I blame all those fucks who buy houses to invest invest invest, keeping prices up. Cunts.so pumped for austerity
this is what happens when you surplus for the sake of surplus
I blame all those fucks who buy houses to invest invest invest, keeping prices up. Cunts.
Spotted: Clive Palmer having lunch in a Paradise Point (Gold Coast) Japanese restaurant.
Spotted: Clive Palmer having lunch in a Paradise Point (Gold Coast) Japanese restaurant.
China and baby boomers.So you're blaming China?
To be fair negative gearing is only part of the issue and should probably be grandfathered out. It's the greedy and lazy state/territory governments that release land slowly to drive up the prices they receive then go on about cost of living being the fault of everyone but them.
You should have laid your hands on a crazy wig and a lab coat, stormed the restaurant claiming to have discovered a way to bring back the dinosaurs, all you need is man with a helicopter and the resources to make it happen. Having a friend in full big game hunter regalia with a South African accent would have added to the mystery as well!
You're gonna have to explain this one for the non law students out there.To be fair state governments have been slowly starved of revenue by the High Court since the Engineer's case. I almost pity them.
You're gonna have to explain this one for the non law students out there.
The income tax thing was intended to be temporary, for the war. But of course the Commonwealth has never gotten around to giving that power back >.<
It would be interesting to see what Australia would be like without that decision and the money being in the states hands.
Australia also has a free trade agreement with Nauru. They get our asylum seekers and we are free of them.
By the way, Elaug, I looked it up and One Nation apparently was permitted to publish a book on her cray-cray ass bullshit because they genuinely attempted to research and present an argument about it in good faith. So I'd say current exemptions are at least fair, though of course there's still the chilling effect part you were talkin' about.
My problem (other than chilling effect) with "Smell Test" laws isn't that any specific one has been abused (though in their history, some of them have been) , it's that they are a hope and a prayer that whoever does the smelling will be fair (and we have been relatively lucky with that, in that we've generally avoided wildly partisan appointments at a federal level to permanent institutions). Essentially I just don't trust an unknown and changing group of people in perpetuity.
I hope current Australian society never, ever, ever lives this down, and is taught throughout schools in the generations to come for how badly we collectively fucked up human rights.
You trust them to make laws for you though.
I think we might be more or less in agreement here then. I don't think the Coalition are inherently wrong for saying that the law has problems but I think their proposed solution is ridiculous. And if I got to rewrite or remove 10 laws of my choice, the Racial Discrimination Act is nowhere near making the list.I don't like smell test laws any more than you do but there comes a point where you have to judge effectiveness against ideology and the truth of the matter that I can sacrifice a little ideology not to be called a gook in a major metropolitan newspaper for no reason and have noone hold the paper accountable apart from the market, which I have zero faith in.
Anyway, NBN's fucked.
this is what happens when you surplus for the sake of surplus
Where does this worship of surplus come from anyway ? From my point of view (even assuming you lack sovereign currency) it seems that a perpetual surplus indicates you're charging too much tax / not providing sufficient services , which is not a goal you should be shooting for. It would seem that at absolute most, you'd want a slush fund for disasters and an otherwise 0 budget. What benefit even conceivably exists for running a perpetual surplus ?
NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell to resign over evidence he gave to ICAC
Looks like Eddie Obeid has rolled yet another NSW Premier!!!
Holy sheet!
Abbott now trying to convince everyone it's an "act of honour" and he admires him greatly.
For all the rabble in the Labor party, in the last year Liberal premiers of Victoria, NT and now NSW have been rolled. Stupidity and power hungry morons, it seems, cross party lines.
Bit sad really, of all the Lib leaders, I "admired" Baz the most. Now can someone take out Campbell?
The prime minister Tony Abbott has praised Barry OFarrell saying the premier had innocently, inadvertently misled Icac and had taken the utterly honourable step of resigning as premier.
This is honour and integrity the like of which we have rarely seen in Australian politics.
I admire him tremendously for this, the prime minister said.
Abbott reacted furiously to a reporter who said in a question the NSW government had been proven to be corrupt.
That, if I may say so, is an entirely unjustified smear, let me not mince my words madam, an entirely unjustified smear, and I think you should withdraw that and apologise, he replied.
When the reporter rephrased the question he said without wanting to get into an argument with the media what you have just said is very different from the accusation and statement you earlier made, we need to have decent standards in this country, including decent standards from the media.
They spelled "ineffective" wrong.