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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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This is ridiculous. One of the best pieces of investigative journalism we had last year was regarding prisoner X the Australian/Israeli dual national being imprisoned without charge. It was similar security laws which effectively blacked out the free press in Israel and were it not for them leaking information to the ABC we would have known nothing. The ability of our press to investigate and reveal the story independently was something to be proud of. To think that in the future this may not be possible is greatly disappointing.

I suspect this will have bi-partisan support but I seriously hope that it's blocked in the Senate. It's a fools hope though.


Has there been any recent rumblings about reforming the electoral system re: microparties?

Not happening. They had one chance before the micro-parties took control of the Senate but they'd already been elected, the threat of completely blocking their legislative agenda was too much. They could go to a double-dissolution election...but....that would mean in the last election for every Senator there would now be two...

So you'd have 6 PUP Senators, potentially double the number of Greens...Non-mainstream parties would dominate the Senate. They're never going to allow that.


Hmmm. Wonder if that means the problem of infinite flow-on votes will get worse at the next election again. I mean, it's probably not going to get better.

Dead Man

I suspect this will have bi-partisan support but I seriously hope that it's blocked in the Senate. It's a fools hope though.

Both majors are pretty pro authoritarianism these days. Welcome to the ship of fools.

We have to offload them now before they appreciate in value!



Edit: Re: Electoral change, I would rather the current broken system than trusting this load of wankers to actually improve it.
I suspect this will have bi-partisan support but I seriously hope that it's blocked in the Senate. It's a fools hope though.

Unfortunately I suspect you are correct. I can already visualise the rhetoric being used ahead against those who oppose it.

The fact I knew nothing about these changes until I entered this thread is also a good indication of how limited the coverage of it will be in the media. (Then again I have been falling asleep before reading or watching the news for a number of days now so perhaps it has been more widely reported than I am aware of)

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, why should the country benefit from the minerals being taken out of it, we haven't taken any of the risk!

Fucking cunts :/
If we tax mineral wealth too strongly, investors will bury their natural resources elsewhere and let other people dig them up. There are other risks too. Frankly we should be thankful that Gina Rinehart does any business in Australia, because with her billions she could easily fund a time machine that allows her to go back and encourage her father to swindle prospecting rights out of some other country, creating an alternate universe where she inherits mines overseas and creates wealth there instead of here, leaving us with nothing.


I suspect this will have bi-partisan support but I seriously hope that it's blocked in the Senate. It's a fools hope though.

I was thinking that too. Unlike the ETS, this will sneak through quietly. The Greens and LDP will kick up a stink, but no one listens to them.


Not to diminish the tragedy happening in Ukraine right now, but I suspect this is probably going to eat the media cycle for a week or so like MH370 did as well.


Terrorist attacks usually dominate news cycles for sure. Even moreso when it's a permanent member of the UNSC and nuclear power.

Russia has basically demonstrated that it's a terrorist state now. Abusing human rights, invading multiple countries and annexation of sovereign states, and now targeting civilian aircraft.

ISIS, Israel and Russia. The new Axis of Evil.


In other (better) news Ludlam is such a fucking boss.


Dead Man

In other (better) news Ludlam is such a fucking boss.


Heh :)

If we tax mineral wealth too strongly, investors will bury their natural resources elsewhere and let other people dig them up. There are other risks too. Frankly we should be thankful that Gina Rinehart does any business in Australia, because with her billions she could easily fund a time machine that allows her to go back and encourage her father to swindle prospecting rights out of some other country, creating an alternate universe where she inherits mines overseas and creates wealth there instead of here, leaving us with nothing.

Damn right. Who knows where the minerals might have landed if Gina and her dad weren't there to do the heavy lifting!


Earlier in this thread people were making fun of some ugly conservative politician or something, and I thought, I know, I'll make a point by finding an ugly photo of Scott Ludlam and say "See! You're only making fun of that ugly dude because you hate his ideas! Open your mind!"

Alas I failed to find an ugly pic of Scott Ludlam, so my insightful point was ruined. Dude is dashingly handsome.
In other (better) news Ludlam is such a fucking boss.


I always love it when Pollies wear colours/PPE and the stuff still has the creases on it from the pack or is impossibly clean. I wonder if they realise just how much of a joke they appear, they've never done a days hard work in their lives.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Wait... did that actually happen?

Fuck me.
If you're talking about that picture, then no, that's made up. What he actually said was more along these lines: "I didn't really say Whyalla would be wiped off the map, because I was in fact quoting a good, honest unionist who was brave enough to speak up about the tax before the ALP kidnapped him, tied him to chair in a dark room and beat him until he promised not to stray from the party line."

I'm serious btw.
Haha, not subtle, though these astroturfing campaigns rarely are. You have to wonder the level of intelligence that, one, thinks it will work and two, it's not a complete waste of money. The first 2 are identical and clearly American, while the 3rd is better but clearly just hashtag bait. This shit has Cory Bernardi's fingerprints all over it. He's obsessed with fake grassroots campaigns.
Massive and not unexpected swing on against Newman in the bi-election. Lie your way into office and guess what, things turn around real quick. I wonder if Tony is taking notice?


The cynic in me says a lot of controversial domestic issues may well fly under the radar this week or two due to some (obviously) significant international events. Even though parliament isnt sitting, it seems the debate from certain topics is going to be broken up and any kind of meaningful discussion will be forgotten once the current world events run their usual media cycle course.


Well guys. It's been a load of fun. I'll be back at the end of August to make you all angry at my existence yet again. I might be able to post in the meantime but I'm not sure I'll have the time.

I wouldn't be comfortable leaving without making at least half the people here cough up their afternoon coffee so I'll just say that I have just scored a policy position within the party. I give it about a month after I get back before being kicked out for sending memos about open primaries every 10 seconds.


Dead Man

Well guys. It's been a load of fun. I'll be back at the end of August to make you all angry at my existence yet again. I might be able to post in the meantime but I'm not sure I'll have the time.

I wouldn't be comfortable leaving without making at least half the people here cough up their afternoon coffee so I'll just say that I have just scored a policy position within the party. I give it about a month after I get back before being kicked out for sending memos about open primaries every 10 seconds.


Travel safe.
Bye Arsky Asylum.

Can Do is backflipping.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has apologised to the people of Queensland as he announced a reversal of several controversial policy positions.

The Premier said the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) chair would again be a bipartisan appointment, estimates would revert to their previous schedule and jailed bikies would no longer be isolated.

Mr Newman said he would also meet with judges to mend fences following the controversial appointment of new chief justice Tim Carmody.

Too little too late. This is almost a flat-out admission that they *knew* what they were doing was wrong, and didn't give a fuck until the moment they started taking a political hit.


How about re-funding QAHC? The HIV infection rate has risen since they decimated it.

The LGBT community was also hung out to dry, who knows how many suicides occurred as a result.

Fuck the Liberals and fuck anyone who votes for them.


Well guys. It's been a load of fun. I'll be back at the end of August to make you all angry at my existence yet again. I might be able to post in the meantime but I'm not sure I'll have the time.

I wouldn't be comfortable leaving without making at least half the people here cough up their afternoon coffee so I'll just say that I have just scored a policy position within the party. I give it about a month after I get back before being kicked out for sending memos about open primaries every 10 seconds.


Be seeing you.

Bye Arsky Asylum.

Can Do is backflipping.

Too little too late. This is almost a flat-out admission that they *knew* what they were doing was wrong, and didn't give a fuck until the moment they started taking a political hit.

There is no way Newman holds on to his electorate in the next election. Anybody want to take bets on when he announces he's changing seats?


the paid tweet stuff was fake according to today's crikey~

There is no way Newman holds on to his electorate in the next election. Anybody want to take bets on when he announces he's changing seats?
I'd rather take bets on when he'll end up in jail.
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