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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Was it racist though? It's nationalistic and stupid, why was it labeled racist? Theres nothing racist about the statement, unless you think other races in Australia are less likely to like Australia. Now there is probably over lap between racists and those who agree with this statement, sure.

Also when did the Murdoch press fall in love with Photoshop?

Concur, not racist just stupidly ultra-nationalistic. Which admittedly probably has a reasonably strong correlation to racism given the Us vs Them mentality it fosters.

Also trying to pass of ultranationalist crud as patriotic is a thing that really needs to be addressed,

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

Was it racist though? It's nationalistic and stupid, why was it labeled racist? Theres nothing racist about the statement, unless you think other races in Australia are less likely to like Australia. Now there is probably over lap between racists and those who agree with this statement, sure.

Also when did the Murdoch press fall in love with Photoshop?
Yeah it's not explicitly racist, but isn't clarifying that just a bit of pedantry trying to brush aside the offensiveness of the statement?
“While I acknowledge that the statement is controversial, I doubt it deserves the level of condemnation that we have seen” Mr Elliott said.

“I’d say the majority of Australians read it and say: ‘Yeah, if you don’t like it here you are free to leave’.’’
I agree Mr Elliot. Although the "if you don’t like it here you are free to leave" shirt may simplify the realities of international migration, it is a reasonably worded message.
Neil Booth, the Sydney businessman who supplied the shirts to Woolworths, said:

“My father fought for this country. We believe in freedom of speech and I don’t believe Love it or Leave is discriminatory.”

2GB host Ray Hadley described the singlet as a “positive image”, with his colleague Ben Fordham giving away 50 shirts on his afternoon show.

“This is the best country in the world — if you don’t embrace it you don’t deserve to be here,” Hadley said.
These guys must be talking about a different article of clothing, because this wording would suggest that the wearer is demanding the exile of certain people.


Labeling something as racist when it isn't is silly. Racism is something with a definition, not a label you simply put on things that make you uncomfortable.


Yep, I'd love to see a bit more public condemnation of nationalism personally. I reckon labelling it racist is a bit of a cowards way out of having a debate about nationalism.


What is 'it'? The slogan is from the right wing, so what do they view 'it' to be?

Our country owes its existence to a form of foreign investment by the British government in the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great Southern Land. - Tony Abbott in July

The flag itself references the Union Jack and no other culture.

Context, as Markot argued on the last page, is important. The 'it' refers to white imperialism, so it's no wonder people find the slogan offensive.


What is 'it'? The slogan is from the right wing, so what do they view 'it' to be?

Our country owes its existence to a form of foreign investment by the British government in the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great Southern Land. - Tony Abbott in July

The flag itself references the Union Jack and no other culture.

Context, as Markot argued on the last page, is important. The 'it' refers to white imperialism, so it's no wonder people find the slogan offensive.

No. Its Haliburton dude.


I like liberals like you. Its like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, except it 6 degrees of white people are the cause of all the worlds problems.

You cut through the crap, and see what is really behind everything. And behind everything, is what you assumed was there from the beginning. It must be great to be constantly reaffirmed by every single thing that happens, and it surely isnt a sign of ideological blindness.

You definately arent the opposite side of the same coin that Alan Jones and the like are on.


Declaring that a country is perfect and everyone who thinks they can improve it should fuck off is the path to a slow and painful degeneration. Terrible mindset (anyone that thinks it isn't can fuck off)
Slow thread lately, despite there being an abundance of issues lately.

Is everyone busy being alert and not alarmed?

or is it simply because each post degenerates with each markot reply, thus discouraging content?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Process of elimination worked wonders here. I found this one much trickier, depressingly so:

Gough Whitlam v Tony Abbott quiz: great quotes but from which era? (It's not actually Whitlam vs Abbott, just quotes from pollies then and now.)

To be fair, apart from your own state why does it matter if you do or do not know who the opposition member is.
Even then I think most Opposition Leaders are pretty unknown in their home states. Once in high school after asking the class to name the Premier a teacher asked us out of curiosity if anyone knew the Opposition Leader at the time (I can't remember who it was). A few said yes and without asking for proof the teacher went ahead and wrote the name on the board next to that of the Premier. The last name was wrong.


I got Tasmania purely from the photo background.

Sleuthing it holmes.

Process of elimination worked wonders here. I found this one much trickier, depressingly so:

Gough Whitlam v Tony Abbott quiz: great quotes but from which era? (It's not actually Whitlam vs Abbott, just quotes from pollies then and now.)

Even then I think most Opposition Leaders are pretty unknown in their home states. Once in high school after asking the class to name the Premier a teacher asked us out of curiosity if anyone knew the Opposition Leader at the time (I can't remember who it was). A few said yes and without asking for proof the teacher went ahead and wrote the name on the board next to that of the Premier. The last name was wrong.

School kids don't care :)

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm, looks like Shorten has at least one vertebra in his back after all
Certainly takes some gumption to announce to a disapproving crowd that you're on the wrong side of history. That's not the wrong way around btw, it's what an attendee of the conference said to ABC news after the speech: "I think Bill Shorten and people like him are on the wrong side of history."

Gay marriage is so 2013 Bill, the tide has turned and the public is back on board with using religion to justify denying rights to sections of the population.


Yes I'm sure like black people and women never being allowed to vote gays will never be allowed to get married

that's what history has taught me
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