Sounds like Bernadi's popping off at his press conference. Dunno about what though.
Sounds like Bernadi's popping off at his press conference. Dunno about what though.
Seems to broadly be about how politicians suck and the media sucks more and no-one trusts politicians
latin would be australis?
that bastion of liberal freedom and rule-of-law democracy which in no way attempts to subvert referendum requirements for constitutional change, japan
When the thread inveitably gets made we should resurrect that line I saw on Twitter on election night that was something like "Australia votes itself out of existence"
The government did win an election promising to “axe the tax”. But did the voters who backed the slogan really intend that Australia be left with no climate change policy at all?
Pope's imagery is a lot strong than FirstDog, but I think "Australie" is a bit overly blunt
Well the Government is doing well in delivering in its core election promises. It has now been able to:
- To stop the boats
and to
- To axe the tax
Can't wait to see what the bump is in the polls!
(if there isn't any significant in poll bumpage I'm not sure what the government can do ... perhaps declare the budget emergency over shortly before the election thanks to their fantastic fiscal measures and shower us with spending?)
Yeah it sucks that there fucking up the nbn (saw some rollout the other day) but it is true as turnbull says that phone reception is awful in the country and a much more important (and cheaper) fix in the mean time. Of course i want the nbn, but its more of a nerdy first world issue for now that most dont care about. Where as everyone who lives in rural areas is impacted by their shite reception.
Rural areas also benefit disproportionately from the more widespread availability of high quality networking infrastructure. Plus the retention of said infrastructure in a public monopoly. Labor's NBN was one of their key policies in terms of winning the support of the independents during the last Parliament.Yeah it sucks that there fucking up the nbn (saw some rollout the other day) but it is true as turnbull says that phone reception is awful in the country and a much more important (and cheaper) fix in the mean time. Of course i want the nbn, but its more of a nerdy first world issue for now that most dont care about. Where as everyone who lives in rural areas is impacted by their shite reception.
Too bad we can't do both at once :/
I found a fantastic article on immigration today that I'm going to share. Once I'm not on mobile.
Are they jumping the queue?
No. Theres no such thing as a queue. Anyone who wants to claim asylum must leave their home country first. So all asylum seekers flee to other countries. Some overland, some by plane, some by boat. Some come to Australia, some go to other countries. This is the standard way to seek asylum. These people are called onshore applicants.
Sadly, a lot of refugees are very, very poor, so their only option is to travel overland to a neighbouring country. Thats why countries like Kenya and Ethiopia have huge refugee camps (because of trouble in neighbouring Somalia).
Sometimes refugees are resettled in a country other than the one they fled to. E.g. Someone might be resettled from a refugee camp to Australia. These people are called offshore applicants. This is something we voluntarily do to supplement the standard onshore process. Again, resettling refugees from refugee camps is a voluntary act. Australia does it to share the refugee load with other countries. Accepting asylum seekers who come directly to Australia is our legal obligation.
Unfortunately, Australias policy is that when we accept an onshore refugee (i.e. an asylum seeker who arrives in Australia by plane or boat), a place is deducted from the offshore program (i.e. theres one less place for people being moved from refugee camps). No other country in the world does this. In other words, its policy that takes places from camp refugees, not boat people.
Bolded makes a big impact on the supposed claim about wanting to help people that multiple govts have made. If that were the case, positions wouldn't be taken away from other programs just because of boat arrivals.
We have a maximum overall humanitarian intake. This is mandated by law, we can not exceed the yearly cap. Obviously this can be changed but the government wants to prioritise skilled migration. That's why the cap exists on the humanitarian intake.
John Howard once said that Australia required a huge migration intake in order to maintain its economy and way of life, and that the only way that people would accept large numbers of migrants was to make sure people believed they had control of their borders, which is why he was so aggressive about irregular arrivals, because they undermined that sentiment.
If I had to take a stab at it I'd say that the party arguing that the carbon tax simultaneously earned no revenue and destroyed the economy is probably wrong on at least one of those counts
First time in this thread today, visiting canberra got my interest, but can a mod rename it the "bitter lefty clique official thread"? Now im not a fan of either side (legit) they both have been shit in there most recent terms generally but resulting to saying shit like "lol a politician makes me feel sick" is just mental and really shits of the good commentary within here.
Edit- yes abbott is a fuckwit with shit policies and absolutely fucking over those who need it least, but c mon labor had a good crack and got destroyed in the last election.....because they were rubbish and fucked up nearly every policy they enacted.
First time in this thread today, visiting canberra got my interest, but can a mod rename it the "bitter lefty clique official thread"? Now im not a fan of either side (legit) they both have been shit in there most recent terms generally but resulting to saying shit like "lol a politician makes me feel sick" is just mental and really shits of the good commentary within here.
Edit- yes abbott is a fuckwit with shit policies and absolutely fucking over those who need it least, but c mon labor had a good crack and got destroyed in the last election.....because they were rubbish and fucked up nearly every policy they enacted.
False equivalency strikes again.
Jintor, as i said this is my first time here and i dont mean to shit on you, but come one mate hes just another human your being so melodramatic saying he makes you actually feel sick.
First time in this thread today, visiting canberra got my interest, but can a mod rename it the "bitter lefty clique official thread"? Now im not a fan of either side (legit) they both have been shit in there most recent terms generally but resulting to saying shit like "lol a politician makes me feel sick" is just mental and really shits of the good commentary within here.
Edit- yes abbott is a fuckwit with shit policies and absolutely fucking over those who need it least, but c mon labor had a good crack and got destroyed in the last election.....because they were rubbish and fucked up nearly every policy they enacted.
Labor got destroyed at the last election because they couldn't handle the media barrage, the voting public have the collective memory of a concussed sheep, and nobody thought Abbott was nearly as fucking mental as he's proved to be
I can feel the bile rise in my throat, what else do you want me to describe it as? I did mention that I am also actually feeling ill... think of it as objective reporting if you must
aka the south park school of thought for mental midgets and spineless halfwitsFalse equivalency strikes again.
aka the south park school of thought for mental midgets and spineless halfwits
Dude, you have a full stop key. Please use it.
Yah dead man i dont want to upset the established order, but really some of these posts are crazy, be glad we live in a stable democracy unlike say over half the worlds population, we have it pretty good generally.
I don't believe for a second that the majority of people employ critical thinking skills when voting. Perhaps a larger proportion than I give credit to, but most people probably couldn't even describe to you the Westminster system of parliament if you asked them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're not in a perpetual state of civil war, but that doesn't mean we can just sit back and be complacent with what we've got
True. but the way you worded it reminded me of the simpsons "hey you...join the navy" "better do what he says" most people use more thought than that.
Scandinavia? Extremely high taxes where a large chunk is a contribution fund of sorts that increases when you earn a higher income. There are also a lot of other taxes that take advantage of whatever natural resources they have. This is particularly obvious with Norway, which has a natural resources tax which goes to invest in things that will help Norway in the future when such resources do not exist anymore.
No it tends to be different concussed sheep. If people employed critical thinking skills when voting we'd have fact based policy instead of the populist nonsense we're stuck with and demonstrably false talking points wouldn't be the main drivers of public debate.Now thats very presumptive and sorta offensive to assume the majority of voters are dopey sheep who only read to front page when voting, most people actually have brains and employ critrical thinking when voting, when labor get in will that be these same concussed sheep voting them in? or do those people suddenly forget to vote?
Our brains just aren't good enough at thinking about things on that scale, we're just not physiologically equipped to handle the effects of society on the scale its grown to. It's going to get worse and worse as the barrier for entry to informed debate on topics grows larger. I shudder to think what would happen if Rowland and Molina were doing their seminal research today instead of 40 years ago.It's the contradiction I keep running into in various facets of life; most people make decisions that on a micro-level make perfect sense for them, but fuck everything up on the macro level. Self-interest is of course a pretty natural and arguably rational response to vote for, but people in general don't have the presence of mind to extrapolate out to the ramnifications policy decisions have on a societal level.
Yeah coz my dads always like "nothing comes free" even though it was free for him.
W For Australia, we prefer to spend millions treating asylum seekers worse than recyclable waste and billions on a fighter jet proven to be inadequate in every way possible - money spent on hunting bogeymen that will 100% produce zero economic benefit.
Lol im following every post ill stfu soon. but id say backdoor diplomacy has a lot to do with that. "will have your back if you buy our planes" "will do xyz if you buy them".
Plus it helps us keep up our international obligations (i know you guys like that term) with peacekeeping etc maybe.