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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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"...kill meeeeeeeee"


Gross, I couldn't even watch the video. My brother has the misfortune of knowing the guy though. Apparently he's a 17yo high school drop out with a heroin addiction who regularly picks fights on the train. A real quality kid :/ Really crossing my fingers that this doesn't make its way into off topic though. The last thing we need is this to go viral internationally :(

Midday trains through Brisbane are pretty average. Come in, sit down, pump awful music through speakers at a volume intended to get a reaction.

Gotta say, I feel a lot more comfortable catching the bus. There are always creepy people on the train.


tbh if more of the recorded racist outbursts went viral internationally then it'd force peoples hands on the matter in aus by being both more aware and proactive about it
tbh if more of the recorded racist outbursts went viral internationally then it'd force peoples hands on the matter in aus by being both more aware and proactive about it

You think so? I thought it was pretty widely known about and vocalised already. Plus these videos going viral also brings more assholes out of the woodwork who are probably more likely to circlejerk than listen to "PC liberal green muslim-loving un-australian whoever-makes-them-feel-justified-in-ignoring-debate"ers. Even being aware I'm not sure what more I can do that 1. not being asshole and 2. standing up for people if I see something like that happening, and even then it runs the risk of being assaulted by a maniac. I'm all for shaming them but I don't want idiots to represent Australia more than they already do, ya know?


the thing is, we need those idiots out in the open for all to see so we can actually start doing something constructive about them. if that means people overseas are more exposed to the peabrained farkwits (aka the peeps featured in boltcomments) then so be it.


You think so? I thought it was pretty widely known about and vocalised already. Plus these videos going viral also brings more assholes out of the woodwork who are probably more likely to circlejerk than listen to "PC liberal green muslim-loving un-australian whoever-makes-them-feel-justified-in-ignoring-debate"ers. Even being aware I'm not sure what more I can do that 1. not being asshole and 2. standing up for people if I see something like that happening, and even then it runs the risk of being assaulted by a maniac. I'm all for shaming them but I don't want idiots to represent Australia more than they already do, ya know?

I feel where you're coming from, when some asshat racially assaulted that poor French girl who was singing on a bus a while ago the response from the French media was hysterical. I mean, it was a lot more negative than when a French student was murdered, stripped naked and dumped in public earlier this year.
the thing is, we need those idiots out in the open for all to see so we can actually start doing something constructive about them. if that means people overseas are more exposed to the peabrained farkwits (aka the peeps featured in boltcomments) then so be it.

What kind of constructive things do you think we should be doing? I'm honestly at my wits end with these people and I'm curious. I feel like these kind of people are already out in the open and a lot of the time it's just kind of brushed over of accepted. In the current climate of attacks on Muslim women for wearing hijabs, government members proposing changes to the discrimination acts, sending helpless refugees to friggen Cambodia instead of letting them into our country, and general islamaphobia/ racism I just don't see how shaming asshole individuals will really change much.

The worst word ever. Unaustralian.

Apparently murder is Unaustralian!! I never would have guessed.

And now a public service announcement from famous thinkers quoting herald sun readers:


Committing crimes against the elderly: unaustralian!


What kind of constructive things do you think we should be doing? I'm honestly at my wits end with these people and I'm curious. I feel like these kind of people are already out in the open and a lot of the time it's just kind of brushed over of accepted. In the current climate of attacks on Muslim women for wearing hijabs, government members proposing changes to the discrimination acts, sending helpless refugees to friggen Cambodia instead of letting them into our country, and general islamaphobia/ racism I just don't see how shaming asshole individuals will really change much.
you cant shame the arseholes but you sure can shame into action the people that either dont think they're that big a deal or try and sweep it under a rug every time the international media picks up on the latest racist outburst

That honestly made me feel a lot more okay with Australia.

you cant shame the arseholes but you sure can shame into action the people that either dont think they're that big a deal or try and sweep it under a rug every time the international media picks up on the latest racist outburst

I guess I don't like it being blown up internationally because it becomes how we are viewed and you get students who would rather go and study in America or New Zealand because they are afraid of being assaulted here because they are foreign. It's sad and it shouldn't represent us - because it isn't us, it's some fuckwit kid on a train trying to cause trouble. I want us to have an honest and open discussion in Australian society about our issues, but without people who don't understand the situation jumping in to pot stir, and racist morons who don't give a shit and just ruin our reputation.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
This is the slimiest photo on the planet.

And god-damned Tony Abbott always has those slightly-hunched-shoulders-as-if-he-is-expecting-a-bomb-to-go-off-nearby-at-any-given-moment.
Can't fault him for being prepared. He walks like he's readying to draw a pair of six-shooters as well, it's amazing that so many have been able to get a drop on the man. Although maybe he's in a constant state of hyper-alertness due to past encounters with journalists, satirists and the like.
That honestly made me feel a lot more okay with Australia.
Come on people, at least read all the comments before you go getting all warm and fuzzy.
Unfortunately it backfired on them Carolynne, they were not expecting non Muslims to intervene, well they learnt a good lesson about your average Australian.
That'll teach them bloody Muslims a lesson about how we'll stand up for them, what's your excuse for joining ISIS now you psychos?


I guess I don't like it being blown up internationally because it becomes how we are viewed and you get students who would rather go and study in America or New Zealand because they are afraid of being assaulted here because they are foreign.

if thats what it'll take for industries incredibly reliant on tourism/immigration/international students to actually use their political and social influence to fight against the rising undercurrent of racism in this country then



They should just organize a charity boxing match between Abbot and Putin
with all the proceeds going to Lib party funding
since it's pretty clear that Abbot only cares about the publicity.


Coal is a necessary evil for humanity. Even then... Is it? We could easily move on if there was some political will and not so much power in the industry.

It's not the dawn of the industrial revolution anymore, we have so many better alternatives.


I don't know if it's just the mental image that story gives off, but I find the idea of a grub like Abbott "confronting" an ex-KGB colonel highly amusing, his own wording (shirtfront? Really?) even more so.


The MH17 disaster wasn't even murder. Putin's been a colossal dick about his role in it to be fair, but the fact that the PM goes on camera to announce to the country that he's going to stand up for Australia before he does it smacks of grandstanding. If you want us to be seen as something other than the insignificant speck that we are just go out there and do it.
God this government is so dumb when it comes to saying things about other governments.

if thats what it'll take for industries incredibly reliant on tourism/immigration/international students to actually use their political and social influence to fight against the rising undercurrent of racism in this country then


hmmm, if I thought they'd do anything maybe I'd be more inclined to agree :( It disgusts me as much as you but it's hard to force social change, especially with the government pot stirring and bogans boganing. Bad reputations last a long time, I'd rather the change come from within.


Stuff Putin. There's too much tip-toeing around calling out horrible people like him. I'd pay $100 to see Abbott give him a huge hip and shoulder as he walked off the plane.

Intentional, severe impact, high contact. I am willing to grant it in play. 4 weeks suspension.


Yep, international diplomacy is as simple as school yard fights.

I like when you weigh in legend, even if you rarely follow up, because sometimes you've got sensible things to say from the conservative point of view. This isn't one of those times.


I'm not being serious. I don't genuinely want him to physically assault Putin, that's ridiculous. However, I do appreciate the strong rhetoric, even if it is only rhetoric. Russia walk around doing whatever they want because they know it's not possible for anyone to actually retaliate. Since that's the case I'd at least like our leaders to call out their bull crap rather than meekly standing by. I understand that it's political grandstanding and in the end nothing more but pointless bluster, but I don't care.

I would have thought the left would be more up in arms about Putin's visit considering the whole imprisoning gay people thing he's got going.


Since that's the case I'd at least like our leaders to call out their bull crap rather than meekly standing by.

Agreed. That's actually different to threatening personal physical violence.

I understand that it's political grandstanding and in the end nothing more but pointless bluster, but I don't care.

It's worse than that. It's taking a risk against a world superpower for cheap votes.

I would have thought the left would be more up in arms about Putin's visit considering the whole imprisoning gay people thing he's got going.

Don't know of many lefties defending Putin. Do you know of any?


Some brief speculation on 3AW this morning suggested that maybe Abbott meant "button-holing" and got confused:
"In England, it means to confront someone, perhaps against their will... the image being of hooking one's finger through the buttonhole of their jacket to hold onto them and forcibly keep their attention"

If that's the case, who knows what Abbott has started by making a George W.-esque flub.



Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie has rebuked Prime Minister Tony Abbott for saying he will "shirtfront" Russian president Vladimir Putin, labelling the comment "immature".

Mr Abbott made the remarks yesterday when confirming he would hold talks with Mr Putin at next month's G20 summit over the death of Australians in the MH17 disaster.

Senator Lambie said Mr Abbott must realise he is no longer in the school yard and she appealed to the Government to maintain a civil relationship with Mr Putin.

"Yeah, I do like Vladimir Putin," she told the ABC's Radio National.

"I think he has very strong leadership. He has great values.

"He's certainly doing his bit to stamp out terrorism and you know, I guess you've got to pay the man for that."

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