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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Ah dammit by the time I graduate all the IT jobs will be gone...


TONY Abbott has promised to make the 457 visa scheme less of a burden for business, but says proposed changes won't undermine people's pay and conditions.

THE prime minister announced an overhaul of the skilled worker program as part of its innovation and competitiveness agenda, saying the government wanted the process to be more flexible for business.
The application process for the temporary visa program would be streamlined and English language testing relaxed, Mr Abbott said.

"We want it to be less burdensome for the businesses that are doing it," he told reporters in Canberra.

"We want these to be a way of helping business to grow."

Business has complained the 457 visa scheme is too rigid, while unions fear the system could be rorted by businesses seeking cheap overseas labour.

Mr Abbott said safeguards would be kept in place to prevent exploitation and protect local workers, with a continued requirement that foreign workers be paid the same as Australians.

The reforms were not about undermining pay and conditions, Mr Abbott said.

But a business forced to close due to labour shortage employs no one, he said.

"There will be no dilution of the requirement that people be paid proper market wages," Mr Abbott said.

"(The 457 visas) are not a way of substituting overseas labour for domestic labour."


They won't be gone, they'll just be paying minimum wage.

Haha I wish... the 457s will be doing it at minimum wage with essentially the absolute minimum benefits possible.

Sick of Australia.
Sick of how dumb bogans are.
Sick of Murdoch's monopoly over the media.
Sick of people voting based on said media without using half a brain cell.
Sick of everything about this place really, just want to graduate and get the hell out!


Haha I wish... the 457s will be doing it at minimum wage with essentially the absolute minimum benefits possible.

Not sure what you mean. The point of 457s is wage deflation, but once they've deflated far enough they would still prefer to hire you over someone from overseas.


"We don't want to undermine pay and conditions"
<opens the floodgates for cheap labor in industries already struggling with unemployment>

Hockeynomics strikes again :\


Not sure what you mean. The point of 457s is wage deflation, but once they've deflated far enough they would still prefer to hire you over someone from overseas.

But inflation still occurs - price of living increases (inflates) yet wages decrease (deflate).

When we are eventually chosen we'll be working at a minimum wage that is barely enough to live on - which prevents savings/investments which will allow us to gain wealth (which we won't be able to) whilst real estate agents and companies look the other way as the Chinese Black money comes pouring in pushing the prices of cities close to the CBD (where the jobs are since they're all concentrated there).

Thankfully I'm doing IT - a field with high mobility and ease of moving around.

We need an Expats thread somewhere!


I don't know what's worse, how often they've been willingly sacrificing our international reputation for domestic point scoring... or that it's working...


But inflation still occurs - price of living increases (inflates) yet wages decrease (deflate).

When we are eventually chosen we'll be working at a minimum wage that is barely enough to live on - which prevents savings/investments which will allow us to gain wealth

I know, I'm still not sure what you meant by "I wish" though.




Joe Hockey’s astounding ignorance of the facts about Australia continued to be on display in London today when he laughed at a BBC journalist who said Australia was the biggest carbon emitter per capita in the OECD.

The Treasurer said such a comment was ‘absolutely ridiculous’.

“What’s ridiculous is that Australia’s Treasurer doesn’t know this about Australia,” Shadow Climate Change Minister Mark Butler said.

“The nation’s most senior economic leader has embarrassed himself on international TV over a fact most school students would know.

The latest OECD Greenhouse Gas Emissions Index ranks Australia as the highest emitter per capita, leading Canada, the United States and nearly three times higher than the EU.

>Me when I hear Joe Hockey, Christopher Pyne or Tones speak:


I don't know what's worse, how often they've been willingly sacrificing our international reputation for domestic point scoring... or that it's working...

Please see -

Sick of Australia.
Sick of how dumb bogans are.
Sick of Murdoch's monopoly over the media.
Sick of people voting based on said media without using half a brain cell.

Sick of everything about this place really, just want to graduate and get the hell out!

Damn people and their sheep like behavior...

I know, I'm still not sure what you meant by "I wish" though.

They'll be those that say they're paying minimum wage but are paying less. And since the 457s will eventually want PR and then citizenship they won't say anything - also they might not even though what they're signing since the English proficiency standards will be relaxed.


Politics these days are so much fun. Thanks to the Federal Government I can come up with insane ideas and people seem to think that I'm 100% serious.

Like government mandated helmets for drivers....and a government department for wealth disparity...and mandatory national service....with mandatory deployment for conscientious objectors.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Remember when Howard said that if Obama was elected terrorists around the world would be circling inauguration day on their calendars and having a big celebration (or something like that)? With the way he's been lately I'm surprised Hockey hasn't started telling the world that the Labor party is ISIS' biggest ally in the west and asking for for the international community to pressure on Labor to pass the budget.

On a similar note:
Govt MP hits back at ADF wage deal criticism
A Federal Government frontbencher has hit back at criticism of the wage offer to serving troops, saying it is the Labor Opposition's fault that the Government is not offering higher wages. The Labor Party is asking the Prime Minister to reconsider the 1.5 per cent pay increase for serving personnel, which the Defence Force Welfare Association says represents a cut to real wages. But the Government says the Opposition isn't in any position to criticise the offer when it's refusing to vote for billions of dollars in budget savings.

STEPHEN CONROY: Our defence forces are in a unique set of circumstances. It's not like they can withdraw their labour. I mean it's the Defence Force, for goodness sake.

During a debate with the Opposition's Brendan O'Connor, Steve Ciobo said there is a way that the Opposition could ensure a higher pay offer for defence staff.

STEVE CIOBO: The fact is that Labor is big on rhetoric, big on talk, but two key points: One, when you were in government…

BRENDAN O'CONNOR: You're cutting wages.

STEVE CIOBO: …you slashed spending. When you were in government you slashed spending by 25 per cent. And two…

BRENDAN O'CONNOR: You can't defend the position…

STEVE CIOBO: …you're now demanding that there's extra pay, you're demanding all this extra pay…

BRENDAN O'CONNOR: It doesn't sound like you can defend the position.

STEVE CIOBO: …and your opposition stands in contrast and stands in opposition to us actually making additional budget savings which could pay for the very increase that you're talking about.

BRENDAN O'CONNOR: I can understand why you don't want to address the question Steve because it's indefensible.

STEVE CIOBO: I'm addressing the question, Brendan. I'm addressing the question by saying: why don't you as an Opposition shape up frankly and why don't you actually…

BRENDAN O'CONNOR: You're cutting wages of defence personnel, that's what's happening.

STEVE CIOBO: …put forward some savings so that we can actually pay for exactly what you're talking about?
Remember when Howard said that if Obama was elected terrorists around the world would be circling inauguration day on their calendars and having a big celebration (or something like that)? With the way he's been lately I'm surprised Hockey hasn't started telling the world that the Labor party is ISIS' biggest ally in the west and asking for for the international community to pressure on Labor to pass the budget.

On a similar note:

sshhhhh don't give them any more ideas. Literally everything else is labor's fault already.




Having a look at the list of approved occupations for 457 visas makes me raise an eyebrow.

Are we really that short on engineers? Graduates I've spoken too keep telling me of an engineering graduate surplus that makes the various engineering fields highly competetive and very difficult to gain employment in.

We're short on engineers that want to work at minimum wage. But (to be fair) also experienced engineers (including IT) who know what they're doing. You'd be shocked at how bad some are - as my dad and a relative could give you many a tale about...


Having a look at the list of approved occupations for 457 visas makes me raise an eyebrow.

Are we really that short on engineers? Graduates I've spoken too keep telling me of an engineering graduate surplus that makes the various engineering fields highly competetive and very difficult to gain employment in.
Nobody wants to train graduates, they'd rather import people with a few years experience


Baby Ferouz not entitled to protection visa, Federal Court judge rules

Mr Watt said Ferouz and his family were originally from an ethnic minority in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma.

"The United Nations has recognised that that ethnic minority was one of the most persecuted groups in the world," he said.

Mr Watt said the Myanmar government passed laws many years ago that denied citizenship to that particular minority.




TPG Telecom will be forced to split up part of its company with separate staff, executives and technology systems under a draft government proposal if it continues plans to build a fibre-to-the-basement broadband network in competition against NBN Co.

TPG is using its fibre network to connect high-rise apartment buildings with lucrative customers to high-speed internet services.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/tpg-...shield-nbn-20141015-116iev.html#ixzz3GCpmjXtX

Where the fuck was this legislation when Telstra was the only game in town? (Not threatening the LNP is where)


Those apartment complex deals are awful. You have to use tpg of whatever provider hooked it up and they are the only choice.

Why don't they just man up and pull out of the convention all together? It's not like we're conforming to it.

Because they'd take a shellacking even from people who want them to be "tough on border protection". There's a fair number of those people who, even though they, believe that "economic mrigrant" refugees are a major problem or that many refugees are thugs/criminals/terrorists or taking jobs from Australians, are actually sympathetic to the terrible conditions these people suffer in their home countries, My family which consists of devout Catholic small-town folk on one side and fairly well off business owners on the other, and vote precisely as you'd expect from that, were quite happy to donate to refugee appeals and charities. Its about perception, and officially backing out of an international treaty on the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers does not make you look "tough but fair" or "pragmatic but compassionate". That's why they are taking the legislative approach of negating the treaties effect.

It'd be nice if the ALP would actually point out the real effects of this but they spend so much of their time on this issue being terrified of being wedged that they are probably considering running on a platform of resigning from the convention themselves at the next election.


Labor says the Government's national curriculum review is "tainted" after one of its contributing professors sent racist and sexually abusive emails.

University of Sydney Professor Barry Spurr, consultant to the Federal Government's national English curriculum review, referred to Prime Minister Tony Abbott as an "Abo-lover" and Nelson Mandela as a "darky".

He also described Aboriginal people as "human rubbish tips" and reminisced about the 1950s, when there weren't so many "bogans", "fatsoes", "Mussies" and "Chinky-poos" around.



He calls Nelson Mandela a &#8220;darkie&#8221; and Desmond Tutu a &#8220;witch doctor&#8221;; describes his University of Sydney chancellor Belinda Hutchinson as &#8220;an appalling minx&#8221;; likens Methodists to &#8220;serpents&#8221;; refers to women as &#8220;whores&#8221;; and in response to a comment about a female victim of a serious sexual assault being a &#8220;worthless slut&#8221;, he suggests that she needs more than just &#8216;penis&#8217; put in her mouth, before it&#8217;s &#8220;stitched up&#8221;.
Chinky-poos? Really?

Never heard of that one before.
yeah thats a first


He's just an outlier, and definitely not representative of deeper problems in Australian conservatism. Just like all those other outliers.


Exactly, we're not talking Jennifer Lawrence's private cloud account. This in the midst of the government legislating the most invasive spying laws on the planet.

He was using his work account. The racist piece of shit got what he deserved.


So we should force all companies to scan all work emails for anything racist or un PC and immediately see those employees fired and have their mail aired in public.
It's cute that you got the spying legislation in there. But you forgot halliburton.


Go ahead and use your work email to spread racist bile. Let us know how it goes.

You don't want to? Try sending porn then? How about sending personal details about your significant other? Still don't? Yeah, it's not a private account.

Add to that this guy was influencing the decision to exclude Aboriginal literature from the school curriculum.

Oh and at this stage he was suspended not fired.


What part of that makes publishing extracts of these emails ok? They're university property, if someone had a complaint of the language they can go to the university authorities to deal with it. How were these emails obtained?
So we should force all companies to scan all work emails for anything racist or un PC and immediately see those employees fired and have their mail aired in public.
It's cute that you got the spying legislation in there. But you forgot halliburton.

Work emails count as a professional setting. Such demonstrated prejudices impact on his job consulting on the national curriculum, never mind the students he comes directly in contact with as a professional educator. The university has every right to consider disciplinary action and his future role. And the government should definitely be looking hard at his influence on education policy.

In this case, I'd say the public interest overrides a mistaken belief in private communication in what is a professional situation.
The government hired him because of his conservative views. You cerrainly don't get a report on education that includes spirituality and traditional social moral values(ie Christianity) as recommendations by accident. The problem arises when the less socially palatable side of those views is made public even if in private a considerable section of the party room would likely agree.

And no organizations (particular semi-public ones and especially universities given that they should support academic freedom) shouldn't be actively scanning for unPC / nonprogessive stuff but if it comes up in the course of university business conducted with university email they certainly have the right to act on it.


Obviously he is a goon. You don't get into an Abbott panel by being a decent person.

I just have a problem with personal emails between 2 people, which may include colourful language and bigotry, being exposed in public by some other party.

Also the idea of monitoring university email for racism and the like, kind of goes counter to the free flow of ideas that universities should be encouraging.

Also as well, is there any indication that he has treated students unfairly? Most professors and the like are pretty liberal, are conservative students right to expect harsher treatment? Even racists can be professional.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Obviously he is a goon. You don't get into an Abbott panel by being a decent person.

I just have a problem with personal emails between 2 people, which may include colourful language and bigotry, being exposed in public by some other party.

Also the idea of monitoring university email for racism and the like, kind of goes counter to the free flow of ideas that universities should be encouraging.

Also as well, is there any indication that he has treated students unfairly? Most professors and the like are pretty liberal, are conservative students right to expect harsher treatment? Even racists can be professional.
You don't have to support the scanning of private emails to think he deserves to face consequences. Once it's out in the public domain there's nothing to be gained from ignoring it. People generally don't approve of eavesdropping but if someone overheard a politician at a bar saying this sort of stuff and made a sneaky recording of it the pollie would be hung out to dry.

I think the media/court of public opinion is some/often-times a little too rash with judging private conversations absent of context, but that's a separate matter (and one which I don't think applies in this case, strenuous claims of "it's a game!" notwithstanding).

Dead Man

What part of that makes publishing extracts of these emails ok? They're university property, if someone had a complaint of the language they can go to the university authorities to deal with it. How were these emails obtained?

You know that forward button on email clients? It means all your emails are non secure and non private if someone you send them too forwards them. The dickhead should have known that, especially in a professional setting. It's not hard to not put your hate in writing.


The emails were sent to several colleagues at university. Over 2 years. We don't have the context either, why not just publish all the emails along with the story?


I think the media/court of public opinion is some/often-times a little too rash with judging private conversations absent of context, but that's a separate matter (and one which I don't think applies in this case, strenuous claims of "it's a game!" notwithstanding).

It's a trivial little media widget, but the SMH's poll attached to their reporting asked whether or not "the fact that it was a game" influenced the moral gravity of the affair.

Fact ? Hoooold up.


It's a trivial little media widget, but the SMH's poll attached to their reporting asked whether or not "the fact that it was a game" influenced the moral gravity of the affair.

Fact ? Hoooold up.
How will we know? We have a few excerpts from one site. Context matters a lot. Why hasn't the site released it all?

Some people use pretty awful language amongst friends or groups that wouldn't go down well in public if taken out of context.
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