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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Who do I vote for, there are just so many shit candidates now Winsor is gone for New England. Might as well vote for Greens.


the holder of the trombone
Is the australian sex party up for vote? I think I might toss them the top vote, even though it won't do anything. They at least have policies I give a shit about.


Is the australian sex party up for vote? I think I might toss them the top vote, even though it won't do anything. They at least have policies I give a shit about.

They always have senate people. Last election they got quite a considerable amount of votes and got a few seats.

I aim to vote for them again, but it doesn't answer who I should vote for the representative seat. Leaning to Greens, just to put my vote away from the main parties and the minority random crap which my electrolate has.
Is the australian sex party up for vote? I think I might toss them the top vote, even though it won't do anything. They at least have policies I give a shit about.
What are their policies, exactly? I could see them being an actual force for common sense in the senate and a check against the conservative zeitgeist of the two major parties, but I'd rather not have a site that sounds like a no-holds-barred, orgiastic, hedonist swingers' club in my Internet history.


What are their policies, exactly? I could see them being an actual force for common sense in the senate and a check against the conservative zeitgeist of the two major parties, but I'd rather not have a site that sounds like a no-holds-barred, orgiastic, hedonist swingers' club in my Internet history.

Here's a copy and paste from their policies page:

Sex Party said:
Australian Sex Party Federal Policies
The Policies
It is now commonly accepted that “The War on Drugs” has failed. Marijuana is an enormous cash crop with profits going directly into the pockets of organized crime. Regulation of the distribution of marijuana (like alcohol) will get it off the street. The revenue from taxing it plus the savings on the costs of enforcement and jails is worth many billions of dollars.

The right to choose to die with dignity should be a basic human right. Over 82% of Australians agree that voluntary euthanasia should be legalised.

Many Australians would have experimented with an illicit drug sometime in their lives. This shouldn’t be a crime nor should the personal possession of small amounts of drugs. Portugal has had a very successful history with a policy of decriminalisation which we should emulate.

It is about time that Australia catches up with the rest of the world and allows same sex marriage.

Church owned companies include some of the most well known brands in Australia including cereal manufacturers, insurance companies and publishers and yet they don’t pay income tax. A conservative estimate is that income tax exemptions alone to churches and religious organisations cost taxpayers nearly $ 20 billion a year. Add to that GST concessions, exemptions from capital gains tax (on property and share trading) and the Fringe Benefits Tax Exemption and the cost to tax payers is staggering.

We oppose the mandatory retention of all Australian users’ internet browsing history and emails by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for at-will inspection by law enforcement agencies, and support strong judicial oversight over the ability of law enforcement to access individuals’ internet and email data.

There should be national pregnancy termination laws along the same lines as divorce law which allow for legal, no-fault and guilt-free processes for women seeking an abortion. We need to take urgent action to stop this continuing to be a political football.

What adults are allowed to watch and read in Canberra is different to Melbourne and what they can buy in Sydney is different to what they can buy in Queensland. We believe there should be a national approach to censorship with the establishment of sensible national classification scheme made for the 21st century.

It should be illegal to unfairly discriminate against people or companies on the basis of industry, job, occupation, profession or calling. Our policy is to enact national anti-discrimination laws which make it illegal to do so.

The public education system should be secular in nature and not provide for any religious instruction whatsoever. We oppose the chaplaincy program and believe that the public system should remain free of religious interference.

Each one has a link with more detail. Happy to paste those if you want more detail.
This morning I was at the train station at 6:30 and saw a couple of those a-frame doodads with Craig Thomson's face on them proclaiming him as an independent. Then I saw him in the flesh and we said morning to each other.

I almost feel sorry for him.


This morning I was at the train station at 6:30 and saw a couple of those a-frame doodads with Craig Thomson's face on them proclaiming him as an independent. Then I saw him in the flesh and we said morning to each other.

I almost feel sorry for him.

He's running again? Wow, that takes balls. Even if he is innocent, you think you'd just give it up and do something else for a while.


What is meant by the second to last policy, about industry discrimination I wonder.

Here are the details!

Sex Party said:

Enact state and federal anti-discrimination laws making it unlawful to unfairly discriminate against people on the basis of profession, trade, occupation or calling
Recognise that people working in the adult industry experience systematic discrimination in areas of advertising, health, work regulations, restrictions on movement, relations with police, seeking other employment, housing and accommodation, and goods and services
Bring Australia in line with international human rights standards on the right to work, free choice of employment and non-discrimination
Eliminate the stigma, harm, vilification and discrimination towards people working in the adult industry and provide a legislative framework that protects civil, industrial and human rights for all.

Women in Parliament

To bring about equal numbers of women in the Parliament through enabling the Federal Discrimination Act to have jurisdiction extending to political parties.

Equality for LGBTIQ People

Create total equal rights in all areas of the law for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people
Ensuring equal access to assisted reproductive technologies, adoption and parenting regardless of sexuality, relationship status or gender identity
Implementing federal anti-discrimination laws to protect people from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity
Issuing appropriate documents to sex and gender diverse people including the use of a person’s preferred title and pronouns on all records and the ability to change legal documentation such as birth certificates based on self-identification
Supporting the granting of asylum on humanitarian grounds to people experiencing persecution on the basis of their sexuality
Providing nationally consistent Age of Consent laws to ensure that young people of all sexual orientations have access to education on sexual health practices
Seeking consultation and guidance from the GLBTIQ community on how best to respect and celebrate diversity

Northern Territory Intervention

Overturn racist laws that ban adults living in and visiting aboriginal communities in the NT from possessing erotic and sexual media.

People with a Disability and the Elderly

Ensure the sexual rights and freedoms of people with a disability and the elderly.
To eliminate the range of discriminatory practices against seniors and people with a disability, from planning laws that make adult shops inaccessible to wheelchair users to wider issues about social inclusion, desirability, stigma and stereotype
To support the availability and accessibility of facilitated sexual services for people with a disability and seniors
address the lack of specific sexual education for people with a disability
ensure sexual services and education cater to people of all genders and orientations
address the lack of portrayals in the media of sexually desirable seniors and people with a disability through supporting positive role models.
Hmmmmm... what party will be able to simultaneously stop the boat people with lethal finality and give me internet that was redundant back when Henry the Eight was using Alta Vista to search the web for more mail order brides? I'm sick of all these boat people cluttering up the place and congesting our ADSL bandwidth.

I'd rather pick the party that will deliver me this in the quickest, least socially and financially responsible way than throw away my vote on a minor party.
Is the ABC's election compass in the OP?


My compass skews to the right, apparently, because I don't believe that propping up failed businesses is the best use of taxpayer money.
The party you vote 1 for gets money for it! (As long as they get a certain percentage of the vote). I would say the most important choices are who you vote 1 for, and which major you prefer. These can be separate decisions. Obviously find out if your electorate has a strong independent in it too.

Nonetheless, Im voting Liberal because I think the Labor party is genuinely incompetent and the country will suffer for it.
Will or has been? Seems odd after all this time to think in the future they will make us suffer.

Here's a copy and paste from their policies page:

Each one has a link with more detail. Happy to paste those if you want more detail.
Well hey, I can get behind those policies!

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
They already caved on schools and said they would leave Labors plan in place, they are pretty much the same on immigration (different types of shit, but both shit), expect them to copy more bad policies shortly.

"This is the worst government ever." - Liberal talking point 2010-13.

- Alters broadband policy to better match the NBN.
- Proposes IR policy that will keep the "framework" (and many details) of the Fair Work Act.
- Passes the NDIS.
- Adopts most of the PNG deal (but there will be "more boats under Labor!")
- "Unity ticket on education," even after Pine's exhaustive (and witty!) denunciation of the scheme; "this is a Conski, not a Gonski."

Dead Man

God damn, Sex Party MAKES SENSE!

If they had a better name and some real money they would do very well I think.

"This is the worst government ever." - Liberal talking point 2010-13.

- Alters broadband policy to better match the NBN.
- Proposes IR policy that will keep the "framework" (and many details) of the Fair Work Act.
- Passes the NDIS.
- Adopts most of the PNG deal (but there will be "more boats under Labor!")
- "Unity ticket on education," even after Pine's exhaustive (and witty!) denunciation of the scheme; "this is a Conski, not a Gonski."

Pretty much. I can understand being pissed of at Labor, I hate them at the moment, but to believe that a Liberal government will be better at crafting policies is just deluded thinking.


I feel like we really fluked getting free Uni and health care with how tumultuous the Whitlam years were. I can't imagine life without those things, so it would have to go to him. Even if he supposedly fucked up inflation.

Dead Man

what are the restrictions to being PM anyways? She wasnt even born in Australia correct? 0_o

You just have to be eligible for a Federal representative role, since the PM is just the senior elected person from the party with the most seats. For that you just need to be a citizen and eligible to vote, I believe.


Attention all voters (especially Victorians)

Watch out for the sociopaths from Rise Up Australia party. They are full on nutcases.


A minor party contesting the federal election concedes its policy of banning the Islamic burka could provoke a backlash against Muslim-Australians.
Controversial Christian pastor Daniel Nalliah leads the party, and says he expects a backlash against the policy.
Mr Nalliah had a racial vilification charge against him overturned in 2006, and is challenging the construction of a Melbourne mosque.
"We love the Muslims, but we don't approve of some datings of the Quran."
Rise-Up says it is confident of winning two Senate seats at the election.
"We will get a very good primary vote because of the feedback we have got," Mr Nalliah said.

Seriously. These are the same dickheads that said the 2009 Victorian Bushfires and Qld floods were God's punishment for abortions and support of Palestine respectively.

This guy is a Grade A Cunt.


Should just call themselves The Alternative, maybe throw up a Kickstarter. I'd give 'em a tenner.

The Alternative party is a great out of government name, and I guess since they'll probably never break the two-party barrier to that extent it would probably stick

So aussies, who was your best prime minister?

Whitlam or Keating, although, being human, they had their faults.

Keating has a pretty rad musical hero-worshipping him, though, and it's got some very catchy tunes.


Guys, I think I'm gonna vote for Abbott because he said "Fair dinkum" in his speech. That type of language really speaks to me as a bogan.
So sickening. You could just ear all the cancer-faced* 65-year-old rednecks prick up their ears and cry "hear hear!" in chorus.

*from lifelong smoking and sunburn
what are the restrictions to being PM anyways? She wasnt even born in Australia correct? 0_o
You have to be eligible to be a member of Parliament and be the chosen leader of the ruling party. I think that means that you're not allowed to be a subject of a foreign power, meaning that you have to renounce any and all foreign citizenships you may hold or are entitled to, including British citizenship.
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