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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I agree to an extent, intent is needed really, it's like the difference between murder and manslaughter. The end result is the same for the victim. What happened on Tasmania was probably genocide and ethnic cleansing.

But ark is half Turk so he will rather die then admit to a genocide.
Subscribing to this thread.

Dead Man

For those of us who don't know, what's the current rate?

Since we ratified the international criminal court treaty, we've used the ICC definition of genocide...as far as I can tell the only (legal) definition of genocide that I know about.

This one:

Again, a legal definition is not the only one. It's not even the most important one since almost nobody who ever participated in a genocide will be tried for it. The idea that a legal definition is the only one that matters is one of the silliest ideas I have come across.

Bloody lawyers thinking they have some grasp on universal truths, when all they have is pieces of paper with words on them.


The problem's not necessarily that a definition has been made... the problem is that realpolitick ensures that nobody will ever actually be held responsible for their actions...

Dead Man

The problem's not necessarily that a definition has been made... the problem is that realpolitick ensures that nobody will ever actually be held responsible for their actions...

The realpolitik ensured the definition was narrow as fuck anyway.

The problem in this thread is acting like that is the only correct definition.



...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

Looks to me as if points a, b, c and e all inarguably occurred with d being likely as well.


Again, a legal definition is not the only one. It's not even the most important one since almost nobody who ever participated in a genocide will be tried for it. The idea that a legal definition is the only one that matters is one of the silliest ideas I have come across.

Bloody lawyers thinking they have some grasp on universal truths, when all they have is pieces of paper with words on them.

But it's a legal construct. Murder is not the same as homicide. Genocide is not the same thing as killing a whole bunch of the same people. How do we determine whether one happened and not the other? How do we deem if it's a homicide or murder? You can have your common definition of genocide, but I'm not going to apologise for taking issue with it.


But it's a legal construct. Murder is not the same as homicide. Genocide is not the same thing as killing a whole bunch of the same people.How do we determine whether one happened and not the other? How do we deem if it's a homicide or murder? You can have your common definition of genocide, but I'm not going to apologise for taking issue with it.

When it's done to seize their land and attempt to neuter their cultural practices it is.

Guess what happened in Australia?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
You can't have your law and practice it to.

Also in today's SMH quick crossword there was a clue: "Deliberately killing an ethnic group." No points to whoever guesses the answer.

Dead Man

But it's a legal construct. Murder is not the same as homicide. Genocide is not the same thing as killing a whole bunch of the same people. How do we determine whether one happened and not the other? How do we deem if it's a homicide or murder? You can have your common definition of genocide, but I'm not going to apologise for taking issue with it.

No, it's not. It is many things. How do you decide if something is red or purple, do you have to consult your book of laws?

This legal absolutism is a refuge for people who are unable to make a logical or moral decision for themselves.

You can't have your law and practice it to.

Also in today's SMH quick crossword there was a clue: "Deliberately killing an ethnic group." No points to whoever guesses the answer.


Anyway, leaving that discussion for now.


No, it's not. It is many things. How do you decide if something is red or purple, do you have to consult your book of laws?

This legal absolutism is a refuge for people who are unable to make a logical or moral decision for themselves.

Don't tempt me. We have an act saying that the sun rises and sets.
A lot of people disagree. John Howard is one of those people. I don't see how a court's finding would be irrelevant though. Genocide is a crime..a legal construct that's is interpreted by the courts.

The law is often irrelevant to conceptions of ethics or historical justice. You should look at it as a tool used to enforce safety and order--and little more.

Are you a first year law student?


So the guy was previously involved with this Al-Furqan gang, but recently distanced himself from them....but still lashed out and attacked police before/during the interview.


It's interesting he attacked the police instead of beheading a member of the public.

Who really needs protection here? The public or Tony Abbott?

Mr. Tone



So the media and government has whipped the country up into a fear frenzy, and now revenge attacks have started on Muslims.

How predictable...


His speech was like watching Fox News.

It's also important to note he skipped the climate change summit.

Why is that so important? Julie Bishop is there. You know, our deputy PM.

Let alone this snippet that I found...

The Guardian said:
Australia’s prime minister, Tony Abbott, as well as the leaders of India, Canada, Russia, China, UAE and Germany, chose not to attend.


When you're there to lecture the world on death cults where 'every country is a target' and then completely skip the climate change summit the day before it's important.

Last week the Climate Council estimated the costs of sea level rise to be "from three tenths of a percent of loss of GDP per year, all the way up to 9 percent", not to mention the inevitable loss of life due to extreme weather events. The real risks from climate change dwarf the threat of ISIS.

But ISIS is a threat right now? From the New York Times 'American intelligence agencies have concluded that it poses no immediate threat to the United States. Some officials and terrorism experts believe that the actual danger posed by ISIS has been distorted in hours of television punditry and alarmist statements by politicians, and that there has been little substantive public debate about the unintended consequences of expanding American military action in the Middle East.'

Fox News priorities.


No no no, back up. You said it was important that Tony Abbott wasn't there...why is it important that our PM, specifically him, wasn't there? Why isn't our Foreign Affairs Minister good enough?


It demonstrates our priorities.

I thought that warren truss was deputy?

You're right, my bad. Foreign affairs minister. Still...we don't have a Presidential System..the relevant minister is the highest (legal) authority in their field. Really it should have been Greg Hunt. Our PM isn't our President.


But ISIS is a threat right now? From the New York Times 'American intelligence agencies have concluded that it poses no immediate threat to the United States. Some officials and terrorism experts believe that the actual danger posed by ISIS has been distorted in hours of television punditry and alarmist statements by politicians, and that there has been little substantive public debate about the unintended consequences of expanding American military action in the Middle East.'
I thought the intelligence agencies were generally in agreement that by treating them as a threat and attacking them they've actually become a threat now


The only thing worse then the news corp hyping of the terrorist shit is the people pretending theres no risk at all and that its all a lie.


The only thing worse then the news corp hyping of the terrorist shit is the people pretending theres no risk at all and that its all a lie.

You really want to make the argument that the media circus surrounding the terror raids last week was totally necessary?


You really want to make the argument that the media circus surrounding the terror raids last week was totally necessary?

You really want to make the argument that there is nothing to worry about and that there is no risk? Cause that seems to be the argument being made here by a few users... repeatedly.

Cause I wasnt making that argument to begin with. In fact you quoted me saying that it was bad....


who's saying there's no risk though? as far as I'm aware most people are saying there is a media circus. no-one is saying plans to behead random people are harmless

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Why is that so important? Julie Bishop is there. You know, our deputy PM.

Let alone this snippet that I found...
I was gonna say you stole my post with that quote but now I'm not sure if you 're taking it quite the same way I did. Of the many nations and leaders at the summit, that's not exactly the most esteemed company.

You're right, my bad. Foreign affairs minister. Still...we don't have a Presidential System..the relevant minister is the highest (legal) authority in their field. Really it should have been Greg Hunt. Our PM isn't our President.
So why did Abbott travel to New York to address the UN about ISIS in the same week as the Climate Summit instead of sending Greg Hunt and David Johnston on a trip together? They could have shared a twin suite to cut costs.

It demonstrates our priorities.

I thought that warren truss was deputy?
I still burst out laughing every time Shaun Micallef calls it the Abbott-Truss Government.


claiming he and those who agree with him are saying there's 'no risk' is exaggeration

no immediate risk perhaps, or that the risk is outweighed by other factors, but to present as if he's saying lol terrorists are harmless is disingenous


Markot there is more chance of you being eaten by a shark than killed by terrorists. Why don't we kill all the sharks?

WA proceeds to kill all the sharks.


Who's ready for new anti-terror laws?


Some highlights:
- Give ASIO officers criminal and civil immunity from prosecution under a newly defined covert "special intelligence operation" - but the Attorney-General says this will not permit torture

- enable Australia's overseas spy agency ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service) to spy on Australians overseas and to cooperate with ASIO with less executive oversight

- Increase the penalty for disclosing information about a special intelligence operation to a maximum of five years imprisonment, and 10 years imprisonment if it can be proven the person intended to endanger someone or was "reckless" about whether disclosing the information would endanger someone (this provision has the potential to impact journalists)

- Make it an offence to travel to or remain in a "declared area" designated as being of "terrorist activity" without a valid reason (for example humanitarian or family purposes) - but the Attorney-General says this will not reverse the onus of proof

- Make it an offence to "advocate terrorism", including on social media, carrying a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment

- Require telecommunications companies to retain customer's phone and computer metadata for around two years


An aggressive deterrent is being put forward where people who fight or intend to fight in a foreign country could face life imprisonment. The government is radically reshaping the foreign incursion laws to create life sentences for people who engage in foreign incursions, prepare for foreign incursions, give or receive goods or allow the use of buildings or vessels for foreign incursions.

One would hope there's exceptions to this law for say....members of the French Foreign Legion....or even the Australian Military? Because those are very broad terms.


Because sharks are being sharks.

Driving is dangerous.

People go mental and kill their families.

We cant do much about these things other then accept and try to minimise them.

When people are plotting on the internet, and we have intelligence to stop them, the government would be derelict in its duty to not do something.

If Sharks were planning an attack on Sydney beach goes this coming weekend and 'oh well, people die in car crashes' then that government is incompetent.

Isis is a new threat, its got recruits the world over that are drawn to its message like flys to shit. They are killing thousands of people in Syria and Iraq, ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing... etc... you name it. You seem to suggest 'we are only targets for doing something against them' Well good. We should be doing something, and we should be doing something to protect civillians here from there followers when we can and have intel on it.

You even brought up the horrible story of a man killing his family (Whats wrong with you) And try to make a point out of it? If the NSW police had intel that it was about to happen and did nothing, what would you say? Oh well, shark attacks! Car accidents! Etc?

You can have valid complaints about many of the things that the police and government do and did do. You cant try and pretend that A: Theyre only trying to kill Abboot (That makes it ok? whats wrong with you) or B: That theres more dangeorus things so whatever.

You are ideologically blind.

Im sick of people pretending that this is a non issue that we shouldnt worry about, which is essentially your argument. Bringing up shark attacks and car crashes and people killing their families proves nothing other then how awful your mind operates.

And yet, I bet you chewed out Abbot for saying 'shit happens'. That seems to be your entire ideological basis.

Dead Man

- Give ASIO officers criminal and civil immunity from prosecution under a newly defined covert "special intelligence operation" - but the Attorney-General says this will not permit torture

- Make it an offence to travel to or remain in a "declared area" designated as being of "terrorist activity" without a valid reason (for example humanitarian or family purposes) - but the Attorney-General says this will not reverse the onus of proof

Those two are the ones that shit me the most. The rest is bad too, but immunity from prosecution for things that haven't been done, and making people prove a valid reason for fucking travel are insane.
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