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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Shorten is a snake with a lot of Labor MPs in his pocket. Albanese would have been a much better leader, but it was never going to happen unfortunately.
Nah, Labor are too obvious for me to consider them snakes. If they were actually snakes they'd actually be able to manipulate themselves some public support like the Libs can.


Its cute how hard the libs are going in on economics. Its a vote loser for them for shure.

Howard only made it through the first election cause they had such a huge swing before, and he got fewer votes. The next one was about the boats and terrerr, then Mark Latham was terrible.

The moment he went to an economics issue, was work choices, and it swung things around so hard rudd was seen as a not douche for a while.

Well its good news anyway, definate 1 termers unless theres a falklands or somesuch.


Oh noes conroy was a meany doo doo head to a military guy.

Those guys have egg shell thin skins!

I love how politicians use the military to hide behind.

I love how easy it is for the government to pretend all this needs to be really secret cause omg people might hear stuff.

I love how poorly our media defends the interests of the public to know stuff thats happening.

I love how our system has flipped its lid over a few people trying to come here in leaky boats looking for a better life from those bastions of freedom like Iran.
I'm a little puzzled as to why we as a nation should give our armed forces /law enforcement / intelligence officers what is essentially a free pass. If you examine our history none of these institutions can be described as having untarnished honour.


I'm a little puzzled as to why we as a nation should give our armed forces /law enforcement / intelligence officers what is essentially a free pass. If you examine our history none of these institutions can be described as having untarnished honour.
Because patriotism

made me laugh

racial discrimination: a-ok

political coverups: fuck off you can't say that to a general

Yeeeep. I'm so done with Australian politics. Conroy shouldn't have to apologise for shit.


haha some dumbass wants conroy to fucking resign over it

rule 1: the military has always been politicsed, ESPECIALLY if you're going to use it for BORDER CONTROL OPERATIONS, you steaming fuckwits

rule 2: fucking morrison is getting away with MANSLAUGHTER on manus island and you want conroy to resign over insulting a fucking three star general? what did you hurt his feelings? aww diddums

also wilkie moved the motion. what the fuck wilkie, i know you were a military man but that's a real fucking stupid move



Tony Abbott said:
“I think that uniformed officers of our country should be treated with our deep respect,” Mr Abbott said.

Is that so? Would you care to repeat that Mr. Abbott?

Defence Minister David Johnston squashed rumours that the navy’s two new 27,000 tonne amphibious landing ships would be based at Townsville and not Sydney.
“It will be Garden Island [Sydney],” Senator Johnston said.

Why the sudden flood of information? I thought this would fall under those "on water matters". Guess that only applies when there's something to hide.


haha some dumbass wants conroy to fucking resign over it

rule 1: the military has always been politicsed, ESPECIALLY if you're going to use it for BORDER CONTROL OPERATIONS, you steaming fuckwits

rule 2: fucking morrison is getting away with MANSLAUGHTER on manus island and you want conroy to resign over insulting a fucking three star general? what did you hurt his feelings? aww diddums

also wilkie moved the motion. what the fuck wilkie, i know you were a military man but that's a real fucking stupid move

He was a fucking whistle blower too.

I honestly just can't anymore.

They're trying to turn this country into the fucking American South.

I can't articulate my anger at the layer upon layer of bullshit this government has squirted out. Not one of them have an ounce of empathy for anyone. How the fuck can Abbott call himself a catholic?


Because he hates abortion.

Why is there no political will or even public will for Qantas to be saved like the us auto makers were? It seems pretty clear that the problem with Qantas is miss management and publicly funded opposition overseas.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
2014 BusinessDay Survey (Peter Martin)
As the Reserve Bank prepares for its first board meeting of the year the BusinessDay forecasting panel is predicting a rarity - an entire year without a move in official interest rates.

It hasn’t happened since 2004.

A unique blend of 25 of Australia’s leading forecasters in the diverse fields of market economics, academia, consultancy and industry associations, the BusinessDay panel includes several former Treasury forecasters. Over time its average forecasts have proved to be more reliable than those of any of its individual members.

A year ago the average forecast was for a cut in the Reserve Bank’s cash rate from 3 per cent to 2.7 per cent. The Bank cut to 2.5 per cent. In 2012 the average forecast was for a cut from 4.5 per cent to 3.6 per cent. The Bank cut to 3 per cent. This time the average forecast is for no cuts. The average comes in slightly below the current rate at slightly below the current rate at 2.46 per cent by June and slightly above at 2.55 per cent by December.

If rates do say on hold at around 2.5 per cent for the entire year it will be because the settings are already in place to deliver just enough (anemic) economic growth to keep further unemployment (almost) at bay.

I'm a little puzzled as to why we as a nation should give our armed forces /law enforcement / intelligence officers what is essentially a free pass. If you examine our history none of these institutions can be described as having untarnished honour.
On the one hand I think that the people who take these sort of jobs deserve a bit more recognition than something like hazard pay suggests, but this applies to fire-fighters, social workers and paramedics as much as it does the military. The problem is when it becomes a one-way street. If that respect becomes an automatic thing instead of something earned and deserved it's all too easy for external entities like politicians and the media to use it as a shield.

Shorten actually made a good point when he said the Coalition were being hypocrites, pretending to respect the military whilst politicising their role to the utmost.

"Some dumbass" is a p. good way to describe Julie Bishop.
Well I'm not sure if I'd go that far but her speech yesterday was something else. Burt out laughing when I heard it on the radio. Her voice when she said Shorten had let loose a dog of war in Conroy was about half a degree away from Mrs. Lovejoy begging people to please think of the children... now I'm laughing again just remembering it.


Wait, you're asking how can Abbott align himself with a faith broadly associated with controlling education, politics, law and sex while promoting white male imperialism?


Well yeah fair enough. Maybe I should have said "How does Abbott reconcile his awful economic and asylum seeker policy with what the new pope has been saying"?


Honestly, how Alan Joyce still has his job has got me stuffed.


Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce has defended the airline's decision to axe the equivalent of 5,000 full-time jobs.

The struggling airline this morning reported a half-year loss of $252 million, before tax, in line with the earnings guidance it gave in December.

"This performance by our airlines is unacceptable, and the current position is unsustainable," Mr Joyce said.

The airline also outlined $2 billion worth of savings including cutting capital expenditure by $1 billion and significant changes to fleet plans and networks.

The job cuts equate to 15 per cent of the Qantas workforce. Unions say Qantas staff are bearing the brunt of poor management.

Abbott is going to get smashed in the polls for this.


How is this connected to Abbott? The foreign ownership debate isn't really connected.

No, he won't. He hasn't been smashed for anything else, this is not going to be the straw.

Have you guys been keeping track of Newspoll? The job losses at Alcoa and the various other places are having an effect. There is this notion in the public eye that Abbott was preaching from his high horse that the Coalition would be about creating jobs, and yet since he came to power, it's been nothing but publicized job losses. This may not have anything to do with the Coalitions management, but it will have an effect regardless.

Dead Man

Have you guys been keeping track of Newspoll? The job losses at Alcoa and the various other places are having an effect. There is this notion in the public eye that Abbott was preaching from his high horse that the Coalition would be about creating jobs, and yet since he came to power, it's been nothing but publicized job losses. This may not have anything to do with the Coalitions management, but it will have an effect regardless.

Most recent poll I saw had Shorten fucking it up to be just as unpopular. So Abbott may be unpopular, but he is not at risk of losing his job.

If there are some newer polls, I would love some links, I suck at finding non shithouse poll coverage.


Indirectly, it makes a mockery of all the growth targets talk at the G20. How are they expecting growth while they allow all these companies to down size? There's no boom to counter it, so we're going to see unemployment rise, tax revenues drop, government expenditures go up due to all these entitled unemployed people and of course the GDP then shrink. That's before we even get to all those incoming budget cuts which are counted against GDP as well. But hey, Qantas have a balanced budget so things must be great.


Labor's polling really well, but Shorten's approval is only around 40%. About the same as Abbott. That number keeps growing though, so it isn't as gloomy as it looks.


However I guess we can all agree that Albanese should've been leader and once again, the cancerous Labor Right faction have got their way.


Albanese would've been great if only because he would've gone for the throat every time something's happened (which has been a lot), instead of popping up to whisper "We don't approve of this" and disappearing.

In other news: I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that can save the SA election from being a complete bore is Stephen Amell busting in through Jay Weatherill's office window yelling "You have failed this city".


Shorten just needs to get out there more and articulate Labors position. What would they do about Qantas? About... etc...

The Qantas issue would be a good way to differentiate between themselves and the coalition instead of just agreeing with liberal economic orthodoxy that turns off most voters. Hell, even bring up renationalisation based on what Obama did in the US.


In other news: I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that can save the SA election from being a complete bore is Stephen Amell busting in through Jay Weatherill's office window yelling "You have failed this city".

I guess the people of SA are trying to harmonize the importance of this election with the complete irrelevance of South Australia on the national stage. No important swing seats, no crucial or important industries for politicians to don their hard hats in front of a camera for now that Automotive is dead. SA is pretty much screwed as far as Canberra is concerned.

Maybe not but still, it's a tough situation for that state right now.


Well see that's the thing. It's hard for me to care about state politics when the race isn't between quiet wet fish. Even though I live here the outcome won't change much.

Dead Man

I guess the people of SA are trying to harmonize the importance of this election with the complete irrelevance of South Australia on the national stage. No important swing seats, no crucial or important industries for politicians to don their hard hats in front of a camera for now that Automotive is dead. SA is pretty much screwed as far as Canberra is concerned.

Maybe not but still, it's a tough situation for that state right now.

Shit, I'll take neglect from the Abbott government over them actually paying attention.

Well see that's the thing. It's hard for me to care about state politics when the race isn't between quiet wet fish. Even though I live here the outcome won't change much.

As is the case in most places these days, both sides hammer on about law and order and business investment and you cannot find a difference between them. I've actually started to get involved in some things thanks to a friend who is in the Greens, and even they don't care much.
Honest political question from an American. In American politics, it's usually (especially during the campaign) for the Presidential candidate to be relatively above-the-fray, focused on their vision of the country, and so forth, while the VP candidate is basically the attack dog to say the asshole things (see : Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle).

So, is there any reason why it wouldn't for Shorten to be the "above the fray guy" and basically give Albanese free reign to wreck shit and do things like Biden did (ie. "Oh, I'm totally for gay marriage." "This airport looks like crap.")?

Dead Man

Honest political question from an American. In American politics, it's usually (especially during the campaign) for the Presidential candidate to be relatively above-the-fray, focused on their vision of the country, and so forth, while the VP candidate is basically the attack dog to say the asshole things (see : Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle).

So, is there any reason why it wouldn't for Shorten to be the "above the fray guy" and basically give Albanese free reign to wreck shit and do things like Biden did (ie. "Oh, I'm totally for gay marriage." "This airport looks like crap.")?

We don't use a Presidential system, so Shorten is more like the minority leader in the house, rather than a Presidential thing. We expect opposition leaders to go hard when the sitting government makes a hash of things. To hold them to account, really.

Our head of state is the Queen, represented by the Governor General, and that is a very apolitical position.
I guess the people of SA are trying to harmonize the importance of this election with the complete irrelevance of South Australia on the national stage. No important swing seats, no crucial or important industries for politicians to don their hard hats in front of a camera for now that Automotive is dead. SA is pretty much screwed as far as Canberra is concerned.

Maybe not but still, it's a tough situation for that state right now.
One of these days, they'll find a way to exploit the oil out there in SA's deserts. You'll be awash in politicians in hard hats.


As is the case in most places these days, both sides hammer on about law and order and business investment and you cannot find a difference between them. I've actually started to get involved in some things thanks to a friend who is in the Greens, and even they don't care much.
I honestly believe there needs to be FAR more pressure put towards politicians than the current level of apathy we get from the average citizen. One of the reasons why I've gotten into political activism lately, especially in light of being politically-aware of how severely compromised our political system is.. of course it's not that much different anywhere else in the world really!


Honest political question from an American. In American politics, it's usually (especially during the campaign) for the Presidential candidate to be relatively above-the-fray, focused on their vision of the country, and so forth, while the VP candidate is basically the attack dog to say the asshole things (see : Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle).

So, is there any reason why it wouldn't for Shorten to be the "above the fray guy" and basically give Albanese free reign to wreck shit and do things like Biden did (ie. "Oh, I'm totally for gay marriage." "This airport looks like crap.")?

Clasically, our politics has always been a contest between two main opposing political ideas while having to cater to fringe groups on either side to get policies implemented. (Proportionate voting in the Senate means we usually get fringe parties holding the balance of legislative power) This isn't usually problematic as our political system is basically designed to force political parties to the center (mandatory voting means you don't have to spend a huge amount of political capital motivating your base, it also means that swing voters are much more important. Preferential voting means that you don't really need to worry about being flanked by a more extreme party).

To answer your question more specifically though, it's "usually" the PM's job to be a bit more above the fray while members of their cabinet and frontbench talk shit about the other side. For example last year during the News of the World scandal occurred the PM said that the media here had very tough questions to answer, all the while senior members of the ministry were out talking about how they need to reign in the press and how things are completely out of control. Similarly, when the PM said that there were members in the community that felt like the ABC (our national broadcaster) was too quick to take everyone's side but our own, and called it unpatriotic, we had senior ministers coming out talking about how we should privatise it and how it's a waste of taxpayers money, etc.

The leader of the opposition is meant to be the attack dog. It's meant to scrupulously hold the government to account and it does so USUALLY to great effect. We've got a few issues currently though, when the opposition leader recently became PM he didn't drop the attack dog mentality which lead to an incredibly embarrassing speech in front of other world leaders. The second issue is that the opposition are currently AWOL. To be fair to Shorten though he's trying to revolutionise and modernise the party.


"fuck you, got mine"

I see the frowny face did not at all indicate you that it was tongue in cheek.

Nice attempt at trying to be condescending and insulting though. I suggest you ask A More Normal Bird or Dead Man to take you under their wing, so that way you might be able to engage in a more constructive and entertaining (and sometimes successful) attempts at bringing me into line.


Bringing Arksy into line is one of those things that you do to promote discussion but hope you never actually succeed at. He's the only thing that stops the thread from being a circle-jerk of left-wing grumpiness.

One of these days, they'll find a way to exploit the oil out there in SA's deserts. You'll be awash in politicians in hard hats.
Bullshit we will. Adelaideans hate:

- Tall things
- Things in their backyard
- People in the country acting like they have a say in anything

There'd be rioting in the streets


Bringing Arksy into line is one of those things that you do to promote discussion but hope you never actually succeed at. He's the only thing that stops the thread from being a circle-jerk of left-wing grumpiness.

Bullshit we will. Adelaideans hate:

- Tall things
- Things in their backyard
- People in the country acting like they have a say in anything

There'd be rioting in the streets

I just saw a sign earlier while driving that said something like "DO YOU WANT A HIGH RISE IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD? IF NOT VOTE FOR US" and I nearly lost control of my car and crashed.
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