This is so depressing but I can't see any possible situation where Abbott and the Liberals lose the next election. Apathy will soften the Labor vote and Shorten is a slightly less hopeless Ed Miliband.
Many of the failed amendments were aimed at addressing concerns the law would criminalise public-interest journalism.
Brandis argued the amendments, including one to specifically require a sentencing judge to take into account public interest in the disclosure, were “entirely unnecessary”. He said existing sentencing principles meant a journalist found guilty of the disclosure provision would be able to argue public interest as a mitigating factor in sentencing.
Remarkable how such a small scale threat has been used to whip up fear so quickly and see these laws previously drafted ready to be passed in such short order.
That's what (well one of many things) pisses me off. No time given for public debate.
An Australian Defence Force (ADF) officer who said he was threatened and assaulted by two men of Middle Eastern appearance in Sydney's north-west has withdrawn the allegation.
Abbot has been masterful in turning the attention away from his pitiful handling of the budget day to day affairs in this country lately.
That's what (well one of many things) pisses me off. No time given for public debate.
I don't think it would've made any difference tbh
ADF personnel are still being advised to be careful while wearing their uniforms in public. Because you can never be too terrified of pretend terrorists.Next level incompetence or next level scum...you decide:
The Australian publishes a report at 4:12pm TODAY talking about an alleged attack AFTER news of the withdrawal of the complaint has broken and the chief of the ADF has apologised for the falsification.
Honest question for those more educated than me. When does this start becoming actual fascism?
You're still wrong.
Arksy knew. Although that might be only for accidents.
I'd argue the framework for it already exists. To channel arksy, the only thing missing is intent.
But free speech!So Arksy I guess you'll voting for the Greens next election, given that they're the only ones that give a fuck about civil liberties![]()
Next level incompetence or next level scum...you decide:
The Australian publishes a report at 4:12pm TODAY talking about an alleged attack AFTER news of the withdrawal of the complaint has broken and the chief of the ADF has apologised for the falsification.
Says the one who argues genocide didn't happen because of a 1999 court case. Hiding behind the law isn't mature. It's intellectualy disingenuous.
So Arksy I guess you'll voting for the Greens next election, given that they're the only ones that give a fuck about civil liberties![]()
This has to be one of the most laughably stunning displays of hypocrisy I've seen in this thread. Engaging in false dichotomies (If it's not intentional, it's accidental), spreading misinformation and inaccuracies (about the law) even after you've been called out on it...and somehow insist on making the stupid and incorrect argument that I'm somehow hiding behind the law.
If you bothered to read up on the case (as Fredescu did), and actually put your straw men aside for a moment, you'd realise that the point of my argument was that the argument over whether a genocide occurred was a legal one, but because no court will ever hear it..it's academic. You're free to disagree (As Dead Man and others did). I put my argument forward and when I was called out for parts of my argument being wrong (like for example the case being specifically about the ten point plan), I amended my position.
Either way, the argument was resolved one way or another and everyone moved on. For some unknown reason you decided to childishly sling your ad hominems, logical fallacies and absurd remarks for the next two pages. If you wanted to continue the argument, I would have been more than willing to humour you, however I'm not particularly interested in talking to someone who can't conduct themselves like an adult.
Feel free to keep slinging shit, but I'm just going to ignore you from now on.
Credit where credit is due, Parliament should have to approve military action (only place in the Western World where it doesn't have to, well the US gets around it on some weird technicality that I'm not sure about). The Greens are trying their best to raise all sorts of hell but they're not doing a very good job. I don't really trust them because of the kind of crap they pulled while they're in office.
For some reason I'm not as angry as I should be at these new laws, some of it might have to with cognitive bias, some of it with the fact that I know there are safeguards they can't legislate away and some of it with just plain old giving up.
Did I wonder into an alternate reality where the Greens have been in office at some point?
As far as I can tell the Labor/Greens alliance is a product of LNP advertising except maybe in Tasmania prior to the last election. Apart from that the relationship between Labor and the Greens is never anything like as close as the Nationals and Liberals and in some cases Labor displays more hostility to the Greens than they do the Coalition (its not unheard of for Labor to channel preferences to the Coalition before the Greens in seats that are left leaning). I can think of few cases where its even particularly debatable the Greens have had a similar degree of influence to what the Nationals wield in LNP policy on pretty much all matters that they have interest in (food exports, foreign investment, rural and regional services).
It could be argued that the last six or so years of bizarre political turmoil started when Labor wanted to bring LNP to the table on an ETS and not even attempt to negotiate with the Greens.
Nitschke is calling for assisted suicide as an option for people with life sentences. The public is going to go nuts.
Hell no. They should suffer.
Hell no. They should suffer.
Shouldn't the primary function of corrections facilities be rehabilitation?
Not for murdererers.
You take a life, you should be essentially a slave imo. I dont really care what happens to you. And not the 'oh I saw him raping my wife' sort of murder, I mean the terrible premeditated stuff.
Taking a life is the ultimate crime, I dont want them rehabilitated if they knew what they were doing.
Thieves should lose a hand too I guess.
Apparently markot is here to answer any questions you may havedont get why LAURA NORDER shit for brains would be against prisoners offing themselves tbh
Civilians die in war. More will die if we do nothing. There is a difference between killing on purpose and killing accidently. Its a pretty simple view, what's worse, inaction or action? Inaction will be far worse then action on Isis and co.Where do you draw the line Markot? You're obviously ok with us going around the world bombing ISIS and inadvertently killing civilians but not ok with assisted suicide for people which are a drain on the system. I think there should be the death penalty for people like repeat paedophiles etc, I would rather them dead then them costing us huge amounts of money locked up in prison indefinitely.
Labor couldn't get their policy through without support from the Greens, which meant they wielded tremendous legislative power.
Civilians die in war. More will die if we do nothing. There is a difference between killing on purpose and killing accidently. Its a pretty simple view, what's worse, inaction or action? Inaction will be far worse then action on Isis and co.
I don't care about monetary costs. That's not an issue that matters to me. Economics are not the fundamental core of life. We didn't kill the high priests so would could simply replace them with reserve bankers and economists. I don't care about the economics of prisons, that shouldn't sway you one way or the other. Some things are about more then money. We should never kill someone cause its cost efficient.
Civilians die in war. More will die if we do nothing.
Just last night? These days, The Smiths' entire back catalog is more uplifting than Media Watch.Man, Media Watch was just depressing last night.