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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Dead Man

I guess you can legislate international law and natural justice principles out of existence. I knew the former but didn't think the latter would actually occur. Who knew.

With retrospective effect, the Bill would also classify the children of boat arrivals who are born in Australia as “Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals”.
For fucks sake. This government would be comically evil if it wasn't actually in charge of a real country with real people.


You are ideologically blind.

Im sick of people pretending that this is a non issue that we shouldnt worry about, which is essentially your argument. Bringing up shark attacks and car crashes and people killing their families proves nothing other then how awful your mind operates.

And yet, I bet you chewed out Abbot for saying 'shit happens'. That seems to be your entire ideological basis.

Turning the nation into a dystopian police state is an overeaction at best though.


Isis is a new threat, its got recruits the world over that are drawn to its message like flys to shit. They are killing thousands of people in Syria and Iraq, ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing... etc... you name it. You seem to suggest 'we are only targets for doing something against them' Well good. We should be doing something, and we should be doing something to protect civillians here from there followers when we can and have intel on it.

Perhaps we shoulnd't have followed the US into Iraq in the first place? Maybe I'm crazy, but perhaps we shouldn't follow the US into another conflict and let them clean up their own mess. Because, yes, following the US into Iraq again has done nothing but make Australia more of a target and divided the Australian community along religious lines.
Speaking of boats and australia...isn't that place a death hole? Everything kills you there. Burn the boats!

Haha, J/K

Hope you guys get a cool President.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

It makes us a target to try and wipe some scum off the planet? Good. We shouldnt shy away from that in fear that the evil might land its gaze upon us.

What are we, Sweden or Switzerland?


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

It makes us a target to try and wipe some scum off the planet? Good. We shouldnt shy away from that in fear that the evil might land its gaze upon us.

What are we, Sweden or Switzerland?

I do wish we were more like Sweden (or the other nordic states). For a range of reasons.


Or it could be that doing good in the short term results in festering bad in the long-term. It might be that the bad we're experiencing now is the result of short-term good with no forward planning or subsequent investment in infrastructure, aid and other long-term resource-draining initiatives that would actually continue the good. We might save people now and fuck up everything later. Isn't it a positive to look before you leap? Especially when we've leapt before and it's resulted in massive fuck-ups?

Obviously I do not condone letting people die. But neither do I condone entering an inherently unstable situation without an idea of how it's going to unfold in five, ten, twenty or more years.


This isnt the result of what the US did in Iraq. Its a contributing factor. There are tonnes of bigger things at play. The history of this region didnt start with the US removing Saddam.

Secondly. Sweden was neutral in world war 2. So screw em.

Obviously I do not condone letting people die. But neither do I condone entering an inherently unstable situation without an idea of how it's going to unfold in five, ten, twenty or more years.

So, you dont do anything ever then?


Markot there are still plenty of diplomatic options available. The most obvious being the financial. Stop Turkey from buying oil from ISIS, stop paying for hostages and find out where the foreign money is coming from.

Where exactly are you planning on bombing? The regions where ISIS are located are pretty black intelligence wise. We are going to miss. A lot. To do this properly it is more then likely a ground war is necessary. In both Iraq and Syria. How far are you prepared to go?


That's a wank when it comes to foreign policy. You can't put out every fire, and in fact we don't. Just the ones the USA wants to.

Its true though.

That we dont mind when evil wins here and there, or turn the blind eye here or there, doesnt change the fact that its true. Evil does triumph here and there globally because good men and good nations do nothing, its easier to go along, ignore, or even work with them.

Id prefer we put out all the fires though.


Since we're effectively withdrawing from the Refugee Convention the least we could do is do it officially. We don't deserve protection if this is how we're going to act and we sure as hell don't deserve to hide behind a signature that no longer means a fucking thing.


Markot there are still plenty of diplomatic options available. The most obvious being the financial. Stop Turkey from buying oil from ISIS, stop paying for hostages and find out where the foreign money is coming from.

Where exactly are you planning on bombing? The regions where ISIS are located are pretty black intelligence wise. We are going to miss. A lot. To do this properly it is more then likely a ground war is necessary. In both Iraq and Syria. How far are you prepared to go?

All the way.

Isis is almost a personification of evil. Wipe em out completely. There is no redeeming quality to them, negotiation is not possible, and their lives arent worth the pain theyre inflicting. Theyre a cancer. Cut it out.

I am an idealist. But also a realist. Real ideal really.


All the way.

Isis is almost a personification of evil. Wipe em out completely. There is no redeeming quality to them, negotiation is not possible, and their lives arent worth the pain theyre inflicting. Theyre a cancer. Cut it out.

So have you joined the army?


Wipe em out completely.

... But also a realist.

If you were a realist, you'd realise that this is not actually possible. The idea that you can wipe out a non government entity cleanly without causing the exact problems that brings other extremists into existence en mass is just ignorant. This isn't WWII.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

It makes us a target to try and wipe some scum off the planet? Good. We shouldnt shy away from that in fear that the evil might land its gaze upon us.

What are we, Sweden or Switzerland?

I agree we should fight evil. Now when do we declare war on Saudi Arabia for executing men accused of sorcery by beheading?


Ignoring groups like isis leads to Afghanistans.

Saudi is evil. But it's not comiting ethnic cleansing and Co. Isolate it internationally and get off oil. Those regiemes will fold faster the superman on laundry day without oil money to buy of the populace. But again. Saudi was short sightedness by the west. Just look at its history. Even the house of saud did a deal with the devil, the wahabis, to help secure power in the area.
If you were a realist, you'd realise that this is not actually possible. The idea that you can wipe out a non government entity cleanly without causing the exact problems that brings other extremists into existence en mass is just ignorant. This isn't WWII.

The ISIS level on Call of Duty: Syrian Advanced Black Special Ops Freedom Force only had 132 soldiers though?


I was in Turkey last year (Antakya near the Syrian border) and I was really impressed when I saw the uncritical, almost businessman like approach that Turkey took to the absolute masses of asylum seekers who flooded into the country. In late 2013, Turkey was holding over a million Asylum Seekers and now I hear reports that another million or so have flooded in...this is a truly staggering number.

I remember seeing what started out as temporary residence become a more permanent home for people. When people fled they assumed that Assad would be quickly toppled and these people would be able to return home, two years later, these people have started needing schools, mosques, churches (a fair number of them are Christian), plumbing and everything else...and Turkey has supplied them.

In a country where everyone seems to think that everything is a Sunni conspiracy, they were doing a really good job at catering to anyone who sought Asylum regardless of where they came from.

I was therefore a bit bummed to hear Turkey was doing fuck all about ISIS.


Our countries could learn much from each other it seems... how is Turkey re: separation of powers 'cause it seems Morrison needs a crash course.


Ignoring groups like isis leads to Afghanistans.

What does ignoring groups like the USA killing children with drones lead to?

Oh wait, sorry, they're the good guys. Carry on.

The ISIS level on Call of Duty: Syrian Advanced Black Special Ops Freedom Force only had 132 soldiers though?

True. This is war, ISIS will just line up in a field like in Braveheart. We can just carpet bomb the field or something.


Ignoring groups like isis leads to Afghanistans.

I'll skip over your apology for Saudi Arabia's barbarism.

Afghanistan and the Taliban came about because of outside influence and wars - namely the Soviets. ISIS is a product of western intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as a response to Syrian domestic issues.

These groups dont form in a vacuum.


Our countries could learn much from each other it seems... how is Turkey re: separation of powers 'cause it seems Morrison needs a crash course.

Overly aggressive? Very divisive? Complete contempt of institutions in pursuit of a goal that may have once upon a time been admirable?

I tell you what, Scott Morrison would be right at home as a Turkish Cabinet Minister.


Not entirely sure what's happened, but sounds like Labor has just as much of a hard-on for fucking over journalists and whistleblowers as the Libs


Not entirely sure what's happened, but sounds like Labor has just as much of a hard-on for fucking over journalists and whistleblowers as the Libs

Courts won't allow people to go to prison for blowing the lid on corruption and stuff. I wouldn't worry too much.

Dead Man

Not entirely sure what's happened, but sounds like Labor has just as much of a hard-on for fucking over journalists and whistleblowers as the Libs

Of course they do.

Courts won't allow people to go to prison for blowing the lid on corruption and stuff. I wouldn't worry too much.

Tell that to Freya Newman. I doubt she'll get jail time, but her offence was relatively minor. If it was ASIO stuff she blew the whistle on, she would be fucked.


Courts won't allow people to go to prison for blowing the lid on corruption and stuff. I wouldn't worry too much.
It's okay, they'll just make themselves immune to the courts... again...

Tell that to Freya Newman. I doubt she'll get jail time, but her offence was relatively minor. If it was ASIO stuff she blew the whistle on, she would be fucked.
Also this.


This country has gone mental, or at least a few people in it have.

We have that Victorian stabbing at the police station.
A falsely identified innocent person named and shamed in the press.
Vandalism at an Islamic centre.
ADF personnel apparently assaulted by middle eastern men.
Some fat fuck taking a knife to an Islamic school and threatening students.

Is it too much to expect people to settle the fuck down?


This country has gone mental, or at least a few people in it have.

We have that Victorian stabbing at the police station.
A falsely identified innocent person named and shamed in the press.
Vandalism at an Islamic centre.
ADF personnel apparently assaulted by middle eastern men.
Some fat fuck taking a knife to an Islamic school and threatening students.

Is it too much to expect people to settle the fuck down?

so why isn't this considered an ideologically motivated act of terror?


It's like the constant calls for Islamic leaders to speak up, despite the fact that they have been. If News Ltd doesn't report on it it never happened.

Aside: I caught the Channel 7 piece on the new refugee laws yesterday and it was fucking disgraceful. They ONLY mentioned the fact that it would enable more asylum seekers to enter the workforce, played a token clip of Sarah Hanson-Young saying it was terrible but never explained why, then played some clips of Scott Morrison patting himself on the back.


so why isn't this considered an ideologically motivated act of terror?

It is an act of terror by the same definition that gets applied to Muslims. (I'm working on the assumption that the man in question who has been identified as a Pacific Islander is most likely Christian).

When will Christian community leaders stand up and declare that moderate Christians don't support these kinds of terrorist acts? Or are they too busy ignoring the hundreds of cases of child abuse still?


It's like the constant calls for Islamic leaders to speak up, despite the fact that they have been. If News Ltd doesn't report on it it never happened.

Aside: I caught the Channel 7 piece on the new refugee laws yesterday and it was fucking disgraceful. They ONLY mentioned the fact that it would enable more asylum seekers to enter the workforce, played a token clip of Sarah Hanson-Young saying it was terrible but never explained why, then played some clips of Scott Morrison patting himself on the back.

Channel Ten did some great scaremongering last night. "You won't believe the SHOCKING things said behind these doors" *plays relatively innocuous speech about Australian nationalism leading to the exclusion of Muslims*. Way to prove their point.

It is an act of terror by the same definition that gets applied to Muslims. (I'm working on the assumption that the man in question who has been identified as a Pacific Islander is most likely Christian).

When will Christian community leaders stand up and declare that moderate Christians don't support these kinds of terrorist acts? Or are they too busy ignoring the hundreds of cases of child abuse still?

Whiteness theory, check it out. Only white people are considered individuals, minorities are collectively responsible for each other's actions.
You could always join ASIO, they've just obtained all the freedom in the world

I thought about it. But then ASIO contacted me not 10 seconds after I finished thinking about it. They told me they knew I'd been thinking about joining them and preemptively told me "Don't call us, we'll call you".

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I thought about it. But then ASIO contacted me not 10 seconds after I finished thinking about it. They told me they knew I'd been thinking about joining them and preemptively told me "Don't call us, we'll call you".
Funnily enough, they do something similar to this. Have heard a few stories of people being contacted out of the blue by ASIO about potential jobs based on uni results etc...
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