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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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If your talking about pre- GFC IMF (and World Bank for that matter) then that statement is so patently absurd that no even remotely rational human being could support it.

It is still wrong if we are talking about now. Just because they have embraced some elements of Keynesianism does not mean that they are "absurdly left wing." Remember it is currently run by a French Tory.

Arksy argued that Hitler was a socialist earlier in the thread, so you need to remember to recalibrate left to mean far right.


So many Liberal supporters on Twitter angry that the High Court even exists SMFH

I wish we could create a country for them somewhere with a permanent Liberal majority and no High Court or Upper House so they could learn their lesson

I can't believe they're people out there that seriously are "happy" about people getting deported back to a country where they've been previously tortured etc.


I can imagine if this happened during the Labor gov it would have been reported as Labor failing to stop more boats. Just thinking that almost makes me sick.


I can't believe they're people out there that seriously are "happy" about people getting deported back to a country where they've been previously tortured etc.

I'm not surprised there are such people. If Australia's recent history has taught me anything, it's that this country has no shortage of hateful, racist, spiteful cunts who have no problem with torture.




You realise once the money touches the hands of a chinese person it's irrevocably contaminated with commu-socialist ideas for all time right

source: i'm chinese


You realise once the money touches the hands of a chinese person it's irrevocably contaminated with commu-socialist ideas for all time right

source: i'm chinese

Shit... I guess I'll just have to put all of my money into gold. It is well known that gold is immune to your communist hands and is the only way to preserve freedom.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I knew that his well publicised business battles with Chines firms and calling Wendi Deng a spy were just a smokescreen.


Shit... I guess I'll just have to put all of my money into gold. It is well known that gold is immune to your communist hands and is the only way to preserve freedom.

Wait... Haven't Chinese people been the biggest buyers of gold recently?


TONES WILL SAVE US STOP THE CHINESE... wait isn't Australia open for business?

Murdoch at least get the political narrative correct LOL!

I was actually waiting for the papers to bring back communist symbols back - it's the sign of absolute desperation. Tapping into the memories of the bloomers...


Arksy argued that Hitler was a socialist earlier in the thread, so you need to remember to recalibrate left to mean far right.

Arksy must be using a clock for his left-right scale. All the way right equals commie scum! All the way left and a little more equals libertarian nutjob!


I can't believe they're people out there that seriously are "happy" about people getting deported back to a country where they've been previously tortured etc.
I'm not sure they fully think it through, they just see something going from "my problem" to "not my problem" and it makes them happy.


Wait... Haven't Chinese people been the biggest buyers of gold recently?


TONES WILL SAVE US STOP THE CHINESE... wait isn't Australia open for business?

Murdoch at least get the political narrative correct LOL!

I was actually waiting for the papers to bring back communist symbols back - it's the sign of absolute desperation. Tapping into the memories of the bloomers...

OH NO!!!

Bitcoin it is then!
That Threadless communism party t-shirt goes great with a fedora and me not taking whoever wears both seriously.

EDIT: Sorry Jintor, I just knew a lot of fuckwits in QLD who wore it.


There's a flyer for a band on my campus that has that picture on it. It also has a picture of a person wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.
Nothing says 'adult' like wearing blank clothes.

I wish I could give up band t-shirts. Then maybe I'd be considered an adult by my peers.

There's a flyer for a band on my campus that has that picture on it. It also has a picture of a person wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.



It's not adult, I just look dumb with logos plastered all over me.

Unless that logo is HELVETICA

then I'm okay with it


Scott Morrison said:
“We will not allow people smugglers to try and exploit and manipulate Australia’s support of (international) Conventions as a tool to undermine Australia’s strong border protection regime that is stopping the boats and the deaths at sea.

“The Government will continue to reject the public and political advocacy of those who have sought to pressure the Government into a change of policy.

“Their advocacy, though well intentioned, is naively doing the bidding of people smugglers who have been responsible for almost 1200 deaths at sea.

He added that no asylum seeker has drowned at sea since Operation Sovereign Borders began.

“Today is the 200th day since the last people smuggling venture successfully arrived. In that time no one has drowned at sea.

So we care if you die at sea, but are totally cool if you die from being tortured to death by your persecutors, evidently.
So we care if you die at sea, but are totally cool if you die from being tortured to death by your persecutors, evidently.

But it's only a 49% chance of being tortured to death, that's apparently fine by Rear Admiral Morrison! And this is the clown who thinks he will be the next PM!


Against my better judgment I'm watching the qanda repeat today. Judith Sloan really does talk as if she is a member if the current government. Like game journalists getting gigs in the dev/PR side of the industry.

Uncle Rupert the Cock would be pleased.
Here's one I didn't expect:

Ricky Muir rides/drives to the rescue of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by trying to attach an amendment to save it directly to the carbon tax repeal bill, not to other bills like PUP.

The Guardian
Oh god, that woman asking the question to Stiglitz akin to "Fuck off, we're full" or "Go back to where you came from". Shaking my fucking head. "Why don't you make the same changes to the US economy if you think it'll be so good for Australia?" is the stupidest question I think I've ever heard on there.

She actually broke out the sing song kindergarten teacher voice and added "right?" and "ok?" to the ends of her sentences at one point.

Just saw these bits. Cringe worthy to the nth degree.


"So in some ways we should be going to America to tell you what to do Joe rather than the other way". Wow, this national hubris is obscene. Lauding our achievements and qualifying all our failures with 'oh but but it's happening to the nordic countries too!"
Here's one I didn't expect:

Ricky Muir rides/drives to the rescue of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by trying to attach an amendment to save it directly to the carbon tax repeal bill, not to other bills like PUP.

The Guardian

I just apologised to my friend who voted for the MEP in North QLD.

I feel dirty.

What do you mean my xkcd shirts are super adult. What? Yeah I'm wearing one today what bearing does that have on anything? No I'm no getting defensive you're getting defensive!

XKCD takes a certain level of intelligence to understand. In all honesty, I'd respect a person wearing an XKCD shirt over some twat wearing a Richard Dawkins "Religion: together we can cure the disease" shirt.


I just apologised to my friend who voted for the MEP in North QLD.

I feel dirty.

XKCD takes a certain level of intelligence to understand. In all honesty, I'd respect a person wearing an XKCD shirt over some twat wearing a Richard Dawkins "Religion: together we can cure the disease" shirt.

I can't believe their voters actually exist.

Also some Essential polling today:

Q. Do you think the Federal Liberal/National Government is too tough or too soft on asylum seekers or is it taking the right approach?

Too tough


Too soft


Taking the right approach


Don’t know


Dead Man

I can't believe their voters actually exist.

Also some Essential polling today:

Q. Do you think the Federal Liberal/National Government is too tough or too soft on asylum seekers or is it taking the right approach?

Too tough


Too soft


Taking the right approach


Don’t know


Fuck this country. :(
#‎BREAKING‬ The 41 asylum seekers (mainly women) already handed back to the Sri Lankan Navy at sea last week have been charged by police (for leaving Sri Lanka without permission of gov.) and are right now (see picture) being presented to the Magistrates Court in Galle facing potentially up to 2 years imprisonment. Thank you to @DushiYanthini for story & photo.

So they fled to escape persecution, so we picked them up, gave them back... aaaand now they're being persecuted.

This country. This fucking country.


That poll question is kind of weird honestly the whole question of whether we are being too soft or too harsh on asylum seekers is fucking stupid when you consider that y'know it isn't illegal to seek asylum..


That poll question is kind of weird honestly the whole question of whether we are being too soft or too harsh on asylum seekers is fucking stupid when you consider that y'know it isn't illegal to seek asylum..

It is an interesting reminder of why we pursue such policies in the first place.


I can't believe their voters actually exist.

Also some Essential polling today:

Q. Do you think the Federal Liberal/National Government is too tough or too soft on asylum seekers or is it taking the right approach?

Too tough


Too soft


Taking the right approach


Don’t know


Interesting data for the purposes of chest beating, but I think the question itself is useless. I don't know if they repeated these questions, but they're better ones: http://essentialvision.com.au/treatment-of-asylum-seekers

So 49% polled believe that genuine asylum seekers should be allowed to stay, vs only 27% (or 22% from March which was closer to the above poll) that believe the Government is too tough, which is surely what you must think if you believe they should stay.

I wouldn't put that much stock into it. Asking a bunch of uninformed people a stupid non specific question is never going to give you useful results.


Am I the only one that thinks its really wrong for the government to try and spend money on cutting the divorce rate?


Interesting data for the purposes of chest beating, but I think the question itself is useless. I don't know if they repeated these questions, but they're better ones: http://essentialvision.com.au/treatment-of-asylum-seekers

So 49% polled believe that genuine asylum seekers should be allowed to stay, vs only 27% (or 22% from March which was closer to the above poll) that believe the Government is too tough, which is surely what you must think if you believe they should stay.

I wouldn't put that much stock into it. Asking a bunch of uninformed people a stupid non specific question is never going to give you useful results.

It is if they are the ones voting.
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