The ABCC has passed, but it's so watered down that it's a hollow victory, and the Greens' tactic of proposing protectionist amendments to have ABCC-covered builders use mostly Australian steel only and such succeeded with flying colours, which essentially turned the bill into a protectionist bill with 'red tape' that the neoliberals hate with a passion, making it an even more hollow victory for the government. And that's assuming the public even care at this point.
Also, Labor's 10.5% rate amendment for the backpacker tax passed the senate, being backed by an angry Derryn Hinch (who was furious at Scott Morrison admitting they wouldn't compromise on the bill during a Christmas BBQ), Lambie, Leyonhjelm, and One Nation's Rod Culleton, who broke from the rest of his party and basically got egg in Pauline's face in the process, which is always good. The government has literally just a day to change the minds of two of the crossbenchers before Parliament rises.