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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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a la ABCNews23,




The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says governments around the world can still avoid the worst of forecast droughts, floods and bushfires, but Mr Abbott says he remains reluctant to link extreme weather events to climate change.
“The CSIRO, amongst many other reputable scientific organisations, has cautioned against attributing any particularly weather event to man-made climate change,’ he said in response to the report while in Perth.
“Australia is a land of droughts and flooding rains, always has been, always will be,’’ he said.

The PM we deserve, this guy is a complete idiot.


And the magnolias coming into flower 4 weeks early?

Wine regions vintage seasons being thrown out of regular schedule?

Totally natural.


There have been an insane number of flocks of cockatoos around here recently, when I've barely ever noticed them before.

If it isn't climate change, it's some Hitchcock shit.



Love how he cites the CSIRO also sides with him on climate change.

On the CSIRO page summarising their latest report (for dummies), dated 4th March, it appears they're saying the exact opposite.

State of the Climate: fast facts said:
It is extremely likely that the dominant cause of recent warming is human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and not natural climate variability.

In the more detailed report they also say:

State of the Climate - 2014 said:
Reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions would increase the chance of constraining future global warming. Nonetheless adaptation is required because some warming and associated changes are unavoidable.

Funny, that.

It's amazing that the book the CSIRO released back in 2011 and updated last year has notes on Readership, which outline who the information is useful for:

This book is an accessible guide to underpin decisions that need to be made in business, in government, and in general to respond to the challenges of climate change. It is an important resource for:

  • business community leaders
  • federal, state and local government members
  • researchers and academics involved or interested in climate change science, adaptation and mitigation
  • educators and media
  • general public with an interest in climate change science.

If only they'd all read it and understand, well, something on the topic before taking a stance that another 23M–4B+ people have to live with the resulting consequences. I know I'm preaching to the converted here. A politician lying is surprising to no one, but there is a vast difference between 'circumstances have changed, therefore I cannot stand by what I previously said' and 'I can't be bothered finding anything out about this topic so here's a lie I can easily be called out on, but don't bother telling me when you do, I don't give a shit', or more likely 'this lie suits my agenda, I don't care about anything to the contrary'.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

The PM we deserve, this guy is a complete idiot.
Trotting out the "any particular event" line again. The perfect pedantic and intellectually empty defence. The only problem is that the IPCC report isn't about any particular event, it's about future trends.

Anyway, as an addendum to my rant about the Coalition's definition of bigotry on the previous page, here's a fun story from the Senate that flew under the/my radar.

And to avoid the double post, here's a lengthy piece by David Marr on George Pell and the Ellis case, as a sort of follow up to his Quarterly Essay on Pell from last year. Plausible deniability seems to have been the name of the game in terms of the church divorcing its claim to morality from its actions in the legal sphere.


That piece of shit accused PENNY WONG


fucking three time minority badass parliamentarian

of being BIGOTED



That Brandis quote is amazing. How can you say that and not even back it up with these supposed quotes? It's slander with an unhealthy dose of bigotry thrown in. He's obviously chosen Wong because of her very obvious minority status as an Asian, lesbian woman and accused her of bigotry presumably against elderly white men. It's about as factual as Andrew Bolt's attempt at demonising white Aborigines.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
That Brandis quote is amazing. How can you say that and not even back it up with these supposed quotes? It's slander with an unhealthy dose of bigotry thrown in. He's obviously chosen Wong because of her very obvious minority status as an Asian, lesbian woman and accused her of bigotry presumably against elderly white men. It's about as factual as Andrew Bolt's attempt at demonising white Aborigines.
I think the key part is "to my way of thinking." Bigotry apparently isn't unreasonably viewing people as inferior due to their race, gender, sexuality etc, it's just heated debate in a free contest of ideas. Disagreeing with supply-side economists is ignorant, calling a lot of them nut-jobs is bigoted.

The Australian people gave him a mandate, leave him be, he knows what's best for the country.
"Nelson Shorten is right to resist the intellectual bullying inherent in talk of ‘mandates’. What exactly is Rudd’s Abbott's mandate anyway: to be an economic conservative or an old-fashioned Christian socialist? The elected opposition is no less entitled than the elected government to exercise judgement and to try to keep its election commitments.”


This is what happens when morans vote a party out of office for 'stop fighting mummmmmmyyyy!'.

My own parents did this. They never voted Liberal as long as I've been alive, and always went on about how much they hated the Liberal party. But apparently some infighting in Labor was enough to change their minds.

I went to great lengths to explain to them that Labor was doing a fairly decent job of running the country despite the internal shit flinging.
My own parents did this. They never voted Liberal as long as I've been alive, and always went on about how much they hated the Liberal party. But apparently some infighting in Labor was enough to change their minds.

I went to great lengths to explain to them that Labor was doing a fairly decent job of running the country despite the internal shit flinging.

Same with my parents, my mum stayed strong, but Dad went National!
I find myself having to convince my Mum to not vote for Family First every single time there is an election. She finds herself aligned with their moral values, which I understand, but not necessarily their policies.



My parents are totally indoctrinated under the right wing ideology. Case in point: Ramsay Health's 50 years celebration. Ramsay Health is Australia's largest private hospital network. They are huge with over a 150 hospitals in multiple countries. My parents were invited to the celebratory shindig in Sydney's town hall. Dad's a doctor so it makes sense he was invited. I looked after my disabled brother so they could go. What I learned upon their return was how much of an "honour" it was to be invited to such an event. Such an honour as out of 4 to 6 hundred people in attendance less than 20 were doctors. Broadening the term to healthcare professionals barely improved the ratio.

I don't know who all these other people were, but I do know some very specific names. Tony Abbott, John Howard, Barnaby Joyce and Barry O'Farrell was the list I got before I interrupted. "Wait, this sounds like a Liberal Party lobbying function". Absolutely not, Bob Hawke was invited, for some unknown reason he declined. A quick Google search reveals political donations from Ramsay Health of $100,000 to the Liberal Party and $0 to Labor.

Ramsay Health is in obvious competition with the public health system. A strong public health system boosts the standards of Ramsay. If the private system isn't a step up then what's the point of using them? If you can weaken the public health system, you can lower the standard of private health (cost savings) and make more $$$. We have a very clear conflict of interest between Ramsay's interests and the Australian government's.

Obviously Ramsay is allowed access to the government. The problem here is a lack of oversight. Not only is the opposition completely absent, but it would appear my post is the first public mention of the event anywhere. You'll find plenty of mentions of Ramsay turning 50, what you won't find are mentions of the dinner. So it looks like the media never mentioned it or if they did, not in a controversial sense. My parents defence of this is that this is the norm. Indeed it is. Indeed it is.

Apparently this dinner was pretty mind blowing and coming from Mum and Dad that's not hyperbole. So I shudder to think how much a seat at this dinner was worth. Is this corruption? It's all legal, but it certainly fits the aristocratic, jobs for the boys narrative that has become all to real.

I agreed to look after my brother thinking they were going to celebrate Ramsay Health's accomplishments. Ramsay no doubt did spend a huge amount of time talking up there accomplishments, what I didn't realise was the partisanship. Any mention before my parents left of who was going to be there was notably absent. When they returned they maintained a flat out denial that this was in anyway shape or form lobbying. I have no problem with them going, given the opportunity I would have gone myself. My issue is the intellectual dishonesty that somehow I should be ecstatic this occurred. That it was a great thing for us all and I have done a great service looking after my brother. When I watch and read interviews or speeches from Tony Abbott I see that same intellectual dishonesty. He really believes what he is saying. If he was asked about Saturday night he would no doubt see it as business as usual. Indoctrination is thicker is thicker than blood.


Australia wins legal battle to suppress secret papers on East Timor 'for fear of upsetting Indonesia'

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...g-indonesia-20140403-zqq73.html#ixzz2xo9TXmVT

The federal government has successfully blocked the release of secret archives that would reveal Australian knowledge of Indonesian war crimes in East Timor, arguing that relations with Jakarta are presently too strained to cope with the potential embarrassment for both countries.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal President Justice Duncan Kerr yesterday said that the National Archives was right to deny University of NSW Associate Professor Clinton Fernandes access to Australian diplomatic papers and intelligence on Indonesian military operations in East Timor from more than 32 years ago.

A former Australian military intelligence officer turned academic, Dr Fernandes has been engaged in a six-year bureaucratic and legal struggle to secure declassification of records relating to Indonesia's invasion and occupation of East Timor.

On advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Australia’s peak intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments, the National Archives denied Dr Fernandes access to parts of two Foreign Affairs and Trade files that contain reports about a major Indonesian military offensive across East Timor in late 1981 and early 1982.

The operation involved the Indonesian army using East Timorese civilians as human shields and ended with a massacre of hundreds of people.

Australian government may ban environmental boycotts


Coalition MPs and industry groups are using a review of competition laws to push for a ban on campaigns against companies on the grounds that they are selling products that damage the environment, for example by using old-growth timber or overfished seafood.

The parliamentary secretary for agriculture, Richard Colbeck, said the backbench rural committee and “quite a number in the ministry” want to use the review to remove an exemption for environmental groups from the consumer law ban on so-called “secondary boycotts”.

“I do think there is an appetite in the government for changing these laws,” Colbeck said.

The exemption also applies to campaigns related to “consumer protection” but Colbeck said he would not be seeking to change that provision.

The government announced last week a “root and branch review” of competition policy headed by the economist Professor Ian Harper.



The fact that the racists are now saying that the UN has to change its approach to asylum seeker policy to suit us should tell you all you need to know.
Quick reminder to all my WA brethren to get out there and vote today. Hoping all the bogans are too apathetic to actually show up and vote 'fuck brown people' this time.


First results from the WA Senate election coming out. Liberal vote still huge (lolWA) but they're still down on last result, Labor is down (lolShorten) but the Green vote is way up. Ludlam must be all grins right now. Nationals are also way up. Micro parties have suffered, so the anti minor party rhetoric has worked. Palmer Party is also up a fair bit too.

So there you have it, the big theme of pissed off at the major parties continues, however WA remains a deeply liberal state. I guess when you rely on mining so much, that is bound to happen. However, only 0.4% of the vote counted.

EDIT: Might have spoken too soon. Libs are copping the biggest swing against.


Why are ranmores voting for Pup? Why? WHY!?

The power of the dollar. PUP have been flooding the airwaves in WA with advertising for months. So either it's money well spent, WA voters are sheep or both.

EDIT: Holy shit, the Greens are almost matching the Labor parties vote. If this doesn't prove Shorten is a terrible OL, nothing will.
Why are ranmores voting for Pup? Why? WHY!?

Palmer claimed he would give WA a larger share of the GST. Of course he can't, it requires all state and I think territory leaders to agree, good luck with that! Barry O'Farrell for one would never agree.

Interestingly, until the mining boom, WA was a giant suck on the goverment, never getting close to paying or contributing their fair share on population. Along comes China and now they want more, put up and secede or shut up.

I love how Abetz is complaining that Palmer and The Greens outspent them in the bi-election, conveniently forgetting how much more they spent during the Federal one. Conveniently forgetting things seems to going around the LNP at the moment.


i still can't tell if PUP will be better or worse than simply having libs everywhere. I guess we'll find out when the senate flips.


That result for Labors primary is truly an indictment for Shorten, I think. The Libs are copping it as the government in power and yet the opposition is down just as much.

EDIT: The fact that most likely, Clive Palmer will control the Senate come July makes me want to puke. I'm happy I'm drinking. Also, Joe Bullock is a moron who clearly joined the wrong party. Him being Labor's prime candidate should tell you all you need to know about Labors backroom string pulling and how that affects their pre selection. Madness and stupidity.

Tommy DJ

Yes, I still truly believe that Tim Wilson is ushering an era of free speech ridding us of such laws that limit political freedoms in Australia so


Considering how much power blue collar Australians have delivered to Clive Palmer and his sheep, I will never have a crack at America for being populated with stupid people again.


Considering how much power blue collar Australians have delivered to Clive Palmer and his sheep, I will never have a crack at America for being populated with stupid people again.

Arksy once accused us lefties of thinking of the general populace as idiots. I didn't at the time, but I'm beginning to...

Tommy DJ

The problem is that most people don't care about the civic process nor understand it. So what happens if you get people doing uninformed decisions, which defeats the purpose of anything. Yes, I am from Queensland so I'm going to vote out the Labor Party for trying to sell state assets to vote in the political party most likely to aggressively sell any public asset they can.

The problem I've always had with Arksy's support of direct democracy is that it depends on informed people making rational decisions. Now, he's never really provided an actually solution to this problem as far as I know.


Arksy once accused us lefties of thinking of the general populace as idiots. I didn't at the time, but I'm beginning to...

They have zero idea what he is gonna do with the balance of power in the senate, they have zero idea what his policies are because he hasn't got any. All PUP has is a cult of personality surrounding their founder and a whole lot of discontent with both major parties that they have exploited with their money. Pretty much exactly the same way One Nation came to prevalence then promptly died off.

Never let it be said that Australians are quick learners.


It won't be long until the PUP senators work out they have more power than Palmer does and start doing their own thing. (see: jacqui lambie's bizzare flip flop on the carbon and mining taxes)

that 6 year senator salary…


While I'm in the process of strafing everyone:

Labor - You're fucking retarded and your pre selection processes suck. It began when you chose Shorten over Albo only just after the disaster that the Labor Right had befallen you which led to that fuckwit who clearly chose to represent the wrong Party, Bullock, being your primary candidate in WA. Your subservience to the Unions has gone too far and now even people who are left of centre on workplace issues know it. Dumb, inward looking and farcical.

Liberals - You are ultimately responsible for the culture of racism that is now suffocating our country. It began with your hero Howard and his little shit show in the early 2000's, and you've gotten the stupids in marginal seats so far on board that even Labor has to march in step with you. Asset sales and scratching the backs of big business are your imprimatur and you've pulled a Republican Party by fooling the average Australian into thinking that you're working with their best interests at heart. You are a bunch of old, white, immoral, opportunistic wankers and one day, you'll get whats coming to you, just like Wilson Tuckey and Howard himself before you.

Greens - So you're cleaning up in WA. Awesome. Good for you, but big fucking deal. You need to drop the head wobble and start getting serious. One half of the public at large think you're eco terrorists and the other half think of you as a protest vote. That is not what is going to turn you into a credible force in Aussie politics. Take some pointers from your more braver left wing counterparts in the minor parties and get serious about more progressive issues then just saving the Whales, and maybe then your balls might decide to drop.

Palmer - In 5 or 6 years time, you will be a foot note in Aussie political history, just like One Nation that came before you. You're treating this like a side show just like you treat everything else you get involved with and eventually, people will wake up to it, so I have nothing more to say to you than that.
It won't be long until the PUP senators work out they have more power than Palmer does and start doing their own thing. (see: jacqui lambie's bizzare flip flop on the carbon and mining taxes)

that 6 year senator salary…

They're there for 6 years, Palmer will be gone in 3 when he get's bored of it and is laughed out of office. He could even go earlier as he doesn't seem to have any respect for the rules of the place and I imagine the LNP already have a dirt file on him bigger than his waistline.


So I know the Libs are preparing to sell off Medibank Private, but what's the status on HECs? Anyone heard anything?

If they sabotage our education system to get the budget back in surplus...
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