire senate which sounds a lot like the political equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?"
He also refuses to release the document because the twitterati will make fun of him. What a special little snowflake he truly is.
Edit: And just to increase the funny to near epic levels the #3 on the QLD senate ONP ticket as of 8 days ago now had bankruptcy proceedings commenced against him! I'm starting to wonder that at this rate I might get a go in the Senate for someone so I might have to renounce my British dual-citizenship and check out my potential Irish and American status.
Edit 2: The 4th and final person on the QLD ONP ticket is Pauline's Sister!
I feel like if you're considering sitting as an Mp, you should send a letter to every country except Australia, asking if you're a citizen or have any special conferral right and how to revoke it if so. Of nothing else you'll get to confuse ~190ish embassy stuff.
Liberal MP Julia Banks may be a dual Greek-Australian citizen and ineligible to sit in Parliament, according to one of Australia's top constitutional experts.
The loss of Ms Banks would force a byelection and potentially threaten the Turnbull government's control on power.
Ms Banks won the marginal seat of Chisholm with 51.2 per cent of the two-party preferred vote at the 2016 election. It was the only seat won by the Liberal Party from Labor in the federal election and the Turnbull government holds power in the lower house by just one seat.
I guess this is what you get when your political class are largely from upper middle class globetrotting families. Lower classes cannot afford to travel, and normal actual immigrants would have become citizens and renounced their other countries' as part of that process.
Still pretty harsh on Waters, she's the one who was screwed the most and has no real ties at all to Canada.
I'd have to check at this point that none of Germany, Scotland , the UK, or Norway have any kind of passive descent citizenship. And to be safe I'd probably have to make sure that I have none of the highly contagious citizenship ancestries at all (DNA test , maybe ? Can't be sure that none of my ancestors were getting some on the side after allor were my ancestors at all). And I'm 3rd generation Australian-born. That's kind of insane.
I don't think Antony Green hasn't been this busy outside of election time ever!
Chisolm is serious, it was the only seat that went Labor -> Liberal at the last election mainly due to an organised Chinese language campaign on social media but it's still very marginal. They'll fight this one very hard.
Holy shit, this is actually happening. The Greens are one thing, but the fucking Coalition? Every goddamn party is gonna be going over citizenship issues with every canditate come the next election and every election after that just to avoid this clusterfuck ever happening again.
Its not so much the Coalition fucked up here. Its that pretty much the only ruling is fron 1992 and they took a "we'll know it when we see it" approach because they favoured plain reading but realised that was manifestly moronic since any other country can shut down out Government by conferring the rights of a citizen on every Australian for example. That means there's a lot of technical situations that may count but haven't come up like if you have a "right" to a citizenship you haven't taken up.
Ew I saw someone (nobody of note) arguing that Jewish people aren't eligible due to Israel's law of return even if they don't take it up.
(i) is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; or
'Entitled' meaning it doesn't matter if they take it up, they argued.
The constitution needs fixing for sure.
I've seen that from a serious source as well. It would hinge on if potential citizenship / rights you haven't taken up but could count. If they do the right of return would count.
Though I think the best effort would resolve that, you formally ask to renounce it, Israel probably refuses on the ground it's a permanent offer to all Jews so the only way you can renounce it is to cease being Jewish. The High Court is unlikely to view that as reasonable.
Still stupid though. The papers all seem to have written Constitutional reform of though. Probably because the majors don't care atm. But there's no reason this couldn't happen. Its got a better chance than 4 year terms of properly phrased frankly and they talk that up (Fixed 4 year terms at least have a definitive practical effect you can object too on some grounds ).
I would like to note the level of discussion around this in the media is awful.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has indicated he would be comfortable with backbench MPs crossing the floor to legalise same-sex marriage, saying the right to break with party policy is a "fundamental principle" of the Liberal Party.