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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Dead Man


So, even Godwin thinks it's a valid comparison...



Also, can I just have this little moment to rant before I go to bed? (May or may not have something to do with this migraine that I have the shits about).

Australians often try and deflect criticism of our politics with that whole dismissive attitude of "well yeah, things are pretty shitty here, but at least we aren't as bad as America".

No.....No, we aren't as bad as America. We're fucking WORSE. In America, when they do something really fucked up, it's usually because Religion has manipulated them into doing it. That might make them sheep but at least when they finally come out the other side, they'll have something to blame.

Australians? We aren't overtly religious, so when we do something fucked up, or stand by and watch our politicians do something fucked up like Sovereign Borders, we aren't being manipulated into doing it or accepting it or standing by and letting it happen. We're allowing it to happen because we want it to happen. That means we aren't sheep, we're just arseholes.

I honestly wonder which is worse.


It's really frustrating when you argue with people about refugees who try to come under the guise of being "critical thinkers" when they make statements like "How are we going let refugees in without making life making life worse for the 23-million Australians that already live here? I'm just being pragmatic and reasonable about this" no you aren't, you are just being a racist asshole or are easily manipulated by propaganda that you are working from a fundamentally false premise.

Also Mondy that kind of deflecting of criticism is called: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism !


It's really frustrating when you argue with people about refugees who try to come under the guise of being "critical thinkers" when they make statements like "How are we going let refugees in without making life making life worse for the 23-million Australians that already live here? I'm just being pragmatic and reasonable about this" no you aren't, you are just being a racist asshole or are easily manipulated by propaganda that you are working from a fundamentally false premise.

Also Mondy that kind of deflecting of criticism is called: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism !

Holy shit, it's an "ism"?


Tony Aboot must be confused, he is mean to boat people but he is not gettin popular! And carbon tax!

less then 6 months in and the ship is going down, hardline economic liberalism is about as popular as a hooker with syphilis.

They learnt nothing from work choices. Its kinda funny.

Dead Man

Tony Aboot must be confused, he is mean to boat people but he is not gettin popular! And carbon tax!

less then 6 months in and the ship is going down, hardline economic liberalism is about as popular as a hooker with syphilis.

They learnt nothing from work choices. Its kinda funny.

Yeah, but unless WA comes through they have all the power they need to fuck the country over, and plenty of time to do it.
WA is unlikely to come through in a major way in a Senate election even assuming the current polling trends are representative of the more conservative states (like WA) you're still looking at pretty close to a 3 / 3 split , and last I checked that still gives the balance of power to Right Wing Microparties / Palmer United.

Dead Man

WA is unlikely to come through in a major way in a Senate election even assuming the current polling trends are representative of the more conservative states (like WA) you're still looking at pretty close to a 3 / 3 split , and last I checked that still gives the balance of power to Right Wing Microparties / Palmer United.



It's really frustrating when you argue with people about refugees who try to come under the guise of being "critical thinkers" when they make statements like "How are we going let refugees in without making life making life worse for the 23-million Australians that already live here? I'm just being pragmatic and reasonable about this" no you aren't, you are just being a racist asshole or are easily manipulated by propaganda that you are working from a fundamentally false premise.
If they were truly being pragmatic they'd realise that building another wall never works long term. Eventually the pile of corpses will be high enough to climb over it no matter how high it is.


When you've got nothing left to lose, you may as well go all out.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has set the tone for more asset sales, despite the electoral oblivion the issue helped force upon the previous Bligh Labor government.

Mr Newman told the Liberal National Party state council meeting in Toowoomba on Saturday the state was about $80 billion in debt.

That resulted in interest payments of about $450,000 an hour.

“We're not saying these assets have to go, that is not the conversation,” Mr Newman told delegates at the historic Empire Theatre.

“We're saying we want to talk to Queenslanders so they know about this challenge.”

Included on the government's potential sale list are generators Stanwell and CS Energy, along with several ports along the coast.

Outside the theatre, Treasurer Tim Nicholls said Queensland's $80 billion debt needed to be reduced if the state was to regain its AAA credit rating, which had slipped to AA+.

The other option, he said, was to cut services and “increase taxes, fees and charges massively”, which was something he wanted to avoid.

“We're going to really run into an event horizon,” Mr Nicholls said.

“We've gone as far as we can with our current level of capital, but that $80 billion cloud of Labor debt is hanging over us and we will not be able to invest in the schools and the roads and the things that we want to have, like football stadiums and new arts theatres without doing something about it.

“That's the choice, as a state, we face and that's the choice that Queenslanders face.”

Mr Nicholls said the Redcliffe byelection result, which saw Labor regain the seat with a 17 per cent swing against the government, showed people wanted the government to listen to their views.

He said the government would seek a mandate at the ballot box before going ahead with sales.

“We've always said that before we sold any of those businesses we would take it to the people in an election and that position hasn't changed,” Mr Nicholls said.

“I note that certain people, notably the (Electrical Trades Union), are saying that decisions have already been made, but it's quite the contrary.

“We wouldn't be going out and talking to Queenslanders over the next three months about the choices they face if we'd already done that.”

Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said it was clear Mr Nicholls and the Newman government had already made up their minds.

“The Premier's promise that he and his government would listen more in the wake of the Redcliffe by-election has been shattered a week later by Mr Nicholls,” he said.

“Trotting out the bogeyman of 'going broke' shows he will not be listening as he swans around the state. The Newman government is determined to forge ahead with asset sales regardless of what Queenslanders think.”

Mr Pitt said the former Labor government had a strategy to pay down debt.

"Mr Nicholls has never acknowledged the fact that almost half of the $62 billion in state debt at the time of the March 2012 state election was held by government-owned corporations whose clients – not average taxpayers – would pay off,” he said.

“For example big mining companies using port facilities help pay down the debt of port authorities.

"Labor learned the hard way when it came to Queenslanders' views on asset sales but the LNP has not been listening even after the message it was sent from the Redcliffe by-election.”

Among the policy resolutions passed at the LNP council was the introduction of four-year parliamentary terms.

Advocates for the change argued people were sick of elections and four-year terms would give governments more time to implement their agendas.

Those opposed said it would take the power away from the people, who could be stuck with a bad government for an additional 12 months.

Mr Newman said he would take the proposal to the LNP parliamentary team, but it would need bipartisan support to be implemented.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/que...st-expenses-20140301-33shk.html#ixzz2uhNHoiBt



Just because asylum seekers are a popular wedge issue doesn't mean you can go all in with the voodoo economics crap. Especially for state governments.

I almost feel sorry for Will Hodgmen.


If they were truly being pragmatic they'd realise that building another wall never works long term. Eventually the pile of corpses will be high enough to climb over it no matter how high it is.
Most politicians lack long-term thinking though. One of the big problems with the right in terms of political discourse or on the other end of the scale for-profit corporations in regards to the impending doom of climate change.


Most politicians lack long-term thinking though. One of the big problems with the right in terms of political discourse or on the other end of the scale for-profit corporations in regards to the impending doom of climate change.
They don't lack long-term thinking. They just completely understand that thinking long-term does not appeal to voters in the short-term. Hence, why this country is fucked.


Kinda feel sorry for Weatherill. Kinda don't.

I love how two weeks from the State election, still no one really knows it's happening and they HAVE TO vote.


They don't lack long-term thinking. They just completely understand that thinking long-term does not appeal to voters in the short-term. Hence, why this country is fucked.

Kinda feel sorry for Weatherill. Kinda don't.

I love how two weeks from the State election, still no one really knows it's happening and they HAVE TO vote.
It's like the Federal election, people made up their minds ages ago. Marshall could announce tomorrow that he'll personally drown a puppy for every vote for the Liberals and they'd still win.


I -really- shouldn't post this on a public forum.


Let's just say that I know the candidate for Ramsay personally. I wouldn't call him my friend, not at all. Just that we spent a lot of time within the same vicinity for years.

He's the a gigantic douchebag. Arrogant, entitled. The exact kind of private school kid who's nestled into the world by their very successful parents with zero perspective about anything except rich = good and poor = bad.

I've been arguing that he should be disendorsed. He's a giant asshole and it reflects really badly on the rest of us.

It's not relevant anyway, it's Mike Rann's old seat. The Liberals have no chance in hell of ever winning that seat.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
First the letter about asylum seekers, now this. Welcome to the disenfranchised club!

“If only the people standing infront of centrelink at 8am would wake up early enough to get a job ... perhaps they wouldnt be there in the first place!!!!’’
IDK, sounds like a charming and intelligent young man with plenty of perspective to me.

Seriously this comment makes absolutely no sense.
I -really- shouldn't post this on a public forum.


Let's just say that I know the candidate for Ramsay personally. I wouldn't call him my friend, not at all. Just that we spent a lot of time within the same vicinity for years.

He's the a gigantic douchebag. Arrogant, entitled. The exact kind of private school kid who's nestled into the world by their very successful parents with zero perspective about anything except rich = good and poor = bad.

I've been arguing that he should be disendorsed. He's a giant asshole and it reflects really badly on the rest of us.

It's not relevant anyway, it's Mike Rann's old seat. The Liberals have no chance in hell of ever winning that seat.

Even with only 150 seats federally and however many less in SA, it is really difficult to find "good" candidates to run in seats they can't win. Any candidate with serious intentions will have already wormed their way in and found a safe seat. You see this issue all the time, look at the last federal election, someone in the Hunter was dis-endorsed, for facebook comments, and in the previous election it happened at least twice in Western Sydney.

A good example is Queensland. Newman won too well and with such a large swing a whole lot of candidates that I imagine LNP state office never took seriously and were only there as they were good local voluteers, handed out pamphets well, were swept into parliment. Look at the havoc these loonies have caused, they've left the party to join others, been chucked out and generally dominated the media with their fringe nonsense. I don't blame the Queensland LNP for basically forcing all these local members to reapply for their jobs, though I still suspect it's partly about getting Campbell a safer seat.

Dead Man

I -really- shouldn't post this on a public forum.


Let's just say that I know the candidate for Ramsay personally. I wouldn't call him my friend, not at all. Just that we spent a lot of time within the same vicinity for years.

He's the a gigantic douchebag. Arrogant, entitled. The exact kind of private school kid who's nestled into the world by their very successful parents with zero perspective about anything except rich = good and poor = bad.

I've been arguing that he should be disendorsed. He's a giant asshole and it reflects really badly on the rest of us.

It's not relevant anyway, it's Mike Rann's old seat. The Liberals have no chance in hell of ever winning that seat.
So, he's a mainstream politician?

First the letter about asylum seekers, now this. Welcome to the disenfranchised club!

IDK, sounds like a charming and intelligent young man with plenty of perspective to me.

Seriously this comment makes absolutely no sense.

Who said that? And what the hell does it mean? Even if you think you need to wake up early to go door to door, cap in hand or something (like that works these days), they are up and waiting outside an office at 8am. What the fuck?


It's like the Federal election, people made up their minds ages ago. Marshall could announce tomorrow that he'll personally drown a puppy for every vote for the Liberals and they'd still win.

Nothing is going to change anyway. All state politics is here is business investment and law and order. On which both are the same. Nothing of great import will change, and in 6-12 years the parties will swap leadership again.


A ''green army'' of 15,000 young people will be paid as little as half the minimum wage, as fresh details emerge of the federal government's plan to create Australia's largest environmental workforce. The plans have attracted the ire of the ACTU, which says the workers will be excluded from protections granted by federal workplace laws and says the program threatens to reset youth wage rates sharply lower.

Under legislation introduced by Environment Minister Greg Hunt on Wednesday, green army participants - who will be aged 17 to 24 - will work up to 30 hours a week.
Young people who fill the green army's ranks will be paid about half the minimum wage, earning between $304.20 and $493.70 a week.

The wages compare with $622.20 a week for the minimum wage and the basic rate of $250.50 a week for a single person getting Newstart, or the dole. The scheme is modelled on John Howard's Green Corps, and will be an alternative to work-for-the-dole programs.
Those enlisted will do manual labour, including clearing local creeks and waterways, fencing and tree planting.

Green army members will be exempt from Commonwealth workplace laws, including the Work Health and Safety Act, the Fair Work Act and the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act.

They will be given the chance to take part in formal training as part of their duties, but will lose their Centrelink benefits.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...inimum-wage-20140301-33st7.html#ixzz2um4Oyp6c

aaaaah get fucked

Exempt from workplace laws - surely this is a knockdown court challenge


Edit: Holy shit, exempt from workplace laws? How the fuck is that legal?

Dunno. Anyone who's done the kind of work they're talking about knows that the exposure to risk of injury tends to be really fucken substantial. By comparison, anyhow, with workplaces that are legally protected.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So, he's a mainstream politician?

Who said that? And what the hell does it mean? Even if you think you need to wake up early to go door to door, cap in hand or something (like that works these days), they are up and waiting outside an office at 8am. What the fuck?
The candidate in question, demonstrating that his reasoning skills are as developed as his empathy.

aaaaah get fucked
Saw this coming. A good idea diminished by being done in wrong ways for wrong reasons. It's a bit like Cameron's idea of volunteers in the UK.

Dead Man

The candidate in question, demonstrating that his reasoning skills are as developed as his empathy.

After he just got fucked a week ago? Clown.

Edit: Ah, same shit from a week ago. Still, a clown.

Dunno. Anyone who's done the kind of work they're talking about knows that the exposure to risk of injury tends to be really fucken substantial. By comparison, anyhow, with workplaces that are legally protected.

Indeed. With no workplace protections working those jobs are going to lead to a lot of injuries.

Get off it. Give the guy a break. He works 100 hours a week.

Heh. :)


Unfortunately, if they manage to pass a law saying that people working for X are exempt from Act Y. They're totally allowed to do it.

It's not unconstitutional or anything.


It won't be breaching the acts they are exempting them from?

Generalia specialibus non derogant.

Or, in English: A later more specific law takes precedence over a prior more general law. So the fact that an exception exists overrides the other Acts. You find this in legislation all the time.

Dead Man

Generalia specialibus non derogant

Or, in English. A later more specific law takes precedence over a prior more general law. So the fact that an exception exists overrides the other Acts. You find this in legislation all the time.

Well ain't that lovely? Fucking arseholes. If this passes and a kid gets hurt or dies I expect as much fuss as over insulation.... wait, who am I kidding?

Dead Man

You bloody moron Fiona Nash.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia shuts doors after Fiona Nash cuts off funding
An organisation that has been advising Australian governments on alcohol and drug policy for almost half a century shut its doors on Friday.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, which has operated since 1966, was placed in voluntary administration in November after Assistant Health Minister Fiona Nash decided it would receive no further funding.

Senator Nash told a parliamentary hearing this week she had refused requests to meet with the chief executive and board of the council, instead giving her then chief of staff, Alastair Furnival, the job of breaking the news to the organisation.

Mr Furnival resigned two weeks ago following revelations about his role in taking down a healthy food rating website and his co-ownership of a company that had lobbied for the junk food industry. The company had also performed work for the liquor industry as recently as 2012.

While Senator Nash also refused to meet with state and territory alcohol and drug organisations about the funding decision, she said this week she had met more than once with the industry organisation DrinkWise.

''It just beggars belief that a minister responsible for alcohol seems to be taking policy decisions without talking with any of the key groups,'' said Mike Daube, the Public Health Association of Australia's spokesman on alcohol.

''I think she needs to show us whether she's the minister for prevention or the minister for the alcohol and food industries.''

Senator Nash this week cited a ''significant amount of duplication'' among organisations in the alcohol and other drugs area as justification for her decision to cut funding to the council. But she admitted a drug and alcohol resource library run by the council, which provides information to thousands of health professionals and researchers each year, was not being replicated.

Senator Nash said she thought the service could be ''accommodated'' elsewhere, but no decisions had been taken.
Senator Nash this week blamed the former Gillard government for failing to put arrangements in place to fund the organisation beyond June 30 last year.

Mr Templeman said the organisation received ministerial approval in April last year for funding through to July 2016, but contracts were never signed.
More at the link.


Jesus fuck. Another week, another department open for decades getting shut down.

And the chief officer having interest in junk food and tobacco? Fuck's sake. This government is fucking disgusting.

Tommy DJ

I -really- shouldn't post this on a public forum.


Let's just say that I know the candidate for Ramsay personally. I wouldn't call him my friend, not at all. Just that we spent a lot of time within the same vicinity for years.

He's the a gigantic douchebag. Arrogant, entitled. The exact kind of private school kid who's nestled into the world by their very successful parents with zero perspective about anything except rich = good and poor = bad.

I've been arguing that he should be disendorsed. He's a giant asshole and it reflects really badly on the rest of us.

It's not relevant anyway, it's Mike Rann's old seat. The Liberals have no chance in hell of ever winning that seat.

You've described 90% of my secondary school cohort. Perhaps its because of them that I know that I absolutely cannot vote Liberal because they're the sort of people that vote and work for the Liberal party in my electorate (Kooyong).

I actually went to school with one of Jack Wegman's sons (Councillors in Boroondara, LGA where ~75% of kids go to private schools). To say that he's the biggest cunt in the world is an understatement.

No surprise they love Camberwell Junction because its the most boring place in the world with zero culture, nightlife, and always full of impolite drivers. Its the perfect place for stereo-typically boring white people.


And he said that he wasn't referring to Murdoch. That is fucking Murdoch to a tee. A pathetic, shriveled up old fuckwit with more money than he knows what to do with trying to exert power by using a dying medium as a tool.

In the video the insiders token right winger referenced a couple of other names, neither of those that description really applies to.
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