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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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So Scott Birmingham issued a warning to Uni's on inflated ATAR entry requirements which has finally spurred many to fix up their act and post more accurate information.

Pretty crazy to how badly UNSW are guilty of this, really disappointing to learn the perception that their cohort is just as strong as USyd is a mirage, (although atar probably isnt a perfect measure of ability at uni)

Tbf I haven't attended either and am talking out of my ass
I've submitted the Crikey Sub for this year.

If you didn't get back to me / are interested but didn't get around to PMing / emailing me , if you contact me we can see about getting you pro-rataed in. As long as you get in touch before the end of January that should work out approximately the same as you having joined now.

Picking up one more member would actually be pretty great since it'd move us to the next subscription size and save us $10 / member
I'm at a loss as to how he thinks now is the right time for this. Now is the time One Nation already nicked those voters. At best he's going to get bogged down in a war for the right with One Nation, at worst One Nation is going to leave tread marks on his face while he further erodes the LNPs position. He can't conjure a new bunch of "One Nation" voters from the Liberals (and even less so from the Nationals) for his own use.


I'm at a loss as to how he thinks now is the right time for this. Now is the time One Nation already nicked those voters. At best he's going to get bogged down in a war for the right with One Nation, at worst One Nation is going to leave tread marks on his face while he further erodes the LNPs position. He can't conjure a new bunch of "One Nation" voters from the Liberals (and even less so from the Nationals) for his own use.

Maybe him and Christensen ought to just join onp

That said I've always wanted the two kinds of liberals in separate parties. Ditto with labour. Just gave the parties form coalitions to create governments as we see in Europe.
Someone tried to blow up the ACL in Canberra overnight. Now no one should be blowing up buildings even the odorous ACL's but Shelton is already blaming "Extreme Left" MP's. Though according to the Police,

"The actions of man in van incident were not politically, religiously or ideologically motivated"

A couple of days ago someone drove another laden with gas bottles car into a business nearby, maybe related.
Someone tried to blow up the ACL in Canberra overnight. Now no one should be blowing up buildings even the odorous ACL's but Shelton is already blaming "Extreme Left" MP's. Though according to the Police,

"The actions of man in van incident were not politically, religiously or ideologically motivated"

A couple of days ago someone drove another laden with gas bottles car into a business nearby, maybe related.
Do you have a citation for the last part since I would like to share this information?
Do you have a citation for the last part since I would like to share this information?

A couple of days ago in Fyshwick. Turns out that one may not have had LNP bottles on board, just caught fire after being driven into the building.

I thought the ACL building was somewhere else, it's a little further away from Fyshwick than I thought. Though it turns out the ACL is two buildings away from my ENT specialist. The area where it is is light commercial mostly specialists that service the private hospital across the road. Right next to the Mint.
Christensen is also threatening to leave, incidentally. Tony Windsor is just egging them on to jump already.

Next year is going to be amazing if Bernadi and Christensen make good on their threats.
If the Libs collapse, it will be a complete repeat of the unstable shit that has been ruining the country for ten years. We'll end up with Labor winning by default with the equal to Tony Abbot least liked leader of all time. This will continue the electorate's long-term ennui. And at least another half decade of bullshit IMO.

Tbf Shorten's figures are different to Abbott's on breakdown (Abbot was well liked by his own / loathed by others) , Shorten is mainly 'Who?' mixed with 'Hate Unions'. But that's not an argument against the ennui thing if anything its for it.

I don't really see much way to end this either. The electorate is unstable so politicians are risk averse so the electorate becomes more unstable. It's going to take a collapse or an outside event to restabilize.


Yeah other party hated = we won't do anything bold and just maintain our current status quo. Both parties convinced themselves they 'won' the last election, just like both Gillard and Abbott did.

Which means little in the way of change in terms of personnel or policies. Some minor tinkering, like Labor's timid changes to negative gearing, or small portfolio changes. All the new faces are loonies on the crossbench.

We're fucked.
Yeah other party hated = we won't do anything bold and just maintain our current status quo. Both parties convinced themselves they 'won' the last election, just like both Gillard and Abbott did.

Which means little in the way of change in terms of personnel or policies. Some minor tinkering, like Labor's timid changes to negative gearing, or small portfolio changes. All the new faces are loonies on the crossbench.

We're fucked.

Whether Bernadi splits off or not it is looking increasingly likely that Labor will win the next election. That is largely a very good thing. There are certainly problems with some of their policies but the direction Gillard would have taken us on would have been a lot nicer than what we have today. It seems slightly erroneous to lambast the situation as terrible when It things could actually be taking a turn for better for once.


Whether Bernadi splits off or not it is looking increasingly likely that Labor will win the next election. That is largely a very good thing. There are certainly problems with some of their policies but the direction Gillard would have taken us on would have been a lot nicer than what we have today. It seems slightly erroneous to lambast the situation as terrible when It things could actually be taking a turn for better for once.
If Labor wins, it will be a tepid victory by not too much, because the public dislikes Shorten (with good reason, he's a poor performer, and a career politician who appears to stand for very little except his own bland personal ambition).

As soon as the Libs get an act together with a decent new leader, this term or next, (Bishop?) with even half a vision, wimpy wooden Shorten will look vulnerable. And the cycle begins anew.
Of course, the difference now is the rules Rudd put down ensure that Labor can't boot its leaders easily outside of after an election loss - there needs to be severe internal no confidence before a spill can even go ahead. Labor can't dispose of Shorten unless he's doing Abbot levels of terribly, and Shorten hasn't gotten anywhere near that so far even when PM Malcom was at the height of his popularity before everyone realized he was a fraud.
Interesting, I wonder what has precedence? If he is declared ineligible in the high court from the larcency charge a recount will occur and his brother-in-law will get in but if the bankruptcy takes precedence will ONP get to choose a replacement or since he's now an independent do the WA government?

Edit: Looks like the High Court takes precedence in this case.
If Labor wins, it will be a tepid victory by not too much, because the public dislikes Shorten (with good reason, he's a poor performer, and a career politician who appears to stand for very little except his own bland personal ambition).

As soon as the Libs get an act together with a decent new leader, this term or next, (Bishop?) with even half a vision, wimpy wooden Shorten will look vulnerable. And the cycle begins anew.

Shorten seems to do well when he's on, like in the election campaign. Before then and now again he seems to lie dormant
Currently dodging the "buy a house" lectures from family members over Christmas.

Those are like the "There's plenty of work for those that want it" lectures from people who haven't had to job hunt since the late 70s. One time, I found myself reciting statistics to refute the nonsense I was hearing before I realised that this was the alcohol talking and that the proper, sober response was to smile, nod and affirm the person's world view.


The cheek of MT reminding Australians to look out for vulnerable people the day an asylum seeker died after seeking and being denied medical care.
Currently dodging the "buy a house" lectures from family members over Christmas.



"I would but I don't get the tax benefits you get because you already own a house so my financial advisor advised against it."

Then try to sell them Malcolm Turnbull futures.


Same. But had to get in-laws to go guarantors because it's impossible to save for a deposit these days while still renting.

Where'd you wind up buying one?

Hobart, thankfully it's not too out of control here yet. Our payments are only like $30 more than our current rent, which is cheap as shit as is. Did you go Geelong?


I'm in Sydney, no parental assets that could be guarantor (they live in the country for cheap), and required deposits keep going up up at literally more than the rate I can save.

It really doesn't make any sense that I am in the top 25% of earners in a country but am locked out of anything except a dingy old flat (even that is a stretch) or being 120 minutes from the CBD where any job I get will be. How good a job do I have to get, Joe?


Go outside Sydney and Melbourne. Zoning laws of the early 20th century are sky-rocketing housing prices of globalised cities.


I'll move overseas before living in someone not Sydney or Melbourne. Australia's kind of a backwater outside of the two main cities if you're into participating in culture (theatre, music scenes etc).

Of course a federal gov part of a real solution is to cut the huge immigration intake which is being used to artificially stimulate economic growth just to make the rich richer...


I'll move overseas before living in someone not Sydney or Melbourne. Australia's kind of a backwater outside of the two main cities if you're into participating in culture (theatre, music scenes etc).

Yea you're not wrong. Brisbane and Perth are the biggest pretenders.

Of course a federal gov part of a real solution is to cut the huge immigration intake which is being used to artificially stimulate economic growth just to make the rich richer...

Nothing artificial about it. That said it should be part of larger reforms to ease off areas that may be hurt. It's a local/state issue, unfortunately.


Go outside Sydney and Melbourne. Zoning laws of the early 20th century are sky-rocketing housing prices of globalised cities.

By zoning laws do you mean build more high density housing?

If so, I couldn't disagree more. Even when you take away the supposed 90% of the country that is uninhabitable, our population density is like 170th in the world.

Ain't no one got time for trying to raise a family in an 8th storey apartment building.

Anyway, turns out the the highest bidders on the house we put an offer on and lost have pulled out. So we're waiting to hear if the owners will accept out offer.

For what it's worth it's over 70km out of the CBD and over half a million for a fixer upper.


By zoning laws do you mean build more high density housing?

I mean allow the market to build as it wants. Overly egregious zoning laws lock out the young and the non-income rich from the housing market.

I read an interesting paper the other day showing that building in Southern England (London area) was half of what it would be if they had the zoning laws of the north. It doesn't help anyone.
Crikey subs are done for next year. If you want to join you can still be pro-rataed in, just drop me a PM / email. The cost will be 139 (p.a adjusted for amount remaining) for the next few members (since we'll cross a threshold, I'll refund the appropriate amounts to others in such a case).


I mean allow the market to build as it wants. Overly egregious zoning laws lock out the young and the non-income rich from the housing market.

I read an interesting paper the other day showing that building in Southern England (London area) was half of what it would be if they had the zoning laws of the north. It doesn't help anyone.

This is true. Any solution to Australia's housing problems needs to look at restrictions on supply.
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